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Medical doctor recommended remedy for reflux or GERD that is inexpensive, easy to obtain, safe, and effective.

Need a reflux remedy that is easy to use, inexpensive and totally natural? Concerned about the widespread recall of Zantac and other medications by the FDA due to the cancer concerns?
Read on for the details but don’t be put off by how simple this solution is.
It works so give it a try! My husband has used it for years to manage reflux with NO drugs necessary!
What is Reflux or GERD?
Acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is at epidemic levels today.
Not only do many adults suffer from it, but children and even infants frequently do as well in ever-increasing numbers.
According to the Society of Thoracic Surgeons:
The term gastroesophageal reflux describes the movement (or reflux) of stomach contents back up into the esophagus, the muscular tube that extends from the neck to the abdomen and connects the back of the throat to the stomach. Because the stomach manufactures acid as an aid to digestion, this phenomenon is often referred to as acid reflux. Most people experience acid reflux from time to time as heartburn, a burning sensation below the breast bone that occurs after eating or at night. When the frequency of acid reflux is much greater than normal, or complications develop as a result of acid reflux, the condition is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD.
Now that we know what reflux or GERD actually is, let’s examine what causes this chronic and sometimes debilitating condition and how to resolve it without dependence on drugs.
Too Much Stomach Acid is NOT the Problem
Contrary to conventional thought, it is not too much stomach acid that is causing the discomfort. Â
According to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, the nexus of the problem is too little stomach acid which causes the food that is consumed to sit and putrefy in the stomach.
Sufficient acid would ensure that the food is immediately and properly broken down by digestive juices (hydrochloric acid) produced by the stomach glands.
This putrification process generates a secondary acidic environment. This is the acid that people experience as reflux!
The ironic truth is that if the stomach produced adequate acid to begin with, reflux from the secondary acid would never occur!
Secondary Acid and Food Backwash
The uncomfortable result of this secondary acid in the stomach is that the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) gets paralyzed.
This allows both acid and partially digested food to flow back up into the esophagus. Hence the acid in the back of the throat and the related discomfort.
While the putrefaction of the food in the stomach from a lack of hydrochloric acid itself generates an acidic environment, it’s not the kind we need for digesting food optimally in order for us to be nourished by it.
Toxins are generated and the surrounding tissue is affected and ultimately damaged.
This is especially the case for the sphincter which opens and closes to allow the passage of food from the esophagus to the stomach.
Long-Term Reflux Health Effects
Of course, this cannot be a good thing on a long-term basis and it’s only natural that complications would develop over time, the worst being esophageal cancer.
Besides the typical burning in the throat sensation, acid reflux sufferers also typically experience slow digestion which makes metabolism very inefficient. Â
A healthy digestive system uses about 30% of the body’s energy on a daily basis.  As a result, any major reduction in its capacity will tire you out quickly.
Sleepy after meals anyone?
Easy Food-Based Solution
So what’s to be done? According to lectures by Dr. Campbell-McBride MD, a natural reflux remedy is available that is actually ridiculously simple.
Help the stomach produce more natural acid to prevent the problematic, secondary acid from occurring!
Whatever you do, don’t suppress the stomach’s efforts by shutting down what little beneficial acid it is producing with TUMS, a purple pill, or any other medication – over-the-counter or prescription.
Reflux medications are a monster cash cow for the drug companies, but it’s at the expense of the long-term health of the consumer.
This is the case even if there is some short-term relief because there is less secondary, putrified acid to be refluxed up the esophagus.
The toxins are still being produced and the damage is still being done to your sphincter.
Cabbage Encourages Normal Stomach Function
Your natural production of stomach acid can be stimulated and enhanced easily, safely and cost-effectively with cabbage.
Yes – cabbage!
Cabbage is a reflux remedy as it naturally stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid (HCL). This permits digestion to proceed normally.
Sufficient HCL in the stomach prevents the secondary wave of acid from paralyzing the sphincter and causing the partially digested stomach contents to erupt back into the throat.
You can juice it and drink some before eating or make yourself some good old coleslaw (you know, the kind grandma used to make – or at least someone in your ancestry if you go back far enough). Or, here it comes, just eat some traditionally fermented sauerkraut.
If you can’t make it, then buy it (suggested source). Not the canned or shelf-stable jarred stuff on the shelf at the supermarket. Real sauerkraut requires refrigeration.
Cabbage and particularly fermented cabbage, aka sauerkraut, is a reflux remedy that is about as simple as you can get!
Sauerkraut, especially, is a traditional food in various parts of Europe. And now I understand why.
How to Use Everyday
In order to have a comfortable digestive experience all day long, start the morning by eating a quarter cup or so of sauerkraut or plain shredded cabbage five minutes before your meal.
Dr. Natasha’s orders!
Green Cabbage Works Better than Purple
When you are traveling, pick up a small head of cabbage at the supermarket. Organic is best but not necessary. You can take small bites out of it like an apple if necessary.
Even more convenient, buy a small bag of coleslaw mix available in the produce section.
Anecdotally, my husband says that green cabbage seems to work better than purple. He’s been in remission from reflux for almost two decades using diet changes alone and this method still really helps him!
Thyroid Issues?
If you cannot eat raw cabbage or sauerkraut due to thyroid issues or allergies, then I would suggest using herbals.
This clean-label certified herbal supplement is very effective for controlling gas and bloating issues without meds.
A Good Breakfast Gets Digestive Juices Flowing
Another tip is to be sure that your first meal of the day is a good one such as overnight soaked porridge, eggs fried in butter with some cooked veggies or fruit on the side.
In addition, a small morning cup of traditionally-made homemade broth is an underappreciated way to really help digestion as well.
If you still have symptoms later despite the cabbage/sauerkraut preventative, try this simple eggshell and apple cider vinegar remedy. One teaspoon in an 8-ounce glass of filtered water helps alleviate symptoms.
If you’re eating processed cereals with lowfat/skim milk, pop-tarts, or doughnuts for breakfast, forget about the cabbage, sauerkraut, or apple cider vinegar.
A poor diet ensures that nothing natural is going to help that much.
Just pop the pills.
(1)Â FDA Requests Removal of All Ranitidine Products (Zantac) from the Market
(2) Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD

I don’t understand your comment:
If you cannot eat cabbage or sauerkraut due to thyroid issues …
Please explain. Is cabbage a problem if there are thyroid issues?
Thank you for your time.
If you have thyroid issues, best to avoid goitrogenic vegetables like cabbage.
So do you recommend eating the cabbage before every meal or just before breakfast.
Anytime you feel you might be at risk for reflux symptoms later.
When I have reflux or GERD, I just take a pinch of baking soda in water and it’s gone.