Now you know.
78 United States Senators have gone on the record as being in support of the power crazed FDA arresting small farmers without a warrant, many times decked out with guns and other high powered firearms.
The vote yesterday was in response to an amendment to S. 3187 submitted by Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky which would have stopped this egregious practice.  The good news is that another amendment to the same bill submitted by FDA crony, Senator Dick Durbin (D) of Illinois was also voted down which would have greatly limited Americans’ access to nutritional supplements.
I was particularly surprised that one of my Senators, Mark Rubio (R) of Florida, did not vote for the amendment given that he is a so called “Tea Party” Senator who is for limiting government power and influence over people’s lives. Perhaps the rumors that he is the likely VP candidate for Mitt Romney are true and part of his establishment hazing is to break his campaign promises to the citizens of Florida.
Here is the list of the brave Senators who took a stand against warrantless arrests by an out of control FDA:
Kelly Ayotte (R-NH)
John Boozman (R-AR)
Jim Coburn (R-OK)
John Cornyn (R-TX)
Mike Crapo (R-ID)
Jim DeMint (R-SC)
Mike Johanns (R-NE)
Ron Johnson (R-WI)
Mike Lee (R-UT)
Rand Paul (R-KY)
Jim Risch (R-ID)
John Thune (R-SD)
Pat Toomey (R-PA)
David Vitter (R-LA)
Roger Wicker (R-MS)
Surprising to me that not a single one is a Democrat. Keep this information in mind come November my friends!
But the Daily Star reports the boys have been personally invited by first lady
Michelle Obama to perform at the White House as soon as their schedules allow.
As for Zayn Malik, Liam Payne added that his friend is the laziest ‘ when it comes to waking up in the morning, that is. Market is packed with such cases designed with engaging hues and designs.
Grateful for my Idaho senators!
Republican or Democrat, they’re all the same and none of them care about the American People!
You got to take vaccines, you have to have fluoride in your water, you can’t drink raw milk, they only let you have the drugs that treat symptoms, not the ones that prevent illness in the first place and do what you are commanded to do or they will make up a law and have you thrown in jail. This is a Republic not what they want it to be. Those people are nothing like us. It’s sad.
Courageous stance from Rand Paul – and I’m not a tea person by any means. Also, many progressive sites mention how much people of any political stripe have in common with they want government (ie: corporations) out of their lives.
I have a question. A clarification actually. What makes the amendment not also protect drug farmers?
Thanks for the link, sperlonga! It’s good to know the ammendment actually wasn’t voted down.
Here’s the link to what REALLY happened. The 78 voted to table the amendment, the 15 voted against tabling it.
@ sperlonga: Yes. It was tabled. That means it wasn’t passed into further legislation. Yet.
But it’s not “dead” either. My feeling, however, is that they bury these things and forget them even though they are not technically dead. They are on a gurney, so to speak.
This was only an amendment, not a bill. The major portion of the bill was S. 3187 which, if you will scroll up and read my previous comment, explains in short what the major part of S. 3187 concerns. There are several amendments to this bill, and that’s the way a lot of pork gets thrown into most legislation. At least this “pork” amendment had something worthy in it.
1.) to stop the FDA from carrying guns
2.) to stop the FDA from toting guns with them to raids on small farmers who produce raw milk
3.) to stop the FDA from barring supplement and food suppliers from making health claims
4.) to adjust the mens rea (criminal intent) to include the words “knowing” and “willful”.
See this utube vid of the actual introduction Amendment 2143 by Rand Paul himself:
Thanks for the clarification! I agree that whatever the status of this amendment today, the issues are not going to go away. NAIS (National Animal Identification System) may be dead, but they’ve got something just as bad out there now, I forget the name exactly. “They” will keep at it and keep at it. We must be equally vigilant.
@ Jeanmarie: You’re welcome. Didja watch the vid? It’s very clear what he’s asking for.
I should have been more explicit in my explanation to sperlonga. By “voting against tabling this Amendment” (The group of 15!) what they were trying to accomplish is to get it moved into further legislation immediately. The 78 who voted to table it basically stuffed it under the rug rather than deal with it immediately.
Does it make more sense when explained that way??! I’m not good at putting things on paper – I convey better when I speak than when I type, I guess, because if we were on the phone I could have made this very clear. In typed words, not so much. ;-
I haven’t read all the comments but I went online and researched this information. I don’t see anywhere that these bills would allow arrest without warrant.
Also I found that both of these bills were “tabled”. Which I believe that means they were not voted on. What is the source your “informant” is using?
I’m all for food freedom, so was very upset by your blog. But upon more research, I don’t see any information supporting this vote.
I will agree that I expected more out of Rubio. Disappointing.