Lose the Cardio: Endurance Exercise Done Right
While shopping at the local health food store last week I ran into an acquaintance, a very nice young man I had met about 2 years ago and run into a …
While shopping at the local health food store last week I ran into an acquaintance, a very nice young man I had met about 2 years ago and run into a …
One of the main reasons to learn how to make bone broth as a base for homemade soups and sauces is to supply hydrophilic colloids to the diet. This …
Why a slim, gorgeous supermodel and mother of three admits to a coconut oil habit of 4 tablespoons per day since she was 14 bucking conventional …
Recipe for homemade steak sauce with only food ingredients that can be quickly mixed together in a couple of minutes so that you can avoid using …
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How to dry fresh basil from your garden or purchased at the store to preserve nutrients and flavor for all your cooking needs. I had a large amount of …
Research suggests that people with celiac disease tolerate sourdough bread where the dough is fermented with a specialized sourdough starter in …
I spend quite a bit of time answering comments on my blogs, both old and new. I love answering comments and no question is ever a “dumb” question in …
Comparison of the various types of cutting boards and whether plastic is truly safer and better than wood as claimed. Cutting boards of various shapes …
My friend Cat Raymond of the Farm- to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund called me recently to see if I could help with a promotional video which would …
While most processed foods now contain genetically modified ingredients, GM produce has been considered off limits in recent years following the …
This recipe for teriyaki chicken and roasted vegetables is served over salad greens for a light meal that uses the marinade sauce as an easy and …