Flies seem to be everywhere this time of year. Some people prefer to use homemade fly traps. What if you want to simply repel flies instead of trapping them after they’ve already become a nuisance?
I was out at a local farm just yesterday and the flies were very noticeable and quite annoying as I went about my work. Seeing all those flies reminded me of a simple, non-toxic, and very effective fly repellent that I observed in action at one of my children’s field trips a couple of months ago.
The class was visiting a petting farm with a large open barn where donkeys, horses, goats, and other livestock were available for the children to observe and interact with.
Despite so many animals in a small semi-enclosed area, there were no flies buzzing around! Curious, I asked the owner about this, and he pointed to the heavy-duty plastic bags partially filled with water hanging over every stall.
He explained that a clear bag of water with a penny at the bottom would repel the flies very effectively. He went on to explain that the “eye” of a fly is actually hundreds of eyes and the reflection of light on the bag of water keeps them away.
“Why the penny at the bottom of the bag?”, I asked.
Grandpa the farmer answered that he wasn’t exactly sure but the penny did seem to increase the effectiveness of the hanging bag of water alone. He added that he didn’t know how many square feet each bag covered so he just put a bag over every animal stall to keep as many flies away as possible.
He also had put up a few bags over the picnic area and it was so nice to be able to eat lunch without flies swarming everywhere!
Note that the clearer the water, the more effective this trick is. If you use rusty well water, it won’t work as effectively as ultra clean and clear filtered water.
Try this fly repellant method for yourself! If you do, please check back and let us know how it worked for you!
Fly Repellent Only Works for Flies
Please note that this fly repellent trick only works for flies, not mosquitoes, and other insects. It also works very well for flies in the Southern United States. However, it may not work as well for flies from other geographical areas such as blowflies in Australia.
If you need to repel other insects like mosquitoes, ticks, or horse flies, this article on natural herbal insect repellent can help.
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Trying to think of a good way to hang it though, haha.
Great tip! Going to give it a try in our garage!
Thank you!!! Do you have a nontoxic repellent for mosquitoes for your body, as well as, for a water source (such as a pond without fish)? 🙂
Castor oil repels mosquitos. I mix it with coconut oil and rub it on my skin as well as my two small girls (3 yrs and 5 mos.) It works great!
Castor oil?! Never heard that one, I’ll have to try that!
I did hear recently though that catnip oil was found to be even MORE effective than that nasty toxic DEET… isn’t that amazing? That was going to be next on my list to try, but I think I’ll see if I have some castor oil on hand!
maybe you could infuse the castor oil with cat nip.
Don’t know about your pond, but I’ve been through a lot looking for ways to protect my allergic girl (as well as the rest of us).
Although some essential oil bends and such seem to work well, the cost can add up.
I was delighted to find out about “The Vinegar of the Four Thieves” – http://www.bulkherbstore.com/The-Vinegar-Of-The-Four-Thieves Believing in the legend is optional, but the formula is terrific!
Vanilla, like the kind used to cook with, works decently well. Be aware that it stains, though. Last year, I put it on my dog’s harness and lead, for taking her out at night, and it seemed to work. I kept a separate bottle for cooking with, of course.
You can get the clear vanilla at the dollar tree- it works ok for some people- not so well on others that seem to attract mosquitos- like me.
This sounds like a really cool ideas for BBQ and other get togethers. How do you actually hang a bag of water without puncturing it? I imagine if you do puncture it the rip would keep going.
You could probably hang it with a tight clothspin.
You cut a hole in the top of the bag and tie string through it. The water is only in the bottom half of the bag as seen in the picture.
We just used a stapler and stapled the bag to the top of the door frame. Staple above the “zipper” part of the bag but not so high that the weight of the water pulls the bag down.
Trying this over my kitchen sink! Thanks!
does this work for mosquitos?
No, only flies. I would be interested to know if this works for blow flies in Australia too.
Do you have an idea for keeping mosquitoes away?
Try eating raw garlic. It really does keep the mosquitoes away. If you do, always eat the garlic with food (I usually do a full meal with it), or it will make you sick to your stomach. It’s good mixed into yogurt or kefir, or in pickle juice, or even just mixed into your soup.
My mom used to make a garlic dip using Phil. Cream Cheese & pressed garlic. It was simple but delicious. You can also make an oil & vinegar dressing with pressed garlic in it for your salads.
Not too much garlic when eating gals…you will sweat the garlic and then smell..no lie. I fed the horses of ours garlic to keep the biting flies off and when we rode them they would sweat garlic …whewwwweee…but it did work. good luck
Works for keeping people away, too… 😉
Ceiling fan or a floor fan works on mosquitios.
They can’t fly in the wind.
Thanks! I would try that!
lavender and citronella plants placed strategically around sitting areas or whatnot also help repel mosquitoes.
I know this post is a little old, but I thought I’d put my 2 cents in. I grew up in a rural area and everyone I knew used this to keep flies away, I can’t believe no one has ever heard of it!
As far as mosquitos got my great grandparents and my grandparents used to fill a large barrel (the wooden kind) with water and put gold fish in it. Sometimes they grew a small water plant in it. The plant/water attracted the mosquitos and the fish ate them. Win-win all around.
buy listerine and use a spray bottle in an area keeps mosquitoes away.use around door ways and outside tables and trees also
The Florida barn where I keep my horses use goldfish in the water troughs to keep down the mosquito population.
Citronella plants really help keep them away and they smell good too.
Unless you’re allergic…
Avon Skin So Soft works like magic. we use it on the livestock during shows and it works for biting flies as well.
My grandmother swears by Skin So Soft for bug repellent. I have used it whenever I’ve been outside for a long period ever since I was a little girl, and haven’t had a problem with the bugs. It doesn’t smell too bad either! 🙂
I even use the Skin So Soft Bath Oil on my horses as a fly repellant. My shoer said they were the best smelling horses he’d ever trimmed and the flies stay away.
I just came across this pin on Pinterest: http://www.homemademamas.net/2010/08/bugs-be-gone.html?m=1 check it out.
To keep mosquitoes away, eat more citrus and less bananas during summer months. If you get a nice citrus air freshener and spray it on doors it will also keep them away from entrances.
Here is an interesting article about building an easy mosquito trap. http://www.thriftyfun.com/tf22399231.tip.html#solutions
Try lemon grass essential oil where ever you want the mosquitoes to stay away from. Drop the oil on a sponge and put it in an open container. Let me know how that works for you.
If you situate several pots of sweet basil around your deck or patio the mosquitos stay away. They do NOT like the smell and as a bonus you get tons of fresh basil to cook with.
I’ve always heard that mosquitoes were drawn to water. My parents had a large old deep freezer sitting behind there private fence that old neighbors had left there… anyways it was full of water and no one wanted to go in our back yard because of mosquitoes so and elder man told us that if there was any water around to try and get rid of it and if we couldnt to dump oil in it until it covers the top of the water source. it lays on top of the water and mosquitoes cant get to the water or lay eggs and eventually it would ward off. So far it worked for my parents!
If you spray listerine in your yard in will warn off the mosquitoes 🙂
I found this on pinterest a while back and tried it but it actually attracted bugs really bad
plant Lemongrass around where you want to repel mosquitos.
I have heard that carrying a dryer sheet on you works for Mosquitos. Anyone know if this is true? I haven’t tested it out yet.
Yes, this is true. I mowed my lawn with a couple of dryer sheets hanging out of my pants pockets. Probably didn’t look very fasionable, but it kept the mosquitoes away. 🙂
Didn’t work for my kids or myself… Tried it with heavily scented drier sheets too. Got bit terribly in a short period. 🙁
Dryer sheets have always worked for my family. We even tie them to the trampoline so that the kids can sleep on it. They quit getting bit. My oldest use to get bit SO very badly. Once she started carrying bounce dryer sheets she no longer got bit. Marina, sorry to hear it did not work for you and your family. My oldest does rub the dryer sheet on her skin before putting it in her pocket or tying it to her belt loop. You might try that??
Buy Listerine Mouthwash in a spray bottle. I bought the store brand (was much cheaper) check the ingredients to make sure they are the same as the namebrand.
Works great!
saw this – might help
1 part mouth wash, 2 parts water – spray on patio before party or dinner. Works like a charm.
I bought concentrated garlic and mix it with water, then spray that around the entire perimeter of my yard with a garden sprayer (spray everything from the ground up to about 8-10′ high). It creates a barrier that mosquitoes don’t seem to like to pass through. Very effective, and lasts a couple weeks (or the first big rainstorm).
Take vitamin B every day. I only had 2 mosquito bites all year and it was when I forgot to take my vitamin B for a few days. Worked for me like a charm and I’m usually someone the mosquitos go after big time!
Lemongrass works great at keeping mosquitoes away. Get a few plants and place them around your outside sitting area and play areas. The strong citrus smell keeps the nasty bugs away.
I will try it out in summer and let you know.. We are in the middle of winter here so not a fly to be seen … Love your work !!!
I was thinking of and wondering the same thing… the flies in Australia are RIDICULOUS. Will have to try this when I’m back there.
This is the third time I’ve heard of this method in the past month, each source completely independent of the others. I wonder why it’s suddenly become so popular. I wish I’d known about it a couple months earlier when we had a random huge fly problem around our chicken coop (a combination of food grade diatomaceous earth, fly paper, and then a heavy rain storm seemed to take care of the problem.) We’d never had a problem with flies before that, so I’m hoping they don’t come back, but if they do I’ll definitely be trying this method.
Several years ago a friend came home from an extended trip to Spain where he learned this very trick. When I showed up at his house he had several bags of water hanging over his front door as well at the back deck. I totally forgot about it! Thanks for reminding me, I’m going to go hang a few bags of water in my fly filled back yard, I’ll let you know how it goes. We just had a huge fly larva infestation…they icked up a batch of kombucha…apparently the mamma mushroom was a perfect place for those squirmy little guys to grow. I wish I had remembered this trick way back then! Thanks!
Several years ago, when my brother moved to a nursing home, I noticed they had a fly problem on the sitting porch. I lightheartedly suggested they try this method. They still use it to this date. I am also in Texas.
I absolutely LOVE your blog 🙂
Thanks Sherri! I just love encouragement! 🙂
Does this trick only work on Texan flies? just kidding…I’m anxious to try this. 🙂
This works like a charm. They are used in many of the outside eating areas in the barbecue joints in and around Austin, TX.
How did you hang it up?
Connie- Let me know if you heard how to hang it also. Everything I think to try it seems like it would rip the bag.
I haven’t done this, but I would probably try folding the zip-edge over the bottom of a hanger, and fastening with a few clothespins? Hang the hanger on a bar, a nail, a screw, whatever.
I have found that using those binder clips (the big ones) from the office section works great…one on each end and you can string stuff through the little silver handle parts. Also, the hangers you use for skirts will work! Or, if you want something more sturdy, let the air out of the bag and cinch it together in your fist and tie a hair tie or rubberband around it, then you can put string through one of the hair tie/rubberband loops.
To hang the bags, baby-sized pant hangers or adult-sized pant hangers with clips that can slide work well. Depending on the size of the bag you use.
Put a rock inside the top corner of the bag and tie twine, string etc below the rock and it will hang beautifly without tearing the bag.
I haven’t tried this yet but I plan to when I get home, I have bought some tarp clips that have a 1 to 2 in clamping area that you clamp on to a tarp and a hole on the other end to tie with. I think I got them at walmart or im sure any place with camping or out door stuff would have them.
You could probably use some wooden clothes pins (the kind you squeeze) and some heavy duty string.
I have tried the clips from the office supply stores and they worked good. Use string, yarn or narrow robe to hang it. Its nice to have a narrow rope to toss over a low branch, if you are at a picnic or camp site. This is cool because when you are at a picnic or camping, someone always has…water, zip lock bags and pennies. LOL
I used simple zip ties and it didn’t tear the bag at all and held the weight
I simply used push pins and attached it to the door frame of our front door. Now when my grandchildren run in and out to play the flies don’t follow them inside.
We hang ours with push pins/thumb tacks above each of our entry doors. we have done this for years. We where told that it is an old amish trick, don’t know how true it is.
the amish used used plastic bags?
Miss Prudence, I live near a lot of Amish and yes, they use plastic bags. 🙂
Does not work for me! I have 3 chickens in my backyard and thought this would be good for keeping the flies away…..nope! 4 days up and still MANY flies!
I was bombed with hundeds of flies in Ok. 2 years ago. I was disperate for a remedy to get rid of those pesty, nasty insects when I ran across the Penny in the Bag. I was thrilled just thinking my problem was solved. Nope,…, it did not help at all !!! While writing this, I thought,… maybe,… I used the wrong type plastic bag. I used a common clear, plastic, freezer bag or maybe, my flies, were wizer than the normal fly.
I wonder if it doesn’t work because there’s no light reflecting on the penny? I’ve never heard of this before, so I’m speculating. Our barn is dark and I don’t think this would work. But maybe outside.