How to tell the difference between real and fake rolls of Amish butter and how each compares with supermarket butter.

It used to be that glitzy packaging and prime shelf space lured consumers to buy a product the most effectively.
In recent years, however, it seems that a popular way to sell processed food is to “dress it down” so the product resembles something homemade or an item from a farmer’s market.
What is Amish Butter?
Hence, the advent of rolled “Amish butter” humbly hand-wrapped in parchment paper.
It’s not whipped butter, but rather a solid block or “roll”.
This approach works particularly well with consumers who understand the importance of homemade and traditional foods.
However, these same people, for whatever reason, usually have no “dirt under their nails” either producing some of their own food or dealing directly with local farmers who do.
This scenario can lead to a more intellectual approach to Real Food. In other words, understanding the problem with little to no practical, on the ground knowledge of how food is produced.
While there is nothing wrong with this, it leaves a person vulnerable to food scams. Understanding only that factory fare is to be avoided, that the Food Pyramid is a joke, and that old-fashioned, minimally processed foods like butter are better is usually not enough!
You have to …. forgive the overly used phrase … know your farmer.
This gap in knowledge between what nutrient-dense foods are and how they are actually produced is what food manufacturers exploit in a big way.
How Many Amish Farms Needed to Supply Costco?
You knew it was bound to happen, right?
As the popularity of old fashioned butter rose, so did attempts by conventional food manufacturers to cash in.
One approach that has really gone cha-ching for large commercial dairy companies is the marketing of Amish butter, also called hand-rolled butter or simply butter rolls.
Your first clue that this stuff isn’t what it claims is the mere fact that it is everywhere. For example, nearly every large supermarket chain in my large metro area carries it.
Mmmm. Let’s think about this for a minute…
The truth is that there aren’t enough small, grass-fed Amish dairy farms in the entire United States to produce enough quality butter to supply supermarkets.
We would need a return to the millions of family farms that existed prior to WWII for this to happen!
REAL Amish Butter
REAL Amish butter is a niche product much like the market for healthy butter substitutes.
You buy it directly at an Amish farm, at a farmer’s market, or from a local food club.
Some small health food stores might carry small quantities of locally produced tubs.
One thing is for sure.
Butter made from the milk from cows grazing on Amish family farms is NOT going to be a widely distributed product let alone delivered on enormous SYSCO trucks and stocked on the shelves of mega supermarket chains!
What is Rolled Butter Really?
If Amish roll butter isn’t really from small, grass-fed Amish dairy farms, then what is it?
According to an employee of a company that makes rolled butter, Amish butter is really just large slabs (in this case, 40 pounds each) of commercial butter cut and wrapped in parchment paper by Amish employees.
That’s it.
Basically, the Amish butter at your supermarket is no better than other widely available butter brands such as Land O’Lakes.
The price indicates the same. At my local supermarket, 2-pound rolls of “Amish butter” is comparable in price/ounce to the generic supermarket brand, which is just smaller in size. Do the math.
By comparison, commercial “Amish butter” is about half the price of gourmet butters like Kerry Gold.
Fake Amish butter is also about one-third the price of real Amish grass-fed butter. More on that below.
Basically, roll butter is basically the same pale yellow as supermarket butter. This indicates a low amount of fat-soluble vitamins (zero Vitamin K2) and that the cream likely came from conventional (GMO) grain-fed cows.
One other problem I can’t explain. When a package of at least one brand of roll butter I tested is kept at room temperature, it doesn’t soften!
The ingredients only list “pasteurized cream and salt”. So, I’m not quite sure what is going on or what unlabeled additive(s) are at play.
All I can tell you is that real butter softens on the counter!
Color Doesn’t Lie!
If you learn to make homemade butter or buy it from a small grass-fed dairy farm, you will see firsthand the scam of hand-rolled butter.
Freshly made, artisanal butter isn’t “rolled” (aka, cut in round or oval chunks). It is scooped and packaged into tubs while still soft from churning!
The only way it would be “rolled” is if a machine shaped it into a large slab, it was chilled until hard, and then cut and wrapped probably on a factory line of some kind.
In other words, “hand-rolled butter” doesn’t mean that it is quality butter (although theoretically, it could be). It is just a description of the butter packaging process. Nothing more.
Small grass-fed dairy farmers typically package real Amish butter in one pound tubs. It is also very yellow and quite expensive – usually about three times the price of commercialized Amish butter.
Here’s a picture of the REAL Amish butter in my refrigerator so you can see the difference!

Beware of Butter Fakery at Farmers Markets
Here’s another tip. I’ve seen the same “Amish butter” available at supermarkets being hawked at farmer’s markets too.
It seems to be an extension of the problematic trend of small businesses buying conventional produce (same as in a supermarket) and selling at farmers markets or roadside stands and passing it off as local.
In sum, Amish roll butter is certainly a better choice than margarine, and if that is what fits your budget, then buy it.
Just don’t be fooled by the clever branding!
Rolled butter isn’t the down-home, country-made product suggested by the name and the packaging.
If you want real Amish butter, you won’t be finding it at the grocery store.
You get what you pay for.
Supermarket price? Supermarket butter.
Well, I can’t say why, but the Amish rolled butter log I bought is WAY better than Tillamook or Land O Lakes or Darigold butter. It is more yellow, not as dense but ultra creamy, and a little saltier at first taste. It is really yummy. So, while it may not be “good” for you, it is a deal here where I can get it cheaper than those bland near white sticks of butter that are the name brands.
I attended an Amish benefit auction last Saturday. I bought two pounds for $4.00 each and 8 pounds for $2.00 each. The color is slightly different. I shared with friends and family and now have four left. It is definitely better than any store bought butter. It’s like putting ice cream on everything. Solo good.
I am lucky enough to live in a small community named Seymour Missouri where we have about 1500 of the 1700 population being old world amish. I cherish the times when i am able to get a 2.5 lb tub of their home made butter!!!! Nothing like it – and as the writer stated above common sense should tell people these large companies claiming ‘amish’ are simply ‘FAKE’
Thanks for the info! When hubby brought this home from Costco I felt the same way. There aren’t enough Amish farms to supply chain stores. In fact, I’ve been wondering about Kerry Butter since it is at Costco as well.
I bought some Amish roll butter and I put it in a container and it was mildewed less than a week I never seen butter do that.
Thanks for the article Sarah, I bought some of the roll bultter and heated it till it melted to mix it crepe batter. The left over butter was in a bowl and solidified on counter. The top is a yellow tasteless fat and below was a watery looking milk. I’ve never seen butter separate into a liquid and fat before.
I bought a large amount of butter labeled Amish rolled from a medium sized grocery chain and I admit I was excited to try it once I got home. But once I opened the packaging and saw that it was that pale yellow I realize that I had fallen for the trick. I did think the price point was low and I was thinking that maybe it was a gimmick and just clever wording. I did not purchase the Amish roll butter again.
However you do have to be careful even with small local Dairies. I went to a grassfed family-owned dairy in Gainesville Texas and they have a small store available with items. I picked up some of the butter in the fridge. Whenever I got home I realize that the butter was not from their dairy it was in fact from Wisconsin, labelled Alcona. Found almost no information on the web about this company regarding the butter. Their butter was also a very pale yellow. I admit I was dismayed that the local Dairy Store had butter (from Wisconsin) that wasn’t from grass-fed cows even though their whole shtick is that their cows are grassfed.
I am an attorney in California. My firm is currently investigating a potential lawsuit for false advertising in connection with falsely labelled food, including butter that is mislabelled as Amish or from grass-fed cows. If anyone has experienced such difficulties and would like to speak to me about your experience, please contact me at [email protected] or (415) 505-6226. Thank you.
Sure! To make the butter I actually do it by hand just shaking jars of cream . I fill qt mason jars about 2/3 full and shake away! I tried it with a mixer once, but it turned out to be more work and a mess for me, so I just stick to the jar method. Although most butter making instructions call for cold cream I find it separates really quick if it’s warm. A jar takes me only 5 min. or so to separate into butter if the cream is slightly warm before shaking. It prevents your arm from falling off! Once it separates, I put the butter in a bowl and press out the buttermilk with a spoon. I don’t rinse it because I freeze it all right away, but you’d have to get more of the buttermilk out if you’re not freezing it. To get cultured buttermilk, I keep everything I strain off the butter and add a spoonful or two of yogurt and let it sit out until it’s thick and tangy. Or if I make cultured butter using sour cream , the buttermilk will be thick and sour right after straining off. It lasts a while in the frig, but I freeze it to use through the year. The texture will be sad looking when it thaws, but just stir it up and it still works great in recipes!
That’s interesting that you think Kerrygold is poor quality. I read a blog post about 2 years ago in which the blogger said she had contacted Kerrygold, and their cows are primarily grassfed except in the winter. According to the post, Kerrygold was made from something like 95% grassfed milk on average. I wonder if Sarah can confirm or refute that…
Read at the end of this article about KerryGold grassfeeding.