Mother Who Questions Vax at Hospital Has Newborn Taken Away
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Does the snack aisle at your local healthfood store sometimes paralyze you? Do you look at the ingredients labels trying to decide exactly which …
A simple recipe for fermented mustard, a probiotic-rich, lightly cultured condiment to facilitate the digestion of cooked foods enjoyed with it! …
I was honored to speak recently at PaleoFX12 which took place March 14-17, 2012 in Austin, Texas. As the representative for the Weston A. Price …
Traditional recipe for Spanish bean soup with a base of soaked legumes, vegetables, and meat stock perfectly blended with chopped chorizo. A local …
Dr. Dwight Lundell MD is a cardiologist who beat the drum of a low-fat diet and cholesterol-lowering drugs to prevent heart disease for over 25 years. …
Bone marrow was an important sacred food for the preindustrialized Indian cultures living in the Rocky Mountain range far into the Canadian North …
Important tips for consuming kombucha to avoid candida flare-ups and why some people who drink it experience worsened symptoms. I’ve been asked …
This nutrient-dense recipe for breaded beef heart is a delicious way to easily prepare organ meats that your family will enjoy. The benefits of organ …
I am currently in Austin, Texas attending the PaleoF(x) Conference being held at the University of Texas. I am having such a great time and enjoying …
Webster’s dictionary defines the word “gap” as “a pass or way through a range of hills.” I am writing my story after following the GAPS diet …
I just found out today that a Whole Foods is going to be built close to my neighborhood. Too bad it’s not an Earth Fare. While many crunchy, …