The Rise (and Fall) of Pasteurized Milk
When most people think about the rise of pasteurized milk in America, they tend to think of people getting sick and dying from raw milk in such …
When most people think about the rise of pasteurized milk in America, they tend to think of people getting sick and dying from raw milk in such …
A reader emailed me a few days ago asking which formula is closest to breast milk since she was going back to work and would no longer breastfeed. My …
Ah, homemade vanilla pudding ….  truly, one of the ultimate comfort foods especially when the weather turns cool. Kids especially love pudding …
This just in from the Food Police Chronicles …. A state employee required a preschooler at West Hoke Elementary in Raeford, North Carolina on …
Not sure if this will surprise you or not. I was actually rather taken aback. Almost HALF of Americans are on some sort of prescription drug. Right …
My friend Paula’s husband had surgery recently and guess what he was given by the nurses in the recovery room? Shasta soda! Above is a picture …
The Native American tribe known as the Seminoles of Florida consumed a varied and interesting traditional diet with soaked corn gruel and wild animal …
As a fitness professional, I have found homemade bone broth to be a great source of protein elements not found in the typical consumption of primarily …
The hospital is no place for a low risk woman to give birth. It seems that an increasing number of women are figuring this out and spreading the word …
It’s very exciting to see the growing interest of people from all walks of life in traditional foods like natto. Even a family on food stamps …
The scientific research on how the physiological effects of dietary sugar and refined carbs contribute to depression and greatly influence whether a …
Are you currently grain free or on the full GAPS Diet to heal your allergies or another autoimmune issue? Fear not, this can and should be only a …