Homemade “Wheaties” Breakfast Cereal Recipe (+ Videos)
Many people might be surprised to learn that making your own homemade cereal is well worth your time! The reason is that boxed breakfast cereals …
Many people might be surprised to learn that making your own homemade cereal is well worth your time! The reason is that boxed breakfast cereals …
I’m going way out on a limb with this post and maybe opening myself up to a bunch of “you are completely nuts” emails, but I think …
Almost a year ago, I wrote about the longevity secrets of the world’s oldest man. Not surprisingly, this man’s favorite food is liver, …
Did you know that a clabbered raw milk smoothie tastes very similar to one made with drinkable style yogurt?  This is perhaps the best and most …
How to decode labels on commercial meat packaging to identify whether the animals were raised without antibiotics 100% of the time. Reading food …
Many readers have emailed me over recent weeks with questions regarding the grain grinding routine in my kitchen. Â I realized that I needed to take a …
Those of you who have been reading this blog for a while know that back in March 2010, I went on the GAPS diet as described in Dr. Natasha …
In a very rare moment of afternoon peace and quiet last week, I plopped down on the couch and turned on “Oprah”. Mind you, I am not …
The number one food that causes most canker sores and how simple avoidance is all that is needed for most people to banish them for good! Chances are, …
By Guest Blogger Paula Jager, CSCS Today’s blog on fitness follows a slightly different format. I have noticed a minimal number of comments following …
Fermented ketchup recipe that is lightly cultured for a healthy condiment that deliciously adds probiotics and enzymes to any meal. The king of …
When a person receives frequent doses of unprotected, midday sun exposure, is taking a whole food supplement like cod liver oil necessary and how to …