Organic Canned Foods Loaded with BPA
The latest tests for BPA levels in canned foods are very unsettling. BPA, if you remember, is a chemical that mimics estrogen in the …
The latest tests for BPA levels in canned foods are very unsettling. BPA, if you remember, is a chemical that mimics estrogen in the …
Did Elvis really die of cardiac arrhythmia as claimed? His personal physician of 12 years says this is not true at all and Elvis actually passed from …
Getting back to basics is the theme for this video, which focuses on choosing a healthy salt to use in your home. Salt has a bad rap these days …
Why organic milk that is UHT processed is unhealthy and certainly not a better choice than regular supermarket milk despite the sky-high prices and …
The benefits of giving babies cod liver oil, at what age to begin, how to administer, and the daily dosage as recommended by the experts. Should …
Out today, a new study linking ADHD in children to pesticide exposure. Children who showed higher than average levels for one …
The largest study to date and only just released on the possible dangers of cell phone use concluded that just 30 minutes of phone usage a day raises …
How to make homemade panna cotta the traditional way with heavy cream and a whole food sweetener for a healthy, low-sugar dessert. This recipe plus …
If there is anything that our modern culture gets totally wrong, it’s how to feed babies and properly introduce solid foods. Â Pediatricians, …
For the last several years, I have utilized the website of the Environmental Working Group (EWG) to assess the level of chemical exposure for …
How to make bubbly, fermented water kefir which is a traditional cultured beverage loaded with probiotics and enzymes. A healthy alternative to soda. …
Four green herbicides and pesticides to use for the home garden and yard that are safe for children and pets. Spring has sprung and so have the weeds …