I often get asked about bodyweight workouts–especially by newcomers to fitness, regulars while traveling, people without a gym membership or limited equipment and time.
Are they enough? That depends on the person and what they are training for.
For a competitive athlete looking to excel in their chosen sport–no; for someone wanting to be their biggest, strongest and most powerful–no.
However, for someone starting out on a fitness program or just wanting overall conditioning often times the answer is yes.
If you haven’t been working out, are overweight or have a serious health challenge a bodyweight workout can be the perfect place to start. After all, if we can’t move our own weight there’s no need to add any.
Where do you start?
I like keeping things as simple as possible; our lives are complicated enough. Most everyone I know including myself has a full plate and finding time to workout can be a challenge but it can be done. It requires a commitment. Start with 3 days a week “penciling” it in. If your health, physical and mental well being is a priority as well as being your best at work and parenting along with happiness you will make the time.
We all have the same 24 hours and a date with one of the “Girls” (see infographic above) can be just the place to start. There are plenty to choose from.
Meet the Girls
CrossFit commonly names benchmark workouts of the day (wods) after girls. There are several that use bodyweight and some lifting but no bars. Others mix it up and some get heavy. . .
Please, if you are a beginner do not run out and do these workouts as prescribed.
They will kill you; you will be so sore you will hate me and never want to work out again.
You must use them as a template and scale them down to your current fitness level.
For example let’s take Angie: 100 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats. If you do the math that is 500 reps.
“Joanne” is 40# overweight and hasn’t worked out since high school–she graduated in 1985. Joanne is looking to get in better shape, lose some weight and start a fitness program. Would we have her do this workout as written? Of course not–that would be poor coaching. How would we scale this for her?
10 pull-ups (using the legs for assistance) or maybe a back extension or reclined row, 10 modified push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 10 squats. 3 rounds with 2 min rest between are just one option.
We want Joanne to feel good about completing her workout. We want her to enjoy it, we want her to get better and we want her to workout again in 2 days. She has the rest of her life. All does not need to be completed on day 1. Do you get the idea?
I have done each of these workouts at least once–many are bodyweight only but they are also high volume. You will feel the after-effects. Take it down and build gradually over a period of weeks and months. They are simple but effective and must be handled with care.
If and when you are ready you can always add weight by choosing a girl from the “Mix it Up” or “Get Heavy” category.
Back in 2010, we did a 3 part series on bodyweight training along with a video. While the video is dated from a perspective of our training facility the form and technique remain the same. Check it out below.
For more detailed info on how to do the movements check out the additional articles below.
Legs: https://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/wheels-in-motion-basic-bodyweight/
Push: https://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/need-push/
Pull: https://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/fitness-friday-pulling-out-all-stops/
Now, go DO IT!
Could you explain for someone who has never been in a gym what AMRAP and EMOM stand for? I think I figured out at least that AFAP is as fast as possible? Thanks!
AMRAP: As many rounds as possible
EMOM: Every minute on the minute
Thanks Leslie!
I had to do a double-take when I saw the National Weather Service Logo – I work for the NWS, and it was a bit surprising to see our logo on my favorite food/health/fitness blog! Thanks for the reference! Being a shift-worker with young children and living in a rural area with a 40 mile (one way) commute, working out at the gym just isn’t possible (I wish I could join a CrossFit gym!). So I do all of my working out at home with dumbells, a pull-up bar, and a 0.5 mile stretch of rural county road. It’s been getting a little boring lately, so these WODs will be great to shake it up a bit. Thanks Paula!
Can you substitute for the pull ups?
Nothing beats a pull up for back strength but not everyone has a pull up bar. They are inexpensive and easy to install tho. To answer the question. . . see if you can find anything to pull yourself up on (tree limb, rope strung over limb, monkey bars at a park etc. ) Ring rows are a decent sub, or a combo of bent over rows/bicep curls with db’s. Improvise. . adapt and overcome.
LOVE love bodyweight workouts. Been doing them since 2007 and would not think of getting a gym membership ever again. These, coupled with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has been killer.
I disagree. These exercises are for athletes as well. Not just beginners. Are they for someone with goals of professional body building? No. But my daughters take gymnastics and they do all these exercises and more. Everything a gymnast does male or female uses bodyweight. Pullups are not a beginner exercise. And neither is climbing a rope using only your arms. Gymnasts are some the strongest, fittest, most athletic people out there. They make it look easy but there’s nothing easy about it.
Wish I could get my sister to do these workouts scaled. When I started Crossfit, I worked with a personal trainer who did a great job of scaling the workouts. I was sore but not so badly that I couldn’t walk. It kept me going.
Also “Angie: 100 pull ups, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats. If you do the math that is 500 reps” I do the math and I get 400 reps (I did do the workout as well!) unless I’m missing something.
Yup it’s 400 reps, but reps of hell 😉 (actually I haven’t done it because I missed that day, but since I can’t do a single unassisted pull-up that’s okay by me!)
Oh and I’ll add that pull ups, particularly for women, are generally harder than many lifting movements, even reasonably heavy weights! So integrating that sort of body weight movement can create a lot of strength! Things like squats however really need to be done weighted (well except single legged squats, they’re hard!)
Ooops, you are correct:) Still, a lot. . .