In honor of Real Milk and Lemonade Freedom Day, a group of activists are celebrating the affair in Washington D.C. with a mix of events, seminars and, of course, Real Food!
Local food is making huge inroads within communities across the United States. Some local governments are even passing food sovereignty laws to protect small farms from onerous regulations that might put them out of business.
I thought I would post this song in honor of the occasion to bring a smile to all of our faces and add a touch of humor to the very serious mission we all face in North America as we rally for the freedom to choose nutrient-dense food and unprocessed milk for ourselves and our children.
No one should be forced to support Big Dairy if he/she doesn’t want to!
We must all laugh, smile and be happy in the midst of this war we are silently fighting every single day as we choose to purchase and consume unprocessed grass-fed milk from the small farms in our community.
Humor is an essential aspect of the road to victory that will inevitably be ours as it will keep us sane and focused in the face of all the terrible persecutions that many small farmers and now even consumers are experiencing along the way.
So listen, laugh and enjoy! Thank you to Whey Jude for sending this delightful piece my way!
Oops! I posted before I watched the video. What a wonderful and silly video! I will be sharing it on my face book page. Thanks Sarah!
You bet! I have a cow and a goat share to get my raw milk. My farmers both deliver within a mile of my home once a week!
It is ridiculous to think of all the crazy things I took chances doing in my youth (1960’s and 1970’s) which I could have gotten in trouble for [I was lucky enough not to get caught], but in today’s world I have to worry about being hassled or arrested for purchasing real foods like raw milks. It is insane!
I would love to get my hands on some raw milk!
Haha, good song 🙂 I am SOO a milk moonshiner and proud of it!!! 😉 heehee
I live in an area where pasture for cows is hard to come by.. I have a friend with a cow that I could get milk from, but can’t find anywhere as to what a good replacement diet for a cow is when fresh grass isn’t available. Can anyone help?
Fresh grass does produce the best quality milk but if it is not possible you can feed hay. It would still be much better milk than store bought, factory farmed, pasteurized, homogenized milk.
Absolutely! We own goats and milk them and *gasp* drink it raw! We love it!
How fitting that today I bought my first gallon of raw milk!
Sarah, I am SO missing my milk!!! We have not been able to find anything up here yet that has availability. 🙁