Komen (Not) for the Cure: The Complete and Utter Pinkwashing of America
October is one of my favorite months of the year. The cool breezes, the changing leaves, the crisp blue skies … But recent years has brought a …
October is one of my favorite months of the year. The cool breezes, the changing leaves, the crisp blue skies … But recent years has brought a …
This article has been in the making for a long time. Back in 2011, a reader emailed me with the most incredible story. She said that she had healed …
Gorgeous 35 year old actress Michelle Rodriguez is nobody’s fool despite her disarmingly sweet nature, warm smile and delicate boned …
The dirty little secret about why supermarket and large healthfood store display cases of meat are always uniformly red will hopefully motivate you to …
Earlier today, I had the opportunity to appear on Dr. Karen Kan’s popular radio show based out of Lake Placid, New York. Dr. Karen is a medical …
Healthy garlic bread recipe using nourishing fats and a traditionally made loaf for the ultimate taste and digestive experience. I view bread thusly: …
You know things have gotten really bad and tyranny is basically at your doorstep when the legislature of a government that’s gotten far too big …
The vast majority of babies are given Tylenol (acetaminophen) within the first six months of life. It is the go to medicine for modern parents …
How the fast food of today differs in quality and safety compared to the exact same products made by the same companies just a few decades ago when we …
Strategies to prevent and eliminate a flea infestation in your home and yard, or on your pets naturally without chemicals. Fleas are tiny, wingless …
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Coffee and gluten sensitivity can combine to trigger symptoms for some with Celiac disease according to research published in a peer-reviewed journal. …