Short Raw Milk Fast (three days only)
The journal below chronicles the first day of a three-day raw milk fast. Thoughts and observations from Paula Jager CSCS, Richard Pope, and me (Sarah …
The journal below chronicles the first day of a three-day raw milk fast. Thoughts and observations from Paula Jager CSCS, Richard Pope, and me (Sarah …
When a processed food label includes the word “eggs” in the ingredients list, it typically means dehydrated or powdered eggs as opposed to …
Paula Jager, CSCS, owner of Crossfit Jaguar in Tampa Florida, is the author of a riveting journal about her 15 day raw “milk cure” fast. …
The big health news from this past week is the petitioning of the FDA by two very powerful dairy organizations, The International Dairy Foods …
Some of you may remember the 2004 documentary Super Size Me which depicts filmmaker Morgan Spurlock eating three meals from McDonalds every single day …
Add Louisiana to the list of state and local governments around the United States that are forcing homeless people who look to shelters and soup …
By Fitness Editor Paula Jager, CSCS, owner of Crossfit Jaguar Those of us familiar with the principles of Traditional Diet know how to eat right for …
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Only 7% of children who drink grassfed raw milk have allergies versus 44% of those who don’t consume this healthful traditional food. The asthma …
How to make a natural hair gel using flaxseeds for safe, nontoxic hair care. Works especially well for curly heads! I first learned about how to make …
The paradoxical reasons why sprouted soy contains more antinutrients than unsprouted versions and should be avoided in the diet to preserve …
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