Why You Should Be Eating Grains
Are you currently grain free or on the full GAPS Diet to heal your allergies or another autoimmune issue? Fear not, this can and should be only a …
Are you currently grain free or on the full GAPS Diet to heal your allergies or another autoimmune issue? Fear not, this can and should be only a …
If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, you know that I’ve been a Chapter Leader for the Weston A. Price Foundation …
Many parents believe that baby cereals are the best first food for babies, but doctors are increasingly suggesting otherwise with more traditional …
So there I was, out in the middle of nowhere, driving home after picking up eggs from my local farmer the other day, when what should pull out in …
Heavy periods are a health risk over the long term that most women do not realize can frequently be resolved with dietary intervention. Try this …
Is it possible that not all breast cancer is bad news? Yes, it’s true. Many women are overdiagnosed and treated for breast cancer that would …
Several readers have emailed me recently inquiring about how to best go about making homemade granola. One person carefully soaked oats for 24 hours …
By Fitness Editor Paula Jager, CSCS Seriously ladies (and gentlemen if you’re reading) are you really going to tell me the woman on the left looks …
Wisdom tooth extraction is a multibillion-dollar industry driven by myths that continue to be spread by the conventional dental profession for immense …
How to soak and cook oatmeal the traditional way, aka “overnight oats” for a digestible and nourishing breakfast that will keep you …
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The pseudoscience behind a low salt diet and why reducing sodium intake increases the risk of obesity, diabetes and a cardiovascular event. …