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Ten dietary and lifestyle interventions to resolve gynecomastia or swelling of male breast tissue without resorting to pharmaceutical drugs or surgery.

Gynecomastia, known colloquially as “man boobs”, is a benign enlargement and swelling of breast tissue in males.
It is thought to be caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. One or both breasts may be affected.
According to some estimates, about half of adolescent boys experience at least some breast development during puberty.
Living in Florida where swimming and beach activities are popular year-round, however, I can tell you it surely seems more prevalent than this.
Cases of man boobs are on the rise around the globe no doubt paralleling the rise in obesity rates.
Glasgow, Scotland, which boasts the second-highest obesity rate of all countries studied by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, has seen an 80 percent rise in man boobs reduction surgery in recent years. (1)
While most cases of man boobs are related to problems with excess weight, it seems that even thin and normal-weight boys and men are increasingly experiencing issues with breast enlargement.
Go to any water park this summer and look around. Clearly, this health issue is at epidemic levels. Moreoever, it isn’t just the boys and men struggling with their weight that are affected.
Something environmental is at play here as I don’t ever remember seeing even one case when I was growing up in Florida…certainly never on a thin otherwise normal-weight individual.
Male Hormonal Imbalance
Could all the soy that is in the majority of processed foods today which has added plant estrogens (isoflavones) to the male diet at a rate never seen before in history be a factor?
Not even in Asia was soy ever consumed in the large amounts experienced by those eating a modern diet. Traditional Asian societies primarily consumed soy in small, condimental amounts after careful and long periods of fermentation.
Perhaps the increasing popularity of soy infant formula starting a few decades ago is partly to blame which exposes a male infant to disruptive levels of estrogen at a very vulnerable time for the developing hormonal system.
An estimated 25% of North American babies today receive soy baby formula made from processed soybeans, mostly GMO.
An infant exclusively receiving soy formula consumes the estrogenic equivalent of at least 5 birth control pills every single day! (2)
Beware of soy milk too.
A single glass a day for a few months can lead to hormone disruption according to Dr. Kaayla Daniel, author of The Whole Soy Story. (3)
Don’t ever let your children touch the stuff, and if you enjoy a soy milk latte regularly, switch to coconut milk!
Steroids in Conventional Meat and Dairy
What about all the steroids, hormones, and antibiotic-laced feed used in the conventional dairy and meat industry?
Consumption of foods from factory-farmed animals containing pharmaceutical residues could be another contributing factor to the estrogen/testosterone imbalance at the root of gynecomastia. (4, 5)
There is no doubt that there are multiple environmental reasons for the large and very worrisome increases in gynecomastia across the board.
For the person who suffers from it, however, the reason for the condition is not nearly as important as resolving it…and quickly!
Conventional Treatments
Conventional medicine maintains that many cases of gynecomastia clear up on their own within about two years.
After that, surgery is the conventional treatment route. This is very expensive and usually not covered by insurance as it is considered cosmetic.
Even if the conventional claim of spontaneous resolution was true (anecdotally I would dispute this from the stories I hear), two years is a very long time at a very vulnerable stage in an adolescent’s emotional development.
Avoiding social situations that require a bathing suit for that period of time seems unrealistic. This is particularly true in a warm weather climate.
Rather than wait and see for two long years only to resort later to surgery or (worse) drugs designed for breast cancer like tamoxifen and raloxifene does not seem like a good plan that is either healthy in the long term or reasonable in cost for most families.
10 Steps to Banish Man Boobs
According to certified staff at Biodynamic Wellness, gynecomastia responds extremely well to nutritional support and dietary change.
When a patient presents with a case of gynecomastia, the following dietary and lifestyle interventions are implemented as quickly as possible.
- Immediately stop consumption of any and all sources of soy in order to remove plant estrogens from the diet. Because soy protein or soybean oil are present in the vast majority of processed foods, this means freshly prepared, whole foods at home must become the rule rather than the exception. This includes eggs and meat that are soy-fed and animals given antibiotics. Many times, this change alone will resolve the problem.
- Add iodine supplementation. Suggested brands are Iodoral or Nascent Iodine.
- Add Symplex M from Standard Process.
- Begin using castor oil packs over the liver and/or coffee enemas. These two therapies assist the liver in processing all that excess estrogen causing the hormonal imbalance relative to testosterone.
- Increase dietary animal fats to at least one tablespoon per meal.
- Use bone broth or meat stocks made at home for optimal potency to provide the necessary amino acids to the liver for optimal detoxification.
- Eliminate all grains for 30-60 days. After that time incorporate properly prepared, soaked grains only.
- Emphasis on a Nourishing Traditions diet. (6)
- Use only whole Vitamin C (not synthetic forms of ascorbic acid) to help metabolize and eliminate excess estrogen.
- Some people are poor methylators. Proper methylation in liver detoxification is critical for eliminating excess estrogen. These individuals may benefit from methylated B vitamins with the addition of trimethylglycine (TMG). Fortunately, this last step is often not necessary. Avoid synthetic folic acid found in multivitamins and fortified foods.
After putting these lifestyle and dietary interventions in place, many boys and men suffering from gynecomastia will see dramatic improvement and even a complete resolution of the condition over time.
(1) Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
(2) Soy Infant Formula. Birth Control Pills for Babies
(3) The Whole Soy Story
(4) Precocious Puberty
(5) Stop Giving Antibiotics to Animals
(6) Nourishing Traditions
More Information
The Shrinking Effect of Pseudo Estrogens on Reproductive Organs
Antibiotic Exposure and Early Puberty in Boys
We need help on what to eat tor shrink man boobs
Gynecomastia Surgery is really helpful for Male breast reduction. Many Male face over size breast problem. Its look very bad. This Plastic Surgeons procedure is really helpful to overcome the problem.
My 20mo daughter has this on one side and the daycare insisted I get her checked out. Doctor said no big deal but am wondering what I can do to help. We eat very little processed food and there’s not too much gmo in Japan yet so wondering if these work on females?
My skinny son started getting buds around 12 yrs old. Eliminated chicken from his diet & they were gone in 6 weeks!
Psych drugs are notorious for causing this
This should be a joke but sadly it is not.
I started growing them in the sixth grade. Their full grown now. The only thing left for them to do is sag. I’m 33. I was never really made fun of them to much. I could only recall a few times. Its weird how my life has jus been about coping wIth people and life. I haven’t accepted them yet. Although I know it would make it easier. I lived life in the fast lane for a long time if u know what I mean. I wish I had good credit to finance lipo. I’m trying to save 6000 $. I’m about half way there. I hope this works. Mynes are probably the worst any guy has. . The lady that did my consultation said that they are genetic. My father has them. I didn’t ask why or care. You don’t understand how embarassing and shameful I feel everyday.the feeling of what other people are thinking of you all day is mind baffling. Ive learned how to cope though.but haven’t gave up. I major character defects and shortcomings because of them. Not to mention the emotional and mental discomfort. Please email me if anyone has any solutions ideas. or just words of comfort. WIllIng to do Anything. [email protected]
Well, I know a pediatrician at our local Children’s Hospital who has shared that when this happens the FIRST thing they do is tell the child/teen to stop consuming all conventional dairy and poultry. In some cases, the symptoms have gone away. I stopped eating conventional dairy and poultry about 2 years ago, but once I heard that, it took away any doubt in my mind. Soy, added hormones…it’s just not worth it!! I would rather go without those foods if I couldn’t afford organic. And before anyone goes “there,” no, that is not elitist. It is real…that is how dangerous I think this stuff is to our health.
I am extremely upset after reading this article. Our doctor back in 2002 put out son on a soy based formula because she stated it was healthier than anything else out there. We adopted our son and since I thought I was doing the right thing I kept him on soy based milk until he was around 6-7 years old. To think, we may have been giving him something that will affect his growth makes me very skeptical of doctors knowledge in general. Is there anything that we can do to check his hormone levels to see if they are high or just wait the course and see what happens.