Barbecue bone broth is an unforgettable smokey flavored stock that is delicious and rich sipped on its own or as a base for homemade soups and sauces.
A tummy bug is going around our local community at the moment, so it’s no surprise that our family is going through a lot of chicken and beef broth to shore up our resistance and/or ensure rapid recovery should it come a-knocking at our door!
To mix things up, making barbecue bone broth with its unforgettable smoky flavor, is sure to stimulate appetite exhausted from illness.
The copious amounts of natural gelatin in broth, if you recall, serve to deter gastrointestinal bugs from attaching to the gut wall and wreaking havoc in the form of vomiting and diarrhea. Homemade broth is quite simply an indispensable tool in your wellness toolbox during flu season!
This time of year, when colds, flu, and other viruses are running rampant, I must admit that my family gets rather tired of broth as it seems to be a nearly constant feature on the menu.
I do my best to make soups and sauces with my homemade stock, but when you need to consume a lot of broth in any given day, sometimes just a cup of it with a bit of sea salt is the quickest way to get the job done.
Barbecue Bone Broth
Needless to say, I was thrilled when I found a very creative recipe for Barbecue Bone Broth in my friend Stanley Fishman’s brand spanking new book Tender Grassfed Barbecue: Traditional, Primal, and Paleo!
This book, by the way, would make a great holiday gift for that barbecuing whiz in your home who likes to take charge at the grill (husbands, that would be YOU)!
Barbecue bone broth with a smoky flavor! What a great idea for mixing things up!

Barbecue Bone Broth Recipe
Recipe for barbecue bone broth, an unforgettable smokey flavored stock that is delicious and rich sipped on its own or as a base for homemade soups and sauces.720
- 4-6 lbs barbecue bones, meat scraps and trimmings any combination of meat and bones from grassfed animals will do
- 4 stalks celery coarsely chopped, preferably organic
- 6 green onions coarsely chopped, preferably organic
- 4 large carrots peeled and chopped, preferably organic
- 4 cloves garlic peeled and chopped, preferably organic
- 2 Tbl sea salt coarse and unrefined
- filtered water enough to cover bones by 2-3 inches
Put the meat and bones into a large stockpot. Add the water. Add all the vegetables. Heat the pot until the water begins a strong simmer. This will take awhile due to the large volume of ingredients and water.
When the water is close to boiling, remove all the scum that rises to the top with a skimming spoon. This can also take a few minutes, but it is necessary for the best tasting broth.
Once the scum is removed from the pot of barbecue bone broth, add the sea salt.
Cover and simmer gently for 12 hours.
Using a ladle, strain into jars, cover, and refrigerate once the bottles have cooled down. The fat will rise to the top and will solidify in the refrigerator. This fat seal will help preserve the broth.
The fat should be removed before the broth is reheated. It can be used as a healthy cooking fat in all kinds of dishes.
Source: Â Tender Grassfed Barbecue: Traditional, Primal, Paleo, by Stanley A. Fishman, p. 52.
I always make broth out of our leftover chicken bones just because it’s yummy and saves money, but the health benefits of the gelatin are news to me. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
YAY! Thank you so much! I have been looking for a recipe!!!!!!!!
@Kristi yes, I used this barbecue marinade:
Do you have the bbq recipe for the chicken?
I noticed there wasn’t any vinegar added to this stock and wondered why? Thanks!
Sarah, I love reading your blog and getting updates on Facebook! Thank you for all of the helpful info! I wanted to ask you – do you feel it’s better to make your own bone broth from non-organic, non-pastured meats or buying the organic stock in the box from a grocery store? I have a hard time getting really healthy meats around my area (and finding affordable ones), but also want to avoid pesticides as much as possible. Just trying to do the best I can…Thank you!
When calf feet were mentioned it reminded me of chicken feet(remove claws before stewing) and chicken heads. I learned this from the latin market Vallarta when I didn’t want to waste these parts on a whole chicken sold there. It makes almost all gelatin and tastes good. I’ve also put chicken and beef bones in together for a great stock.
After I have made broth from pastured bones (six boilings), I pound the bones with a mallet and place them in a blender. I add enough broth to make a smooth creamy paste and then put into ice trays. These frozen treats can be added to soups or one per each cup of broth. This is very delicious and is better than feeding to the dogs.
In the blender?? What kind of blender have you got? I can only imagine splinters of bone breaking the blender…I like this idea, though, so am curious to learn more…
I start with bones from steaks and roasts we save from meals over time. I take about a one gallon freezer bag of these bones, add 2 T of vinegar and simmer for 12-16 hours. I drain off the broth and add another gallon of water and 2 T of vinegar. I repeat this process five or six times. This final simmering leaves the bones very soft. I combine all of the broth so that it is of equal strength and freeze it in quart sizes. At this point the bones and meat pieces and remaining chunks of fat can be easily mashed with a mallet. I mash them and place in a KitchenAid blender, but the bones are so soft, any blender will do it. There are no fragments at all. Adding just enough broth to make a paste results in a very smooth creamy texture with no chunks or tiny pieces. I hope this helps.
Bob, thanks for these great tips!
I save the fat too – really yummy for cooking up just about anything. Plus, you’re getting even more bang for your buck by saving it and using it for cooking! I typically use a mixture of roasted and non roasted bones in my stocks, just from various meals and saving the bones until I have enough for stock. Sometimes it gels, sometimes not. I think I use too much water a lot of the time. But just because it doesn’t gel, doesn’t mean the gelatin isn’t there, so don’t fret 🙂