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The humble therapy known as the coffee enema is a critical component of the most effective alternative cancer therapies in the world. This includes the Gerson Institute in California and the treatment program used by the late Nicholas Gonzalez MD, an oncologist from New York City.
The ability of coffee enema therapy to rapidly remove toxins from the body to speed healing has generated a groundswell of support from other alternative practitioners. It is regularly recommended even for patients who do not have cancer. Lawrence Wilson MD claims clinical experience with over 40,000 patients who successfully utilized coffee enema for healing.
When a practitioner suggests the regular use of coffee enema as a key component to health recovery, it is important for the patient to source the type of coffee that will best assist with the healing process. There are certainly plenty to choose from! Common types include regular, instant, caffeinated, decaffeinated, light roast, medium roast, dark roast, blended, whole bean and so forth.
Enema Coffee MUST be Caffeinated
The most important characteristic of the enema coffee selected for therapeutic reasons is that it must be caffeinated.
Why does caffeinated coffee work and decaf does not? This is because the caffeine in coffee stimulates the opening of the bile ducts in the liver thereby increasing bile production and flow. According to the journal Physiological Chemistry and Physics:
Caffeine enemas cause dilation of bile ducts, which facilitates excretion of toxic cancer breakdown products by the liver and dialysis of toxic products from blood across the colonic wall.
Max Gerson MD discovered that the unbound caffeine taken in via coffee enema is absorbed from the descending colon via the hemorrhoidal vein. This vein then carries the caffeine to the portal vein and the liver. The caffeine stimulates the liver and biliary ducts to open. This process occurs rapidly which releases metabolic and environmental toxins into the intestinal tract for immediate elimination.
Interestingly, caffeinated tea does not work either. This is likely because the caffeine in tea binds to the tannins and L-theanine, a water soluble amino acid when it is brewed. These bonds prevent the caffeine from directly opening the bile ducts as they would have to be metabolized digestively first. Since an enema bypasses the digestive process, tea is ineffective compared with coffee for enemas.
Sensitive to Caffeine?
Not to worry if you are sensitive to caffeinated coffee or other foods and beverages containing this natural stimulant. The vast majority of people who are sensitive to caffeine consumed orally typically have no problem with an enema made with coffee. This is because the digestive process is bypassed with an enema and so absorption of caffeine into the bloodstream is very low.
Other Considerations for the Best Enema Coffee
Any type of coffee can be used for enema as long as it is caffeinated. That being said, there are some things to look for to ensure that you get the best quality and type for maximum effectiveness.
Organic Coffee Better than Conventional
It is best to source organic coffee if at all possible. Coffee enemas are used for detoxification, so introducing chemical residues into the colon is counterproductive to the process.
Conventional coffee is among the most heavily chemically treated foods in the world. Heavy sprayings of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides are common practices. Coffee farmers are exposed to a high level of chemicals while spraying their crops and handling them during harvest. In addition, the environment surrounding these farms is negatively impacted by chemical residues in the air and water. Many of these chemicals are highly toxic and detrimental to human health (1).
If you are trying to detoxify and regain your health using coffee enemas, using organic coffee is just basic common sense.
Dark Roast or Light?
When considering the type of coffee to use, lighter roasts or green coffee beans are not optimal.
However, this suggestion is not in accordance with what is suggested by the Gerson Institute which recommends lightly roasted enema coffee. Beware also of coffee specifically labeled as “golden coffee” or “enema coffee” as these are frequently light roasts too.
Why is dark roast coffee better than light roast?
The journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research published research favoring dark roast coffee over light for restoring blood levels of glutathione, the mother of all antioxidants. Vitamin E levels also recovered to more optimal levels. What’s more, the 2011 study concluded that dark roast coffee promoted weight loss better. It also combats the problem of excess stomach acid production that plagues some coffee drinkers (2).
Research presented by the American Chemical Society in 2010 claims that the beneficial compound N-methyl pyridinium (NMP) not present in green coffee beans is created during the roasting process. The darker the roast, the more NMP is created. Stomach cells exposed to coffee compounds increased acid secretion with the exception of cells exposed to the same compounds containing NMP.
For these reasons, darker roast enema coffee may prove easier on the intestinal tract and produce higher levels of antioxidants in the blood.
Choose Single Origin Whole Bean Coffee Instead of a Blend
From a quality standpoint, coffee blends are inferior to whole beans from a single source that you grind yourself.
Single source coffee more likely involved a higher level of care and standards during coffee production. Coffee blends take beans from a variety of places and mix them until the overall taste is acceptable.
Best to select a coffee that achieves the necessary quality with no mixing necessary!
Wet Processed Coffee Better than Dry Processed
The type of processing used can affect the toxins in the coffee bean. According to Alternative Daily, mechanical wet processing results in fewer toxins and mold in the coffee than dry processing. As a bonus, it is more sustainable than wet processing using fermentation.
About half the world’s coffee is produced using dry processing, particularly coffee from Brazil, Sumatra, and Ethiopia. Be sure to ask how your coffee was processed before buying it for therapeutic reasons. This will ensure that you don’t introduce a counterproductive mold risk to your enema therapy.
Oily Beans Versus Dry Beans
Try to source enema coffee that is not too oily. While overly dry coffee tends to be stale and bitter, too-oily beans are a problem because the lipids in the coffee bean are subject to rancidity. Try to find the freshest coffee possible that is not too dry but also not too oily!
As for packaging, seek to buy whole bean coffee in a sealed bag that contains the following information:
- Where and how the product was grown (the best coffee is organic and grows near the equator at altitudes of more than 5,000 feet).
- When it was harvested.
- When it was roasted (generous estimates claim that coffee beans stay fresh for about four weeks after roasting. More realistic claims give you about 1-2 weeks.)
This information will go a long way toward ensuring the best enema coffee experience possible. Another tip is to store roasted coffee beans and especially ground coffee in the freezer to prevent rancidity.
When you buy organic dark coffee beans do you have the beans grind up to make your coffee enema at that time??
The first part of the article said caffeine from a coffee enema is not absorbed by the digestive system (I’m paraphrasing). Later in the article it talks about dark roasts are better for the stomach. Isn’t there a contradiction here?
I am 72 years old and have not had functioning peristalsis for 50 years and have had a daily enema ever since without any side effects. I’ve had many comments from people who can’t understand why my complexion is still wrinkle free at my age.
Hi, id like to hear your opinion of green coffee (not roasted but dehydrated) for enemas..supposedly it has the highest levels of caffeine..?
Sarah, I would love to know your reaction to the above posts. There seems to be a lot of disgreement out there to the points you are making. Thank you for your time – I always love hearing your perspective and really trust your insight and ability to uncover the truth.
Do you know the recommended frequency of getting coffee enemas? Is there any danger to having this done daily?
I have questions about this for years. I need to do this but was concerned about some of these problems like caffeine etc. No one ever mentions about cross reaction to gluten though. Coffee is a cross reactant. Do you know if this is a problem if you’re not consuming it?
Also, where is your information from about the different roasts? I just saw a segment about this on a show where they were saying that the lighter roasts have more antioxidants and good things in it because the extra long roasting of the dark roat cooks it out which makes sense to me. I would like to look in to this more.
Thank you for all that you do!
Having a coffee home-business, I can tell you that greener beans do have more caffeine than darker roasts. It is also the darker roasts that are more oily because the longer they roast, the more oil comes out. Lastly, the enema waters never reach beyond the large intestine to the small intestine (where antioxidants are absorbed)—- says our colonics-specialist friend. We ALWAYS opt for the lighter roasts for enemas. And organic is a must. I’d just as well not perform coffee enemas if I had to introduce MORE toxins into the body.
Intereresting! I’ve been doing coffee enemas as a preventative, but have been using the light roast. I will switch to a darker roast now. Thanks!