Unique Native American inspired burger recipe made with ground bison and seasonal blueberries, for a perfectly complementary sweet/savory grilling experience.
I was surprised to learn recently that Native Americans frequently used wild blueberries to flavor bison meat. I discovered this interesting snippet of information from my dear friend Stanley Fishman’s cookbook Tender Grassfed Barbecue.
Since blueberries have just started to come into season here in Florida and a neighbor just down the road has blueberries ready for picking, it seems the perfect opportunity to try out this traditional mixing of flavors myself for the very first time!
Blueberry Bison Burgers
Stanley’s cookbook offers three very unique recipes for using blueberries to flavor bison meat. In particular, this creative idea for buffalo burgers really caught my eye.
What’s more fun than burgers on the barbie in the delightful cool of a springtime evening? Worried about recent press about the dangers of barbecued meat? These tips for safe grilling can help you eliminate the risks from this relaxing, enjoyable experience.
Blueberries will be coming into season across North America very soon, so be sure to try out this distinct flavor combination while the fruit is seasonal, fresh and at its peak of flavor.
New to bison meat? The sweetness of the blueberries helps offset any gamey flavor that some newbies might find unpleasant. If you and your family discover that you enjoy the flavor change, try this buffalo chili recipe too. Or, substitute ground bison for ground beef in this Sloppy Joe recipe.

Blueberry Bison Burgers Recipe
Unique Native American inspired burger recipe made with ground bison and seasonal blueberries, for a perfectly complementary sweet/savory burger experience.
- 1 pound ground bison preferably grassfed
- 1/4 cup blueberries finely chopped or pureed, preferably organic and in season
- 1 green onion finely chopped, preferably organic
Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Form four equally sized hamburger patties about 1 inch thick.
Build a charcoal fire on one side of the grill only. Bring the grill to medium high heat with all the vents open.
When the grill is ready, place the bison burger patties in front of but not directly over the heat source. Cover and cook the bison burgers for 4-5 minutes on each side.
Serve with fermented ketchup, homemade mustard and other organic condiments of choice.
Recipe reprinted with permission of Stanley Fishman, author of Tender Grassfed Barbecue.
I’ll just have the blueberries, thank you!
I have used wild blueberries with the salmon my hubby catches up here in Alaska which is incredibly delicious, but have never thought to try it with meat! We have ground moose meat in the freezer right now, but no bison. I’m thinking that’s doable, right?
just happen to have a pound of ground bison in the freezer
Could be fun to try