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How to easily add more broth or stock to your diet by including this traditional food in your morning or afternoon latte!

One question I get asked quite frequently is how to easily add more bone broth (or short-cook meat stock for those with sensitive digestion) to the diet.
I’ve written before about how to sneakily add bone broth to the diet of picky eaters.
But what about those of us who love broth and just want to consume more of it?
One of the best ways I’ve found to accomplish this goal is to simply substitute broth (or stock) for the hot water portion of the healthy latte recipe of your choice.
Consuming a half cup of broth in the morning is particularly helpful as it primes the digestion for the rest of the day!
Broth for breakfast is actually a traditional practice in Japan, where I witnessed monks consuming fish stock with the morning meal during my brief stay in a monastery during the 1980s.
In the recipe below, I use chicken stock instead of water to make a matcha latte. However, the substitution of broth/stock for water works well for other types too including a rooibos latte, decaf latte, and dandelion latte.
Preparation Tips
Be sure to substitute meat stock for bone broth if you are glutamate-sensitive or wish to use the type with the most collagen.
Use coconut milk if you need your latte to be dairy-free. Homemade coconut milk is best as commercial versions often contain additives or toxic packaging issues.
If using raw grass-fed milk, be sure to heat the milk no higher than 118 °F/ 48 °C to preserve the probiotics and beneficial enzymes!
Do not EVER use soy milk to make a latte. It is hormone-disrupting even for those with healthy thyroid function.

Bone Broth Latte
How to make a bone broth latte to easily add more collagen and protein to your diet via a delicious and comforting beverage.
- 1 tsp + pinch matcha powder organic and traditionally made
- 1/2 cup chicken broth preferably homemade
- 1/2 cup whole milk
- 1 Tbsp date syrup or maple syrup
Sift matcha powder into a large mug. Sifting is important as it prevents clumps and improves texture.
Pour hot chicken stock into the mug and stir to mix well.
Heat milk in a small pan on medium-high. If the milk is raw, take care to keep the temperature below 118 °F/ 48 °C to preserve probiotics and enzymes.
While milk is heating on the stove, stir the date syrup into the mug.
When the milk is hot, add to a half pint mason jar, screw on the lid and shake vigorously to add additional froth. Alternatively, you can whisk the hot milk in the pan to add more foam.
Pour frothing milk into the mug and stir briefly. Enjoy!

Thank you for the link Sarah – I am now Matcha educated!
I made this latte this morning. Thanks for this amazing idea!! I subbed beef broth and the kids and I all loved it. I also used dandelion and chicory for my tea, whole milk and a spoonful of maple syrup. DELICIOUS!!
It is quite amazing how substituting stock for the water portion doesn’t really affect the flavor much. I tried it on a whim awhile back, and realized this was a slam dunk for getting more stock or broth into the diet with ease!
Thanks for chiming in about beef broth. I haven’t tried that as it is stronger tasting than chicken stock (what I use). Your experience is very good to know if that’s all that is available on any given morning!
Thanks for this information! I have a couple of questions about the recipe. I just made a batch of beef bone broth last weekend and wonder if you have used beef instead of chicken broth. What is the purpose or benefit of matcha? This is something I am not familiar with.
Here is more information on matcha.
I prefer chicken stock for use in lattes as it is milder in taste than beef.