In her first best selling book, GET YOUR FATS STRAIGHT, Sarah identifies how the low-fat movement got its start and the devastating health effects it is having on people in our society today. She beats back the arguments made to convince you to eat low-fat and presents simple, practical advice on the first three steps you need to take to regain your own health, if you have lost it, or raise children to be healthy and fulfill their physical potential.
Maybe you are wondering why obesity is rampant and heart disease and cancer, even in the young, seem uncontrollable. Maybe you are wondering why so many people suffer from chronic illness and lack energy. Or maybe you just want to get on with your life with greater vitality and a strong immune system so you can handle whatever comes your way. Whichever is the case for you, this book will guide you to cost-effectively get your fats straight in order to experience a new lease on life for yourself as well as the comfort to know that your loved ones will have the best chance to live their lives to their fullest physical potential too. (References)
In TRADITIONAL REMEDIES FOR MODERN FAMILIES, Sarah offers practical, natural solutions for a wide variety of common ailments. Most are traditional and have been used for centuries, if not longer, but some are more modern and are only available due to more recent discoveries.
In LIVING GREEN IN AN ARTIFICIAL WORLD Sarah gathers together many of her most practical ideas for creating and sustaining a living environment which protects you from the onslaught of toxins which seem to be at every turn in our modern life. She identifies problems but then offers simple solutions – most of which she and her family use every day.
The three books you recommended should make a wonderful gift for a new mother and wife. Her career is just beginning and she is in her 20s. They already buy organic food for their baby and eat organic foods themselves. Because you are the best source of information about all these healthy diet choices, I thought she would benefit from them as well. I appreciate all the research you share with us. Also, please note: You recommended a mattress that I should check out.
Hello Mrs. Sarah!
I recently discovered you have a book available called “Ketonomics”. I saw it when checking into your Plus program. I was wondering if I could purchase the book separately at this time.
Thank you!
Hello Sarah, I am unable to see the 3 books listed on the second row. Each time I click on one of them the 1st one on the 1st row – the Fats – always shows up.
Thanks, ahead of time, for your help.
I’m not sure what you mean by “the second row”… everything is coming up correctly for me when I click each book. Here are the links to the other 2 books.
Hoi Sarah,
Is there a pdf or printed version of your book “Get your fats straight”?
And what is the current version and where to get?
In The Netherlands or Europe?
I think it is a good extension of one of my favorite books “The nourishing traditions”.
Salutations Herman
Hi Herman, Get Your Fats Straight is definitely available in print. See at this link and click the button that says “paperback”.
Great. Thank You.
At I saw only the kindle version.
All my books are in paperback as well … just look for the paperback button.
I would love it if this list or perhaps your shopping list could include books. I wish I had written down each time a book was mentioned in an article. For example, the GAPS book, Nourishing Traditions and other Sally Fallon titles, the Weston A. Price book, and some others that you mention in articles, including the ones here that you have authored. I think it would be a great reference to include these in a list here or maybe under your shopping list with a heading “suggested reading” or something similar where they could be easily located. Thanks for all your hard work!
Here are my top 10 health books. Hope that helps!
Since a heavy dose of antibiotics I have struggled with severe episodes of belly pain especially after eating foods containing gum additives. . I have been trying to find a practioner to help diagnose and lead me to healing instead of avoiding foods I know I need for total nutrition. Who would you suggest I seek out? Herbalist, nutritionist? I want to avoid being put on medicines or laxatives and am avoiding a gastrointerologists. Thank you
A functional MD or DO would be a good way to go.
Dear, Sarah
Can I translate and use some of your articles in my website in Lithuania with a link to your web-site of course and your name? We are selling natural & organic products and send useful article to our subscribers from time to time.
Unfortunately, replication of any of the articles on this website is not permitted due to copyright law. You may translate the first 300 words and then link over to the original article in English.
Sarah, how would you suggest finding a physician who would be knowledgeable about and would be open to natural remedies before prescribing drugs? Thank you for your suggestions.
Word of mouth is best. Ask around in the health oriented circles of your community.
Good Day Sarah:
I am currently writing a book about toxins, not just food, but just about all toxins found in our world. I like some of the things you say in your books as well as online, and wonder if you would mind if I can quote you and add this information to my book. I can add you to my acknowledgements as well as adding your website and/or contact information. Do I have your permission?
Short quotes (less than 150 words) properly cited/linked to the original article here on this website or to one of my books is fine.