I am very excited to report that we have won our case against the Biden Administration pertaining to its unconstitutional federal travel mask mandate on planes, buses, and trains.
The mandate was tossed by a Federal judge here in Tampa today!
See the complaint filed in July 2021 here.
According to a Fox News article posted this afternoon:
The ruling from U.S.. District Court Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, came in a case brought in Florida federal court by Health Freedom Defense Fund, Inc. and frequent air travelers Ana Daza and Sarah Pope against the administration. Judge Mizelle determined that the mandate violated the Administrative Procedure Act by being outside the scope of the CDC’s authority, was “arbitrary” and “capricious” and not going through the required notice and comment period for federal rulemaking.
Press Release from Health Freedom Defense Fund
Health Freedom Defense Fund, the lead plaintiff in the case that resulted in the lifting of the federal Travel Mask Mandate issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Department of Justice’s announcement that it would appeal: The Justice Department issued a statement in response to the ruling stating that it will appeal if CDC determines that the mask order “remains necessary for the public’s health[.]” DoJ’s statement is perplexing to say the least and sounds like it comes from health policy advocates not government lawyers. The ruling by the US District Court ruling is a matter of law, not CDC preference or an assessment of “current health conditions.” “If there is in fact a public health emergency with clear and irrefutable science supporting CDC’s mask mandate, does it not warrant urgent action? Why would DoJ and CDC not immediately appeal? HFDF is left with no option but to conclude that the Mask Mandate is really a political matter and not at all about urgent public health issues or the demands of sound science. While DoJ and CDC play politics with Americans’ health and freedoms, HFDF trusts individual Americans to make their own health decisions. HFDF is confident that Americans possess ample common sense and education to understand that there are real questions about mask efficacy and risk and that CDC’s policy reflects neither. What is clear is that Americans have already cast their votes about continued masking as evidenced by the multitude of videos and photos taken by passengers on airplanes showing the smiling faces of the vast majority of passengers responding to the overturning of the mask mandate with cheers as they happily exercise their freedom to remove their masks. HFDF is confident Judge Mizelle’s ruling will stand. The case is:Health Freedom Defense Fund, Inc., et al, v. Joseph R. Biden, et al, Case No. 8:21-cv-1693 (M.D. Fla.) |

Congratulations and thank you for fighting .
I’m glad you got your desired outcome. But I have a question, were you against wearing masks or just the government mandating it, or both? I personally didn’t find wearing a mask hard to do, ( even with my bad lungs) but that’s just me.
If you read the filing, the reasons are outlined clearly. If you want to wear a mask, you still can! It’s now optional.
Sorry didn’t want to read the whole legalese. But never mind, no worries…
Hi Sarah, the quote I referenced is from Erin Hanson.
I’m so thrilled for you! And me! And everyone who knows how ridiculous this has all been! I’m so grateful for your passion to live the way we were meant to live. You’re inspiring! A couple lines by an author known only to me as “E.H.” are these: “What if I fall?” “Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?” Thank you.
Lovely quotation! Thank you for sharing!
Well Done! Thank you for standing up, taking action and making a difference!!
Awesome Sarah!! Way to go!!! It literally came right before my husband and son (who has never worn a mask) were going to fly. Great job! We need more people fighting like you did!
Way to go! Praise God!
When I saw “Sarah Pope” on the documents, I wondered if that was you!! Thank you for continuing to use your knowledge and passion ❤️
Yay!! Thank you Sarah!