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A favorite fermented beverage in our home is homemade root beer.
Root beer is a healthful and very traditional North American beverage. Enthusiasts typically brew it with sassafras bark (Sassafras albidium) or sarsaparilla (Smilax ornata). If you like hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains, you will find sassafras trees growing wild nearly everywhere you go. A handful of sassafras root bark is shown in the picture above.
Of course, modern versions of this traditional beverage don’t contain any beneficial herbs let alone the enzymes and probiotics like from centuries past.
Benefits of Homemade Fermented Beverages
Investigation of traditional cultures from around the world reveals that all of them utilized various types of fermented foods and beverages to assist digestion. Strong digestion keeps immunity strong. Of course, these cultures did not understand the science behind it. They only observed that by eating these foods regularly they stayed healthier. In other words, they didn’t easily develop chronic diseases and were less likely to contract infectious ones.
Fermented food and drink were also a very practical method of preservation.
We now know that traditional ferments contain an abundance of beneficial bacteria, enzymes, and nutritional co-factors not present in the non-fermented versions of the same food. Regular consumption of ferments can help you and your family sail through flu season with nothing more than a mild sniffle! These foods also encourage optimal digestion and assimilation of nutrients. In addition, they encourage healthy gut flora as they are loaded with probiotics.
Ethnic Beverages Aid Digestion
You aren’t what you eat; you are what you digest!
Traditional ethnic beverages are a fun way to begin the process of incorporating fermented foods into your home. Kombucha was the first traditionally fermented beverage I started with nearly 2 decades ago. It is still a regular fixture in our refrigerator. I’ve included links to the other fermented beverages I make regularly at the end of the article.
Homemade Root Beer using Sassafras
The sassafras tree is native to a wide area of North America primarily east of the Mississippi river. It is a medium-sized, moderately fast growing, aromatic tree that is little more than a shrub in northern areas like southwestern Maine, New York, and southern Ontario. In the south and particularly in the Great Smoky Mountains, the sassafras tree grows largest (25-39 feet/6-12 meters) providing an important food for wildlife. Deer browse the twigs in the winter and the leaves during spring and summer.
Benefits of Sassafras
Sassafras has historically provided a variety of commercial and domestic uses for humans as well. Sassafras tea is brewed from the bark of roots, while the leaves are used in thickening soups. The spongy, orange-brown colored wood has been used in centuries past to construct barrels, buckets, fence posts and furniture. The oil is considered of value for adding fragrance to soaps and perfumes and flavor to candy.
Agriculturally, the sassafras tree is considered beneficial for restoration of depleted soil for farmland. In Indiana and Illinois, it was considered superior to black locust or pine trees for this purpose (1).
Sassafras Tea
Sassafras tea has been a popular beverage for over three centuries in the lower Mississippi valley. It was first introduced to the explorer Ponce de Leon in 1512 and later to pioneers by the Cherokee people. Native Americans used sassafras as a natural blood thinner, blood purifier, and to treat skin diseases, rheumatism, and other ailments.
Root Beer using Sarsaparilla
Root beer has also been traditionally made using sarsaparilla, a perennial trailing vine with prickly stems that is native to Mexico and Central America. It can grow to over 50 yards (46 meters) in length!
Like sassafras, sarsaparilla was valued by Native Americans for a variety of medicinal properties including gout, wounds, arthritis, cough, fever, hypertension, pain, and indigestion.
While sarsaparilla can be used to make homemade root beer, sassafras is arguably the more popular herb for this purpose in North American heritage.
From Herbal Tea to Modern Root Beer
With sassafras tea popular for so many centuries, it is easy to see how fermentation of the tea into root beer came to pass with the simple addition of sugar and a probiotic starter. With the Industrial Revolution so came the artificialization of root beer, starting with the pharmacist Charles Hires.
Hires apparently discovered the herbal tea base for his commercial root beer creation while on his honeymoon. It blended over twenty-five herbs, berries and roots. He introduced this proprietary root beer beverage using carbonated water at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial exhibition. Commercial abandonment of fermented root beer soon followed. The Hires family manufactured root beer for decades and introduced and distributed bottled root beer beginning in 1893.
Wide Variety of Root Beer Recipes
Root beer has no standard recipe. However, the common ingredients for modern commercial versions include sugar (GMO in North America) and artificial sassafras flavoring. Hormone disrupting soybean protein is sometimes used to create a foamy quality. Caramel coloring, a potential carcinogen, is used to make the beverage artificially brown.
Traditional Root Beer is BEST
You can see why the trend to homemade root beer is making a comeback with such nasty ingredients! While some versions call for processed extracts made in a factory, it is more healthful to make it the traditional way using unprocessed herbs and roots. The result can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic, carbonated or not.
The recipe I am sharing with you below is the very simple one I use that is non-alcoholic and mildly sweet with only slight carbonation from the natural fermentation process. If you wish a more bubbly beverage, you can do a secondary fermentation using sealed bottles to further enhance enzyme and probiotic activity.
Starter for Homemade Root Beer
The first thing you must have before brewing your own homemade root beer is a starter “bug”. The starter is the beneficial bacterial culture used to inoculate the fermentation. This is what triggers the brewing process to begin. You only have to make a starter culture one time. For subsequent batches, a few ounces of the previous batch serves as the starter.
The linked article plus video demonstration details how to make a homemade soda starter.
Note that teaching children basic cooking skills is very important. One of the key lessons is how to make tasty, healthy fermented beverages such as root beer. This will help keep them from developing a soda habit when they leave home.
Homemade Root Beer
Once you have your soda starter ready, you can brew your own healthful root beer. This recipe makes approximately 2 gallons (7.6 liters). This homemade root beer recipe is particularly hydrating and is very refreshing after hot, summer yard work.
Note that while I recommend sucanat as the sweetener as it is widely available, jaggery is also a very healthy option.
*Please note that sassafras is contraindicated for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Traditional Homemade Root Beer Recipe
Easy recipe for root beer that is made with real herbs and cultured starter to ferment into a healthy, probiotic and bubbly beverage.
- 2 gallons filtered water
- 2 oz/57 grams sassafras root bark preferably organic
- 1.5 cups sucanat
- 1.5 cups starter
- 1 tsp ground allspice preferably organic
- 2 lemons preferably organic
- glass bottles with wirestoppers optional
Bring one gallon of filtered water to a boil with the sassafras root bark.
Once boiling, mix in sucanat and allspice. Once completely dissolved, remove pot from heat and strain with a mesh strainer (stainless steel not plastic) lined with a white cotton dishtowel into a 2 gallon glass jar (sources).
Add one more gallon of filtered water and stir. Wait for the mixture to cool slightly (about 30 minutes) and then stir in the juice of 2 lemons. Wait for the mixture to cool to 118 °F/48 °C or lower and then add 1 1/2 cups of starter. Note: if the mixture is too hot, the heat will kill the starter culture so be sure to wait until it is only warm to the touch. If you let the mixture cool and sit too long on the counter, however, you introduce the chance for mold. So be sure to add the starter at the appropriate time.
Cover your container with a white, unbleached cloth secured with a large rubber band. Leave on the counter for 5-7 days depending on the weather (the warmer the weather, the shorter the brew time).
When the initial fermentation is complete, the root beer is ready to drink as is. If you desire enhanced carbonation, proceed to the bottling step. Fill your soda bottles (sources) and cap them. Leave some room (I leave 2 inches) at the top of each bottle to allow for carbonation. See this link on homemade soda bottling for visual and written instructions.
Leave at room temperature for a day or two longer to carbonate. Then refrigerate and enjoy!
Only open the root beer bottles in the kitchen sink and when the bottle is very cold to prevent messy explosions!
More Information
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Homemade Orangina
Switchel: Nature’s Healthy Gatorade
Homemade Ginger Ale
Could I use 4 1/2 gallon containers instead of a two gallon? My son loves root beer and I am excited to begin!
As long as the glass container is roughly as wide as it is tall else the fermentation is at risk of not taking.
Oh, you actually did say “unrefined” cane sugar, so maybe that’s what you meant! (That’s all rapadura and sucanat are, right?)
Hello Sara, just wondering – do you think rapadura or sucanat would work rather than the more processed form of cane sugar?
I meant rapadura or sucanat actually!
Help Sarah! My root beer fermentation is on day 4, and yesterday I added a bit extra starter bug because I was a bit below the 1.5 cups of starter when I started/inoculated the root beer. I stirred it all up yesterday and now today, there is a thick texture sitting on top of the root beer as well as foam now. It smells fine, but I’m not sure this thick stuff on top is ok. Should I skim it off? Did adding more starter screw up the root beer process?
Hi Katie, you must start with the right amount of starter from day one else the chances of mold are very high.
what an exciting recipe! i’m on the gaps diet and was wondering about the use of chicory powder, maybe either as a substitute or in addition to the organic sugar. Also was wondering how to work in some molasses. Any thoughts on this?
I have made a thriving Ginger Bug, then made the Root Beer on Friday evening, almost 3 days ago. I halved the recipe because I don’t have a 2 gallon jar. I’m concerned that I may have added the bug too soon, I checked the temp. and it was below 118 degrees, but I don’t see anything happening yet, no bubbles or anything, just the sediment of the bug at the bottom of the jar in the sassafrass tea. I still have the other half or my bug and there is no mold. Would you suggest I leave it alone or should I add something to stimulate it?
It wouldn’t hurt to add the rest of the bug to try to get it going better. How cool is your home? This would affect things quite a bit.
Thank you, Sarah, for your quick response!
I think my home temp. is usually around 75 degrees.
Sarah, will the bark work just as well as the rootbark?
Not sure .. I’ve never tried it.
I’m curious as to why Sassafras is contradicted in pregnancy/breastfeeding. I feel like then I may not get to try this for years!! 🙁 It looks wonderful!
Probably because sassafras is a blood thinner which could cause internal bleeding or increase the risk of postpartum hemmorrhage.
I just asked my one year old’s pedestrian about making root beer. He’s been eating solid food for 3 months but still nursing. She said she’s not worried about it for a child his age.
Generally, if there is no concrete evidence to confirm safety herbs are contraindicated for pregnancy and breastfeeding to err on the side of safety. Unfortunately, that makes it a little hard to determine what is probably safe and what is probably not. All I have to say is flouride, Tylenol, and most if not all vaccines. Probably not the best, but recommended!
Thank you, Sarah, for providing some guidance on these things!
I’m from Southern Illinois and every winter my dad goes out and digs up a little sassafras root to make tea out of. It is easy to find the roots growing out of the creek banks. The bark and leaves are pretty distinct and easy to identify. It has a wonderful flavor.
Sassafras smells just like root beer!
Did anyone else have issues with their going moldy?
If you leave it on the counter to cool for too long before adding the starter and initiating the fermentation, the chances of mold are much much higher.