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- Skipping Breakfast a Big No-No for Sustainable Weight Loss
- Healthy Fats Added to Coffee Do Not Make it Breakfast!
- Skipping Breakfast in favor of Bulletproof Coffee
- Serotonin Deficiency Harms Sleep Quality
- Must Have Your BulletProof Coffee?
- BulletProof Coffee Already Wrecked Your Sleep?
- Once You’ve Got Your Serotonin Deficiency Under Control, Now What?
- References and More Information
Bulletproof coffee has become quite the fad with fans touting its use as a way to lose weight, shrink that spare tire, and have more energy. The basic recipe calls for 2 cups of coffee, a minimum of 2 tablespoons grass-fed butter, and 1-2 tablespoons MCT oil (some people substitute virgin coconut oil) all mixed together in a blender.
This coffee drink is promoted as a replacement for breakfast by Dave Asprey of the Bulletproof Executive as a way to feel “lean, focused and energized” and helps you “transform your diet without chewing on sticks of butter”.
While I have no doubt that this choice of morning beverage will indeed produce a high level of focus and intensity due to the quick injection of caffeine and medium-chain triglycerides (used by the body for energy rather than fat storage) to the bloodstream, any weight loss benefits to a bulletproof coffee habit over the long term are completely ludicrous.
At the very least, bulletproof coffee certainly won’t be helping you lose weight and keep it off. Yes, it’s just another yo-yo scenario and here’s why.
Skipping Breakfast a Big No-No for Sustainable Weight Loss
According to Julia Ross, bestselling author of The Diet Cure, skipping breakfast and replacing it with coffee or a drink like bulletproof coffee is a big no-no and not just because it increases your chances of overeating starches and sugars later in the day.
Skipping a nutritious morning meal particularly one with a quality source of protein does a number on your body’s ability to produce the neurotransmitter serotonin which is derived from the amino acid tryptophan.
Tryptophan, like all the amino acids, is contained in protein. Meat is the best source of tryptophan but only from animals roaming on pasture.
Healthy Fats Added to Coffee Do Not Make it Breakfast!
Adding a bunch of healthy fats to coffee in no way redeems the situation and bulletproof coffee does not qualify as a meal replacement!
Protein (food) —–> Tryptophan (amino acid) —–> Serotonin (neurotransmitter) —–> Melatonin (hormone for restful sleep)
Serotonin is what helps you feel happy, calm, and self-confident even in the face of stress. Moreover, ample serotonin is important for a restful night’s sleep as the body converts serotonin into melatonin at dusk.
Inadequate melatonin results in insomnia problems.
What about adding collagen, gelatin or protein powder to bulletproof coffee? Does this make it better?
Please note that adding collagen hydrolysate or gelatin to your bulletproof coffee does not solve the problem as these protein sources are completely devoid of tryptophan-containing primarily the amino acids glycine and proline in large amounts.
Protein powder would be the worst choice, however, as all brands are highly processed (don’t be fooled!) with the delicate protein molecules denatured even if processed at low temperatures due to the powdering process.
Skipping Breakfast in favor of Bulletproof Coffee
Skipping breakfast in the morning short circuits the body’s ability to produce adequate serotonin throughout the day. While eating protein later in the day definitely helps, because none was consumed at breakfast, your body ends up playing serotonin catch up all day every day.
Ms. Ross says that we all need about 20-30 grams of protein 3 times per day to fulfill the body’s requirement for amino acids in order to produce adequate neurotransmitters like serotonin.
Drinking coffee even if it’s bulletproof coffee first thing in the morning instead of breakfast has the double whammy effect of suppressing appetite as well. It’s the caffeine that reduces appetite so not only aren’t you getting the protein you need in the morning, but you likely won’t eat enough throughout the rest of the day either which further impacts serotonin and melatonin production in a negative way.
What good is feeling “energized and focused” from bulletproof coffee during the day if it also leaves you irritable, stressed, emotionally unstable and unable to get a quality night’s sleep when you get home?
Serotonin Deficiency Harms Sleep Quality
The research is ominous regarding serotonin deficiency causing insufficient melatonin production with the resulting effect of unwanted weight gain – even obesity over the long term.
According to Dr. Mercola, “it’s also well proven that lack of sleep is linked to obesity, while if you’re not getting enough sleep, there’s a good chance your melatonin production is not up to par either. The disturbance to your melatonin levels caused by lack of sleep may be one more reason why it leads to weight gain, and this could have far-reaching impacts on your health.”
In addition, Science Daily reported that scientists found that proper melatonin levels stimulate the production of beige fat, a heat-generating type of fat (also known as “good” or “thinning” fat) that helps your body to burn calories rather than store them.
Must Have Your BulletProof Coffee?
Long story short, if you must drink bulletproof coffee, at the very least, wait until after a protein-rich breakfast to do it!
This way, the impact on your serotonin and melatonin levels will not be as severe as drinking it as a replacement for breakfast with its appetite-suppressing effects affecting the rest of the day’s protein consumption as well.
You may find that this one simple change alone will leave you feeling happier, more emotionally flexible, less stressed, and with increased ability to tackle whatever challenges you face each day with improved self-confidence.
BulletProof Coffee Already Wrecked Your Sleep?
If you suspect that your serotonin levels are in the tank and you need neurotransmitter supplementation to help you with worry, anxiety, OCD thoughts or actions, depression, panic attacks, and/or chronic insomnia, Julia Ross recommends this dosage with the amino acid tryptophan:
- 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP – sources): 50 mg in the mid-afternoon and before bedtime.
- L-tryptophan (sources): 500 mg in the mid-afternoon and again before bed especially if insomnia is a problem.
Note that 5-HTP is cheaper than L-tryptophan but some people get nausea from it, so switch to L-tryptophan if 5-HTP doesn’t work for you.
Raise the dosage as needed to eliminate low serotonin symptoms.
Once You’ve Got Your Serotonin Deficiency Under Control, Now What?
Once you’ve started eating breakfast again and eliminated or at least delayed your cup of bulletproof coffee until after you eat in the morning, you might perhaps feel motivated to try and wean yourself off coffee completely.
According to Julia Ross:
People who crave chocolate, coffee, alcohol, and even exercise are typically low in the neurotransmitter endorphin.
Using supplementation of the amino acids that are precursors to endorphin may really help in trying to shake the bulletproof coffee habit.
- Amino acid d-phenylalanine (DPA): 500 mg, 2-4X/day (sources). Use DPA if you are addicted to coffee and also an anxious person.
- Amino acid d-phenylalanine (DPA) bound to the amino acid I-phenylalanine (LPA) – known in combination as DLPA: 500 mg, 2-3X/day (sources). Use DLPA if you crave the energizing effects of coffee and are not typically an anxious person.
Do you think a deficiency of neurotransmitters might be the reason some folks love their bulletproof coffee so much?
References and More Information
Why You Need to Change WHEN You Drink Coffee
Melatonin Regulates our Mood, Weight, Reproduction and May Fight Cancer
BC Recipe
Melatonin helps control weight gain
Why You Need to Change WHEN You Drink Coffee
Healthy Coffee Substitutes
Coconut Oil for Weight Loss
Coconut Oil Capsules: As Beneficial as Straight Up?
The Truth About Your Morning Coffee Fix
Sarah what is your take on Italian coffee consumption, according them your only supposed to consume half a cup from a large cup of coffee, anymore and it messes up your system. Italians are very savvy when it comes to coffee consumption.
Nothing wrong with an espresso now and then. I enjoy them myself from time to time, but certainly wouldn’t drink them for breakfast or even everyday for that matter. The problem with coffee is that it is so habit forming and Americans in particular seem to do everything in excess to the point where something that is fine to enjoy in moderation becomes a health robbing addiction.
For many, skipping breakfast is one of the healthiest things you can do. Study after study shows that periods of fasting triggers autophagy, and a host of other healing processes. I’ve never been a breakfast person, but because everyone insists that it’s the “most important meal of the day”, I forced myself to eat it for a year or so when I first started caring about my health. Made me feel like crap the whole time. Queezy while eating it, then constantly tired, low on energy, and ready to go home to bed by noon (yes, they were healthy breakfasts). Skipping breakfast, for me, equals being alert, and full of energy all day. Now I always wait until I’ve been awake for at least 11 before eating, often longer. In short, listen to your body. Don’t do something just because some random author on the interwebs told you to.
Ive been using Bulletproof Coffee for close to 4 years & have had nothing but improved sleep, easily sustained fat loss, more energy, decreased hunger, zero cravings & plenty of strength & muscle mass.
It sounds like you’re coming from a sugar burning perspective vs a fat burning one RE needing to eat breakfast +.
Myself (& the hundreds of people I helped use this tool to assist w weight loss, lower inflammation in the body, eliminate cravings, & generally make their health improve & weight loss infinitely easier) have not found what you’re proposing to be true.
You DO need to get the body in a fat burning mode to use it best, but once you’re there – this method is golden.
Not sure if you’ve ever tried it or been educated how to use it best – but you might wish to if any of these biological responses are attractive.
Glad it works for you! Note that BPC raises cortisol levels significantly and even though BPC fans say you “get used to it”, getting used to elevated levels of a stress hormone is not a good idea and eventually boomerangs on you bigtime. I’ve noticed how many BPC fans after a few years develop deep creases in their cheeks from the adrenal fatigue. See the picture in this post.
I’ve been using BPC for more than two years as a breakfast substitute. I am 55 years old and manage to easily pass a military fitness test two age groups down. I also lost 18 kg and have been keeping it off over the last two years. I feel similar to when I was a fulltime soldier in my thirties and for me the BPC remains a good option as it is also quick to make. Mine also includes a raw egg though – I think it may add some nutrition. Nothing scientific with me – it just works.
Adding an egg is very wise and provides very necessary protein to your breakfast.
Yes, Carbs have been created for a reason, also alcohol and cocaine has been created for a reason… the only thing is is that reason to make us healthier ?? I don’t think so!!! Abuse of sugars lead to all sorts of problems, which only one of those is overweight.
Keto Coffee helps you stay of carbs for most part of your eating day, the less carbs you eat , the less insulin you secrete more chance you have to burn fats… it’s a simple maths.
Also when you are in Keto you need less sleep, you have more energy, I will take that feeling anytime over “I’m constantly tired, even after sitting all day in the office” feeling.
There is so many benefits to go back to basics on food to times when carbs were not created when people eat fatty meat and green vegetables, that there is not enough space here to write everything.
Some people say yes but you can eat carbs in moderation…. yes you can.. also you can drink alcohol in moderation, but not when you are an alcoholic…
because than the only thing which helps is stop completely.
Bulletproof (one word, no extra caps) Diet is largely about food timings (intermittent fasting) and cyclical ketosis (or production of ketone bodies thru regular consumption of MCTs). It is not full keto. I have greatly increased my cognition throughout the entire day by breaking the carb fast in the last 2 hours of the eating window, so as to not interfere with my ability to work mindfully with morning-evening clientele. I’ve found this diet to be integral to my success over the past 2+ years.
I’ve lost 9 pounds this month and sleep like a baby. Instead of stringing together a bunch of “this won’t work” theories, maybe you should give it a couple months and see what it will do for you.
Maybe you should check back with us in a year or two … these contraindications aren’t usually observed in the first month! The women I know who have had terrible problems with BPC esp when combined with Keto experience problems around 2-3 years in .. BIG problems.
Mary, I am extremely interested in trying a Keto diet. Would you care to share what you typically eat each day. Or share a weeks meal plan? I have just started researching this and am finding myself completely overwhelmed…
You’ve got the wrong idea – keto isn’t about eating meat, it’s about eating high quality fats. Google it and you will see that proteins must be limited to 30-50g/day when you wanna be in ketosis.
I agree with Sarah! Carbs have been created for a reason. As long as we wean away from processed food and eat mostly real and live food (and cook such food using reasonable and healthy tools), we should be good. For e.g. vegetarians and vegans have a hard time doing keto as 95% of their normal food choices are eliminated in keto. It becomes impossible for them to stay on keto. Keto seems to favor only the people who can eat meat, fish and that kind.