The obstacles can sometimes seem insurmountable in our grassroots efforts to secure such basic freedoms as the right to consciously choose the foods that nourish our bodies and the holistic treatments to assist us if we get ill.
At almost every turn, a growing and increasingly belligerent government bureaucracy backed by Corporate taskmasters attempts to thwart our efforts by terrorizing small farmers whose only “crime” is the simple production of nutrient-rich foods for their communities or putting on trial alternative cancer doctors actually curing patients without resorting to the life-altering and physically agonizing cut, poison, burn approach of chemotherapy and radiation.
Even parents are now targeted. Those that seek to avoid the horrors of conventional chemotherapy for their ailing children find that they are forced into this outdated and barbaric medical paradigm by government authorities and refused “permission” to seek alternative treatments.
While the odds against us sometimes appear hopeless as we struggle to secure our health and wellness choices, now at least is a time to celebrate.
In recent days, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski’s four year battle with the Texas Medical Board finally ended with an outright dismissal of the case!
For those of you not familiar with the saga of Dr. Stan Burzynski, who was the subject of the 2010 Award-Winning Documentary Cancer is Serious Business, here it is in a nutshell;
- For over 10 years, Dr. Burzynski MD has successfully treated terminal cancer patients with the multi-agent gene-targeted therapy he discovered in the 1970s called Antineoplastons.
- Antineoplastons completed Phase II of the required FDA-supervised clinical trials in 2009. Further, the FDA has given permission to begin the final phase of testing which involves randomized controlled clinical trials.
- This highly successful alternative treatment devised by Dr. Burzynski involves designing a personalized cancer treatment for each and every terminal cancer patient under his care based on that patient’s individual and unique genetic markers.
- The individualized treatments include off label use of already existing, FDA approved medications with no surgery, no chemotherapy and no radiation required.
Why has Dr. Burzynski been so relentlessly persecuted first by the United States Government and then the Texas Medical Board for so many years?
Follow the money, my friends!
The multi-agent gene-targeted therapy called Antineoplastons is nothing short of a huge medical breakthrough that promises to completely shatter the cut, poison, burn Standard Of Care – surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation treatment. Â When clinical trials are completed and Antineoplastons approved, it will be the first time in history that a single individual and not a pharmaceutical company holds the exclusive patent to manufacture and distribute these gene-targeted medicines on the open market.
In essence, then, Dr. Burzynski’s work represents a two-fold threat to Big Pharma:
- The thankful demise of cut, poison, burn and the huge, monopolistic profits behind chemotherapy and radiation treatment for cancer.
- The rise of gene-targeted cancer treatment with no pharmaceutical industry player profiting from these medicines.
That’s right – Big Pharma completely left out in the cold with regard to the sale and distribution of these new, groundbreaking cancer medicines!
Parents have a particular reason to rejoice that the case against Dr. Burzynski has been dismissed. One form of childhood cancer – diffuse, intrinsic, childhood brainstem glioma for which conventional medicine has no cure has been cured by Antineoplastons (with dozens of others). [ANP – PubMed 2003] [ANP – PubMed 2006] [Rad & other – PubMed 2008] [Chemo/Rad – PubMed 2005]Â
Congratulations Dr. Burzynski on this huge win against the foes that are attempting to silence you and stop your amazing work. Â The road ahead is still long until treatment with Antineoplastons is widely available to all Americans, but this recent victory brings a big one home for the little guy!
I’ve been a fan of Dr. Burzynski after attending 4 funerals in a (very hard) year. Three (and one was a 13 year old girl) died from what was called cancer. However, they were doing great until they began their cut, chemo, and burn therapy. After their ‘treatment,’ death became imminent. That Year of Tears made me realize that cancer treatment is a fraud.
I’m grateful that Dr. Burzynski’s case has been dismissed. Thanks for keeping us all informed.
Keep going!
He has a great documentary. Warning it will piss you off once you learn the business of medicine. It’s not about the cure.
Wonderful news!
Great news! My son did a college research paper on his treatment this year. The prof said there’s no way my son could be responsible for such educated language, that he must have cheated. He answered that, well, we discuss alternative therapies all the time in our family and have for years. She said he knows his stuff! I’m glad. Information worth knowing well.
Great news! I have followed him for years.
I’ve done research on alternative cancer treatments for awhile now and I would definitely say that chemo is a medical fraud in too many cases. It destroys the immune system and permanently damages health. Though I admit I haven’t looked into Dr. Burzynski treatments much though its great that chemo alternatives are gaining ground.
Yes Kelli, I have worked in a hospital for almost 30 yrs and “Cut, Poison and Burn” is the most disgusting thing I have ever had to witness, and then having to watch my own Dad go through it.. I have learned so much since then, almost 15 yrs ago…if you are willing to spend the time and energy to research the will be astounded by what you find! I have to say that not all doctors go along blindly..but the vast majority do or at least do not know what the options really are…big pharma is very powerful and deceitful and they obviously get to have major input at the educational levels… the main thing that I believe we all can take away from this victory of Dr. B, is that we must have choices…REAL CHOICES…and that takes men like Dr. B who is willing to try another way… God bless all those who are in this struggle as I believe it will eventually touch almost everyone personally, if we aren’t educated and prepared to do battle. Life is a gift from God and it is a beautiful thing I look in the face of my first precious grandchild..
I have experienced this treatment and this case is not the “persecution” you claim. This treatment is NOT harmless! It can be deadly itself. They don’t mention that when you show up. It was $20,000 upfront for the first few days of treatment. How is this not monopolizing?? Like chemo, it makes the patient sick and unable to function normally. It requires a complete overhaul of your life(and diet) and the lives of those around you. Not to mention the antineoplastons WREAK!! I cannot even describe the awful smell that you are subjected to all day, every day. It permeates the house, everything, and everyone it touches. While I’m sure the treatment works for some, so does just a dietary change, so does doing nothing, so does a placebo. The FDA approval doesn’t mean anything. If there’s enough money, the FDA has approved many drugs that are then found to be deadly. In our experience, every patient that we met while there was dead within 2 months of returning home.
I do agree that every patient should have the right to choose their treatment. However, there is a lot of info missing about this particular case and this clinic. The government may not be as unfounded in their case as you are leading people to believe.
Hi Lynn,
If you don’t mind me asking, what type of cancer were you diagnosed with and which stage? How old are you and what is your lifestyle like? Were you subjected to chemo and radiation prior to seeing Dr. Burzynski? Are you completely cancer free now and if so, how long has it been?
I’m interested because I had watched the documentary on the Doctor and naturally, it was convincing in the way I portrayed the process the doctor goes through with each patient, and that no treatment is handled the same. Nowadays, cancer is so prevalent in America and I attribute this to the toxins in our air and food. There are innumerable Americans who are completely clueless as to what is in the food throughout big chain supermarkets and the FDA’s primary concern is profit, not the health of the Americans.
I was the primary caregiver for my mom. She was 52 had always been healthy & active, no history of cancer(except skin) in the family. She was diagnosed with a glioma. She was scheduled to start radiation for her inoperable brain tumor but instead opted for the Burzynski Clinic. She arrived at the clinic walking, talking and the picture of health. By the time we left 2 weeks later, she could barely carry on a conversation, had difficulty walking and she was so swollen from the massive amounts of steriods they prescribed that the family didn’t recognize her when we stepped off the plane. Soon after arriving home, she had her first seizure which required hospitalization. Then it was back and forth for weeks with her on and off the treatment, in and out of the hospital. (she could not remain on treatment when in the hospital because it wasn’t FDA approved) She died a few weeks later of a brain hemmorage. Another patient who had the same tumor, but had undergone chemo and radiation prior to coming to the clinic died in a similar way a few weeks later.
As for the treatment, we never actually saw Dr Burzynski~none of the patients we met had. My mom received their standard treatment for the type of tumor she had as did the other patient with the same tumor. As for the clinic and staff, they were amazingly kind and compassionate. My fear is that people will think that this are the best option when that may or may not be the case.
Like you, I attribute our high cancer rates to lifestyle and toxin exposure. For my own family, I now follow a mostly organic, unprocessed, natural diet which I grow as much of as I can. We avoid exposure to toxins in all household products and do not use plastics.
Thanks for sharing, but I am sorry to hear that it did not work out. I was so interested in hearing from an actual patient (or in your case, you were there step by step) because the documentary only reveals information on patients that were cured, and how quickly there cancer diminished within 1 year or less. My boyfriend’s grandmother was diagnosed about 4 years ago with stage 4 cancer that began as lung but metastasized, and she just passed away on the 9th. She went through numerous rounds of chemo/radiation, went for MRIs and CAT scans and she was doing well, considering. But she did not change her diet and was constantly on the go (even at 80!) she was not your typical grandmother. We had looked into the Burzynski clinic and saw that the initial visit was $25,000, so it was not really an option for us, especially because she was 78 at the time. I’ve seen another documentary related to cancer and how these plants were producing a toxic chemical into the air, but a doctor that was featured stated that cancer is NOT hereditary. I truly believe that is the truth and I am the same was as you where I will only buy organic food, raw milk, and limit myself on eating out. You cannot trust 80% of what is being sold in a supermarket, so I do my research to educate myself the best that I can, because you know damn well the FDA isn’t going to do it for you!
How did you do with the treatment? What kind of dietary changes were recommended and were the dietary changes custom for you?
I think my response to Jaclyn answers most of your questions. Regarding diet~because the treatment is really high in sodium, the diet eliminated sodium as much as possible. In addition, it was high in potassium and supplemented with it, to offset the high sodium. My mom voluntarily gave up all processed foods and sugars in order to increase her success having read that cancer feeds on sugar. Still, I had to draw blood every few days to have her potassium levels tested. At one point, we had to rush her to the ER to receive a potassium IV because her levels were so low they feared cardiac arrest.
Prior to her diagnosis, she had a pretty standard diet…except when she did Body for Life and followed the Fit for Life plans.
Other than the sodium issues, I don’t recall the clinic offering much in the way of dietary advise. They did support her not eating processed or sugars though.
Lynn, thank you for sharing your story. I don’t know if Burzynski is the right choice for everyone. It sounds like it wasn’t the right choice for your mom. I’m glad that there are alternative cancer treatments out there. I personally know someone who is a cancer survivor through alternative therapy.
This is exactly why I eat good food plus take a high quality antioxidant and apotosis supplement. So that I don’t have to face this scary issue.