The obstacles can sometimes seem insurmountable in our grassroots efforts to secure such basic freedoms as the right to consciously choose the foods that nourish our bodies and the holistic treatments to assist us if we get ill.
At almost every turn, a growing and increasingly belligerent government bureaucracy backed by Corporate taskmasters attempts to thwart our efforts by terrorizing small farmers whose only “crime” is the simple production of nutrient-rich foods for their communities or putting on trial alternative cancer doctors actually curing patients without resorting to the life-altering and physically agonizing cut, poison, burn approach of chemotherapy and radiation.
Even parents are now targeted. Those that seek to avoid the horrors of conventional chemotherapy for their ailing children find that they are forced into this outdated and barbaric medical paradigm by government authorities and refused “permission” to seek alternative treatments.
While the odds against us sometimes appear hopeless as we struggle to secure our health and wellness choices, now at least is a time to celebrate.
In recent days, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski’s four year battle with the Texas Medical Board finally ended with an outright dismissal of the case!
For those of you not familiar with the saga of Dr. Stan Burzynski, who was the subject of the 2010 Award-Winning Documentary Cancer is Serious Business, here it is in a nutshell;
- For over 10 years, Dr. Burzynski MD has successfully treated terminal cancer patients with the multi-agent gene-targeted therapy he discovered in the 1970s called Antineoplastons.
- Antineoplastons completed Phase II of the required FDA-supervised clinical trials in 2009. Further, the FDA has given permission to begin the final phase of testing which involves randomized controlled clinical trials.
- This highly successful alternative treatment devised by Dr. Burzynski involves designing a personalized cancer treatment for each and every terminal cancer patient under his care based on that patient’s individual and unique genetic markers.
- The individualized treatments include off label use of already existing, FDA approved medications with no surgery, no chemotherapy and no radiation required.
Why has Dr. Burzynski been so relentlessly persecuted first by the United States Government and then the Texas Medical Board for so many years?
Follow the money, my friends!
The multi-agent gene-targeted therapy called Antineoplastons is nothing short of a huge medical breakthrough that promises to completely shatter the cut, poison, burn Standard Of Care – surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation treatment. Â When clinical trials are completed and Antineoplastons approved, it will be the first time in history that a single individual and not a pharmaceutical company holds the exclusive patent to manufacture and distribute these gene-targeted medicines on the open market.
In essence, then, Dr. Burzynski’s work represents a two-fold threat to Big Pharma:
- The thankful demise of cut, poison, burn and the huge, monopolistic profits behind chemotherapy and radiation treatment for cancer.
- The rise of gene-targeted cancer treatment with no pharmaceutical industry player profiting from these medicines.
That’s right – Big Pharma completely left out in the cold with regard to the sale and distribution of these new, groundbreaking cancer medicines!
Parents have a particular reason to rejoice that the case against Dr. Burzynski has been dismissed. One form of childhood cancer – diffuse, intrinsic, childhood brainstem glioma for which conventional medicine has no cure has been cured by Antineoplastons (with dozens of others). [ANP – PubMed 2003] [ANP – PubMed 2006] [Rad & other – PubMed 2008] [Chemo/Rad – PubMed 2005]Â
Congratulations Dr. Burzynski on this huge win against the foes that are attempting to silence you and stop your amazing work. Â The road ahead is still long until treatment with Antineoplastons is widely available to all Americans, but this recent victory brings a big one home for the little guy!
“For over 10 years, Dr. Burzynski MD has successfully treated terminal cancer patients”
Show me the records. Show me the data.
You can’t because there isn’t any that is verifiable.
Your gloating just lend support to a fraudster and a criminal.
Before you call him.a fraud and and a criminal your asking to records well if you watch his documentary cancer is big businesses maybe that would shed some light
Dr Simoncini?
Cancer is a fungus? This man is batsh*t insane. He is no longer a Doctor he was stripped of his credentials and was successfully prosecuted for manslaughter, fraud and medical negligence in Italy. He also falsified his data in his so-called “research” He has since teamed up with David Icke (yes he of the “the planet is run by shape-shifting alien vampire lizard people” guff).
Do you really want to entrust your life to someone who says all cancer is a fungus because it is white? How does he know all cancer isnt bread? or really small washing machines?
The guy is an idiot, and a dangerous idiot.
When will you alt-med believers seriously start to look at real evidence instead of listening to lovely cutesy happy little bed-time stories? Yes healthy eating and healthy living can do wonders for your health, and yes Big Pharma does some very bad things, but please, just because Big Pharma does bad things sometimes, doesn’t make fraudsters like Simoncini or Burzynski brave, maverick or (most importantly) RIGHT!
I, too, have first-hand experience with Dr. Burzynski’s treatments. In 1996 my mom was diagnosed with two dominant cancers, ovarian and colon. She was given less than a year to live, I was her primary caretaker. My grandparents took my mom to Burzynski’s clinic in Houston after she decided to forego traditional medical treatments. Burzynski’s initially did no accept my mom as a patient but after my grandfather donated $1M dollars to Burzynski’s research program (Google Budwine & Burzynski and you’ll read about the donation and Burzynski introducing my grandfather to the president of Poland as a thank you) mom was quickly accepted into his program. She was hooked up to a 24/7 I.V. drip of the antineosplatons on her first visit as a patient. Lynn is right. The concoction is noxious. It wreaks of animal urine and the syrupy substance will eat through anything. Skin, fabric, wood. Mom lost her hair, her appetite, her memory, her personality, and she shed her skin and nails. Her skin blistered and the itching was enough to leave her begging for mercy in a cool bathtub every night. To honor her parents she persevered. After three months of treatment Burzynski declared her cancer free and mom died approximately one month later. Mom said taking the treatment was the worst decision she’s ever made. Buzynski lost all credibility with me for accepting her when he likely knew there was nothing he could do for her, treating her with such a toxic brew knowing how sick it would make her in vain, and for ever telling my mom she was cancer free. She was riddled with metastatic tumors when she died. In my humble opinion, it is a shame you have written this article without any first hand experience or reviews from patients or patient’s families. I respectfully request your update your article if possible with tales from both sides of the Buzynski story.
Thanks so much for sharing your story. I somehow came across Dr. Burzynski’s documentary on Youtube about a year or so ago, and thought he should have been highly revered. Knowing that the person producing the documentary was obviously biased and skewed the video to be favorable towards the doctor, I still believed Dr. Burzynski had discovered something great. I understand not every person diagnosed with cancer is a candidate for his treatment, but it sure is expensive and hearing your story is sad, especially when he declared her to be cancer free.
There are ALWAYS 2 sides to a story. Thanks again.
Great! Get him secret service protection right now! Big Pharma sounds evil…
brilliant news
My mother was diagnosed with stage three colon cancer in 2007. A year later, at the urging of my mother, my husband and I got our first colonoscopies. My husband was also diagnosed with stage three colon cancer. They both had surgery and rounds of chemotherapy which almost killed my mother and yet my husband, being stronger handled the chemo quite well even going to work afterwards. It then metasticised to their liver in 2009. Each had surgery at the Mayo Clinic. Chemotherapy was recommended again. I tried to persuade each to go to the Burzynski Clinic instead since it was obvious that the chemo did not prevent the cancer from metasticising. The second round of chemo was very tough on my husband. He passed away in July of 2010, which was two years after being diagnosed. My mother’s colon cancer then spread to her lung. She had surgery in summer of 2010 and was advised to do another round of chemo after. I begged her to not go through that again and to try the Burzynski Clinic. She went down to Houston in August of 2011. She has been on a regimen of PB and other small doses of gene targeted drugs. She has been able to stay healthy and enjoy her active lifestyle with my father, and grandchildren and will be celebrating another birthday this month! So as you can see, our experience has been quite different than Lynne’s (a previous poster) and I would highly recommend this clinic to anyone frustrated with standard cancer treatment.
I’ve been following Burzynski for years. It’s about time they stop persecuting him and start paying attention to what he knows that the rest of the medical community does not. Thank you so much for sharing!
Yes, that is a GREAT news!
I am so excited to hear this! Thanks for sharing the good news.
Not totally safe! Seriously….please read more about this. While it is good for some cancers, it is not for others. And your blood can become too alkaline and you die! Be careful doling out advice.