Which homeopathic remedies are best to use to facilitate the resolution of cavities or a predisposition to tooth decay issues and how to best administer to children.

Many people do not consider homeopathy for cavities, but there are two remedies that can be of assistance especially when other natural methods of treatment are not producing any results.
Prevention and cure of cavities are based on diet as discovered, researched, and documented by Dr. Weston A. Price, DDS.
In certain instances, homeopathic treatment can provide valuable assistance to the healing journey but cannot be viewed as a substitute for a nourishing, Traditional Diet.
Teeth Represent the Overall Health of the Body
The quality of the teeth represents the status of the bone structure of the body.
Therefore, it’s important that the teeth be sound. If they are, the bones will be sound, too.
Sometimes, parents are concerned when their child’s teeth show frequent and large cavities in spite of a decent diet.
This is rare when children are raised on unprocessed, fresh from the farm grass-fed dairy, but it can occur in children who have certain predisposing genetics.
In this case, deep-acting constitutional remedies would be in order.
If the caries are not of a particularly worrisome level, much can be done to remedy the problem with homeopathic treatment at home.
Homeopathic Remedies for Cavities
It generally takes a good amount of time for homeopathic treatment to strengthen and aid in the growth of teeth in children.
The remedies Calc phos 6x and Calc fluor 12x are best for this purpose.
They should be taken three times a day for many months to achieve the desired tooth-strengthening effect.
These two remedies make a powerful homeopathic treatment, particularly in combination.
This is because Calc phos “is concerned with the formation of bone and teeth and is an important remedy for children”, while Calc fluor “is found in the surface of bones and in the enamel of teeth”.
These remedies are specific for growth as well. This is important because it’s common for children who have tooth challenges to display other growth issues too.
When my children were growing, I had them take these remedies on a daily basis for years.
I did this in spite of the fact that they were raised on nourishing, easy-to-digest raw milk.
During these years, it appeared that two of our boys’ teeth were growing in a crooked fashion. In fact, I’m sure that if we hadn’t chosen our holistic dentist, we would have been pressured into putting braces on their teeth.
Instead, I believed that as they grew, their teeth would grow and straighten accordingly. And that’s exactly what happened.
Our boys have fine, strong, and straight teeth without the “aid” of orthodontia.
We saved ourselves not only thousands of dollars but allowed their bodies to complete the work of bone alignment on their own.
Administering Cavity Remedies for Children
A simple technique for administering this homeopathic treatment is to add them directly to jugs of milk.
In one gallon of milk, add 10 pills of each remedy, stir and the job is complete.
As your children ingest their milk throughout the day, they’ll get these two remedies in each sip.
If despite your efforts, dental caries sneaks in, Philip Wander, founding member and chairman of the British Homeopathic Dental Association, recommends applying liberal amounts of Plantago tincture (suggested brand) directly on the cavity using a cotton ball.
This can be done temporarily until necessary and professional dental care is employed.
The article above is an approved excerpt from Joette Calabrese’s book, “How to Raise a Drug-Free Family”, which she uses to teach a webinar course for parents.
1 Chapman, J.B. The Biochemic Handbook. St. Louis, Missouri: Formur, Inc. Publishers. 1994.12-13
2 British Homeopathic Association
More Information
What Causes Crooked Teeth?
How I Healed My Child’s Cavity Naturally
Hello I found that these medicines work on adults with cavities too. You can prevent a root canal of you are patient and take the medicines diligently and even if the results are not instant they are guaranteed.
My father is a homeopath
Here is the list of suggested remedies.
Plantago major Q – a few drops on a ball of cotton and place the ball directly on the cavity . this medicine , using the cotton ball can also be used to keep your teeth squeaky clean . there won’t be a speck of coating on your teeth.
Calcarea fluor – this helps building the teeth . you can take any dilution or concentration. Usually 30x is best
Calcarea carb – this helps strengthen the jaws and also helps strengthen teeth and other bones. you can take 4 chewable tablets twice a day . same for calcarea fluor.
Hypericum perforatum Q – When you have a sharp pain in a tooth due to decay , a few drops of this directly onto the tooth heals it instantly. But you need to follow up on the calcareas to fix the tooth before the cavity progresses. And plantago cleans up the germs and stops the cavity from getting worse.
Fragaria vesca – ( strawberries) this helps keeping your teeth clean and white
Kreosotum – this helps heal weak gums that bleed occasionally
People with GERD you need to be careful. The acis can erode your enamel. Calcarea fluor helps . but you need to fix the GERD .
Ruta graveolens Q – for tmjd .
Just want to confirm you take the Calc flour and Calc Carb both in 30X for adults with cavities. Also the with plantago major does it have to be Mother Tincture or can you just purchase the herb tincture of plantago major? Having a hard time finding the plantago sold in the states.
This is great but it’s very geared towards growing children. If an adult has cavities, would this help as well?
Also, for this particular thing, does it matter what dilution you use? Could you use 6 or 30 for both, or does it have to be 6 + 12?
just wondering about adding it to a jug of milk. I thought that you weren’t supposed to eat or drink anything, besides water, for about 10 to 15 minutes before or after taking homeopathy. is it different with cell salts?
There is a wrong link in your article and because of that I ordered the wrong dosage on the Calc fluor 12x. The link takes you to Calc Fluor 30x.
“It generally takes a good amount of time, however, Calc phos 6x and Calc fluor 12x homeopathic treatment taken three times daily, for many months has been shown to strengthen and aid in the growth of teeth in children.”
I can’t find the video. What is the brand?
Hi, my daughter is 6 and despite our diet she still has trouble with cavities. Where do you buy your brand? How often should I give them to her? I don’t think I’ll be adding it to the jug of milk. Any other suggestions. Any information is much appreciated!! Thank you
Up her intake of fat soluble vitamins! And decrease intake of whole grains. I suggest reading “Cure tooth decay” by Ramiel Nagel. We had the same problem with our two boys, but this book saved us!
I have wondered about the Calc. Fluor and how that differs from (or is the same as) fluoride as we know it in toothpaste, etc. We avoid fluoride when possible and have a reverse osmosis filter because it is even in our city water. I read a similar article over a year ago and while we did purchase and use the Calc. Phos., I couldn’t get a straight answer on the Calc. Fluor., so I didn’t buy/use that. Not sure if they have to go hand in hand, but the fluoride is a huge issue. Would love to have further information about the Calc. Fluor.
In homeopathic medicines , the original substance has been diluted to very high degrees.
Therefore, there is no danger of actually ingesting any Fluorine from Calc Fluor 6X homeopathic/biochemic taclets.
Calc flour is not the same as the sodium fluoride, what you have in toothpaste is sodium fluoride which is harmful.
Sodium fluoride not good calcium fluoride good
There is one thing I don´t understand. Homoepathic remedies contain nothing except of sugar. How can sugar prevent cavities?
By the way if the cavities in your child´s mouth really come from lacking minerals would it not be better to give them real supplements instead of sugar pills?
Dear Mimi,
Homeopathic medications are not just sugar pills.
They are made by infusing sugar pills with liquid formulations of the required homeopathic medicinal tincture.
Therefore, while all homeopathic medicines may appear the same, the fact is that they ARE different, and will act differently, depending on the actual medicine used to make them.
My toddler had once gotten a hold of some Rhus Tox pellets that I dropped on the floor. I didn’t know he had gotten them but after I cleaned up I noticed he had a red rash on his legs. It didn’t hurt him, couldn’t feel it, no other itch or discomfort. Just a very visible red rash. I panicked for a moment and wondered what the heck! 10 minutes ago he had nothing! Then I looked under the table and saw where I had dropped the Rhus Pellets and he had eaten them. Do you know what Rhus Tox is? It’s the remedy made from poison ivy. Do you know what poison ivy causes? A red rash. The remedy had been prescribed for my husband based off a dna test and symptoms by a homeopath. My husband did not have any reactions like that. But the remedy was not for my toddler to take 10 of them. What had occurred was a ‘proving’ where your body tells you, incorrect remedy. Not needed. And you can antidote with something as simple as mint, but I didn’t. (I didn’t know that at the time.) The rash never bothered him and went away on its own. Had that been an allopathic medicine I would have had to call poison control, rush to the ER, and pray my son didn’t die. Thankfully, homeopathy is gentle. Provings are rare, but may happen. Ultimately what I wrote this comment for is to point out That sugar pills have no way of causing a red rash. Nor could a placebo. So, that was in fact ‘proving’ there is something IN homeopathic remedies. I don’t fear my kids getting them because of that proving, I know I can brush their teeth with mint toothpaste and it will antidote anything they might have instantly. And I’ve had one other proving with a medicine for myself and newborn that went away right after I brushed my teeth. But that’s it. Anyway it’s those experiences that taught me just how effective homeopathy is. I haven’t looked back at allopathy.
What this article is about is called cell salts. These sugar pills have less sugar than what you’d eat in a normal day. A cell salt is different from a remedy. And while you need nutrition for healthy teeth, it’s not that easy to just eat a good meal and never have dental problems. These cell salts help strengthen your teeth. A regular dentist is going to tell you to eat right and just brush with fluoride. If that was the best way to go, they wouldn’t be rich with many patients. Even with our best efforts, sometimes we just need more help. That’s where this calc phos and calc Fluor come in. They are in fact like nutrition for your teeth. These are real supplements.
I started take calc phos 30x for heal pain. I have notice that when I have something cold it no longer hurts my teeth! i take bioplasma as well. calc phos has helped big time with my 2 yr olds growth spruts. no long wakes crying at the top of her lungs. now to get her to drink raw cows milk now that we have a source for it. I do almond bcus of casein issue i hope to uproot soon. she drank that before we had raw source. hard to get them to change at this age.