America is at war. This war is not being waged in the streets of Baghdad or the mountains of Afghanistan.
This war is being waged against the small farms of America by the Executive Branch of the US Government, specifically the USDA and the FDA.
Recall the illegal raids on the Rawsome Club in California (guns drawn on unarmed citizens) and the Gestapo-like seizure of thousands of pounds of cheese from Morningland Dairy and Estrella Creamery.
Neither Morningland nor Estrella’s products have ever sickened anyone and the testing procedures used to support this “guilty until proven innocent” search and seizure are dubious and unscientific!
Most small farms targeted for persecution are unable to withstand the financial pressure from such a raid and go out of business.
These types of raids are increasing across the country and they MUST BE STOPPED. The only way to do so is with money and public opinion.  If these farms can muster the financial support to have their day in court, THEY WILL WIN just like Michael Schmidt did in Canada. The law is on their side, but they are small and defenseless and need our support.
Below is the trailer for the new documentary Farmageddon.  Let’s all pull together so that the frightening reality painted by this film is never allowed to come to fruition.
With a US President whose family enjoys raw milk (his chef buys it locally in South Florida), perhaps the bureaucratic war against family farms will ease and perhaps even end. Many regulations have been rolled back so far. The new tax law protects the transfer of family farms to the next generation without an undue tax burden, so this too is a promising development.
The best thing you can do is stay informed and be prepared to fearlessly defend the family farms in your community which you patronize!
Thank you for posting this. Sharing with my FB friends!
Thank you for this Sarah, you are truly my HERO!
Hi Joy, we can't get the big networks attention because they are funded by their big advertisers, the biggest of which is Big Pharma. Big Pharma doesn't want small farms as people get WELL when they eat this food and DON'T NEED DRUGS anymore. The only way to stop this is grassroots. The Internet, blogs, Facebook, Twitter etc are our most powerful weapons.
Thank you for keeping us informed. Please continue doing this. I agree with Katie Riddle's comment of trying to stop this before they become raids! I think public awareness is a BIG key. Investigative reporting from major networks is needed. How do we get their attention?
Keep up the good work.
Wow! What is next?!!! Our basic freedom and constitutional rights are being picked off one by one. The government keeps moving against its citizens. At the end, if left to succeed, we will have no healthy food to eat and no freedom to make our own decisions according to our specific needs/lifestyle.
I am usually an optimist, but today I am angry!
Finances are extremely tight for my family (unemployed for the last two years), but I will contact my representative in D. C.
Sarah, thank you for posting this very important article.
I included the link to Kelly's master post in a comment on a guest post I wrote last week (if only I had known about this coordinated effort then!) for a friend. While most of her readers do not share WAPF views on what is healthy, this is about so much more than raw diary. This is about our basic freedom to eat according to our own beliefs. Hopefully we can not only erect the mob of 50,000 real foodists but make a much larger segment of the population see that this effects them on a very deep level. These issues not only effect our freedom to choose our food, but our economy, safety and our future. It's just too big to sit by and twiddle our thumbs. We have to be active in fighting for our rights.
Sarah, thank you for posting this. Freedom is always under attack, and our very ability to have good food to eat is threatened. The government will destroy all farmers raising real food unless we help them. If the government succeeds, we will have only factory swill to eat. We cannot let this happen!
I'm excited to see this issue catch so many people's attention- and I know all of us- bloggers and commenters can work together to get 50,000 people to be aware of the issue and protect our farmers with just $5!
-Elizabeth @ Nourishing Creations
Thanks for blogging this. I read about it at and just appalled at the arrogance of the federal gov't. I'll join.
Thanks again
I definitely want to help these dairies and am also outraged by the audacity of those conducting these raids. I'd like to know if there is anything out there that I can also get behind that takes the offense. I don't want to wait for another raid to happen. I want to find out why these raids are happening in the first place and go after those institutions before another raid can happen. I see it like preventative medicine. Why wait until you're sick and then only treat the symptoms (conventional medicine) instead of strengthening our bodies, going after the root of what's causing the sickness, and nip it in the but before another sickness with more symptoms set in?