Comparison of coconut aminos, soy sauce, and liquid aminos for nutrition, digestibility, and overall health benefits.

In recent years, health-conscious people from around the world have embraced all things coconut. Beyond plain coconut oil, products like coconut sugar, coconut flour, coconut cream, coconut milk, and coconut flakes are widely available.
For savory flavoring, coconut aminos have gained popularity as an allergy-free alternative to traditionally fermented soy sauce.
Coconut aminos is also a competitive product to Bragg’s regular Liquid Aminos.
Let’s take a look at these three food flavoring alternatives and see how each stacks up nutritionally and digestively.
How Coconut Aminos Are Made
The process of making aminos from coconut according to one of the most popular manufacturers is fairly simple.
It involves cutting coconut tree flowers to prevent the production of fruit and then tapping the tree to collect the flowing sap.
Vats of sap gradually ferment with additional salt with the final product transformed into coconut aminos.
What’s more, the product contains no additives or preservatives. It’s that simple.
Aminos from fermented coconut sap offers a nice balance of salty, a hint of sweet, and umami.
Surprisingly not any coconut flavor is detectable.
Even though produced via fermentation, coconut aminos from most producers are not raw although it used to be when it was brand new to the market.
Shelf stability has now taken precedence over offering the best product. This means that coconut aminos are typically pasteurized to meet mass production needs.
This process involves heating the coconut aminos to 165 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 seconds during bottling.
Next, the bottles containing the hot liquid are tipped upside down for one minute to sterilize the air space between the glass and the cap.
The good news is that this additional processing doesn’t affect the flavor, nutrition, or anything else about the product.
However, hot coconut aminos contacting the plastic cap for one minute is a bit questionable as a healthy manufacturing process in my view.
I would think that it leaches toxins from the plastic lid into the product itself, although I have no hard data to back up this hunch.
Coconut Aminos versus Soy Sauce
There are a number of reasons someone may prefer coconut aminos over soy sauce.
First, GMO soy is the source for most soy sauces in North America unless organic or nonGMO certified.
As a result, those who consume it risk the GMO health dangers associated with it…especially those related to Roundup residues.
Also, a lot of soy sauces contain all sorts of questionable ingredients beyond just the conventional soybeans. This includes additives, preservatives, and stabilizers.
By comparison, coconut aminos are just coconut aminos.
Products with ingredient lists that are short, clear, and unambiguous as to the contents are preferable to those that are not.
Low Allergen
Second, some people are allergic to soy but still want to enjoy dishes that require the flavors that soy sauce creates.
Coconut aminos are a great option for such individuals and such dishes.
While some people are allergic to coconut, a much larger number of people have an allergy to soy.
Most traditional soy sauces contain gluten (wheat), so coconut aminos offers an easy gluten-free option.
Although gluten-free soy sauce options are now available, the fact that coconut aminos is both soy and grain-free makes this choice appealing to those on certain types of restrictive diets.
Lower Sodium
Finally, coconut aminos contain less salt than soy sauce. Roughly two-thirds less in fact, which is significant!
For people who need to watch or reduce sodium intake, coconut aminos are a great option.
Gut Healing Diets
While there are a number of reasons coconut aminos may appeal over soy sauce, those on gut-healing diets might need to steer clear.
Both the GAPS diet and the Specific Carbohydrate Diet disallow coconut sugar and coconut syrup due to the difficult-to-digest disaccharides in the coconut sap.
Coconut aminos are made from the very same sap.
Thus, unfermented brands of coconut aminos (such as Bragg’s) would definitely be a no-go.
However, for brands of fermented coconut aminos (such as Coconut Secret), the disaccharides in the sap may be broken down enough to be tolerated.
For those on Full Gaps (not Intro), properly fermented wheat-free soy sauce is allowed. (1-2)
Avoid Liquid Aminos (always)
While coconut aminos and soy sauce have their pros and cons, liquid aminos have no redeeming health benefits and are to be avoided all the time.
According to Dr. Kaayla Daniel:
Liquid aminos are an unfermented liquid soy product invented by health food pioneer Paul Bragg and is a soy sauce alternative preferred by many health aficionados. Its main claim to fame has been a lower sodium content than tamari or shoyu.
As a hydrolyzed [nonGMO soy] protein, liquid aminos contain plenty of MSG produced as a residue of the hydrolyzing process. It also contains aspartic acid, another brain damaging excitotoxin, which is a component of aspartame as well.
The takeaway: No bragging rights for liquid aminos!
Synthetic MSG vs Natural Glutamate
Both soy sauce and coconut aminos (if fermented) contain natural glutamate derived from the fermentation process.
By comparison, liquid aminos contain MSG derived from the industrialized process of hydrolyzing soy protein.
Hence, the glutamate in fermented coconut aminos is safer and likely better tolerated than the manufactured MSG in liquid aminos.
For those susceptible even to the small amounts of glutamate or histamines in fermented foods, brands of unfermented coconut aminos are a better choice (except for those on GAPS!).
Health Benefits
Some websites attribute a wide and large array of health benefits to coconut amino consumption. The problem is…these studies that support such claims used whole coconuts, coconut oil, or other coconut products, not the aminos!
Hence, beware of conflated health claims floating around about coconut aminos specifically.
Coconut aminos contain no medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs)Â one of the most beneficial macronutrients in coconuts.
In fact, they contain no fat at all.
As a result, it seems highly unlikely that many of the positive benefits of coconuts and coconut oil apply to coconut aminos.
This doesn’t mean that the product is without health benefits. It just means that it would be highly improper to attribute the positive results in certain studies for coconut oil and other coconut products as applicable to coconut aminos!
In addition, a person would typically use a rather small amount of coconut aminos for any given dish.
Thus, given the very small amount consumed in a day or even a week, the impact on health is probably negligible.
Enzymes and Probiotics
Some organic and traditionally brewed soy sauces are unpasteurized (this is the brand I’ve used for years), which is an edge nutritionally if you are using it for dipping at the table with sushi and related dishes.
But, some dishes that use soy sauce are cooked after it is added.
In that case, using enzyme and probiotic-rich unpasteurized soy sauce isn’t any better than coconut aminos.
Coconut oil is a sustainable product when farmers manage the groves according to green, environmentally friendly practices.
But the plethora of new coconut products flooding the market, especially coconut sugar and sap (and thus also the aminos), some say may not be. (3)
Investigate your preferred brand of coconut aminos and its pledge of sustainability. Here’s what Coconut Secret says about its product:
The most remarkable blessing about tapping a coconut tree, is that once tapped, it flows its sap continuously for the next 20 years. From a sustainability viewpoint, the harvestable energy production from tapping coconut trees for their sap (which yields 5,000 liters per hectare), rather than allowing them to produce fruit, is 5-7 times higher per hectare than coconut oil production from mature coconuts. (4)
If you prefer soy sauce, be sure that it is always organic and/or nonGMO certified (this is the brand I’ve used for years).
There is no reason not to enjoy both coconut aminos and high-quality traditionally brewed soy sauce.
Always skip the regular liquid aminos, however!
It is especially important to avoid restaurant (GMO) soy sauces with additives and use your own traditionally brewed brand from home for takeout meals.
Coconut aminos have a similar but slightly different flavor profile than soy sauce allowing an easy change-up for the same dish.
However, don’t expect it to be the perfect replacement for all dishes especially if you are on a gut-healing diet.
For those with allergies or other soy-related issues, coconut aminos provide an acceptable alternative and one that you can feel good about consuming.

(2) Full GAPS Legal Fried Rice
(3) Coconut Palm Sugar Sustainability
(4) Coconut Secret: Our Social Impact
Great info, thanks! We use Niulife cocount amino, an Aussie not-for-profit company making great products. We’ve shared this great article in our Fb group for our members to benefit from 🙂
Just an FYI but Bragg’s does not have less sodium than soy sauce or tamari (soy sauce without wheat). Bragg’s lists their sodium count by teaspoon, while most soy sauce and tamari lists by tablespoon. At a glance Bragg’s looks like the better choice. Most organic (non gmo) tamari has 940mg sodium per tablespoon which is 313mg per teaspoon. Bragg’s has 340mg sodium per teaspoon. Organic non gmo soy sauce has 1020mg sodium per tablespoon which is also 340mg per teaspoon. Bragg’s is pulling the wool over our eyes. Regarding aminos, tamari has twice as much as Bragg’s. Bragg’s has 1/3 gram of protein amino acids while tamari has 2/3 gram protein amino acids. The amount is negligble, but they make it sound better than it is. Of course coconut aminos really do contain much less sodium. However, they vary by brand. Bragg’s coconut aminos have 140mg sodium per teaspoon while Coconut Secret contains 90mg sodium per teaspoon.
‘”The most remarkable blessing about tapping a coconut tree, is that once tapped, it flows its sap continuously for the next 20 years. From a sustainability viewpoint, the harvestable energy production from tapping coconut trees for their sap (which yields 5,000 liters per hectare), rather than allowing them to produce fruit, is 5-7 times higher per hectare than coconut oil production from mature coconuts.”‘
I don’t understand, and would love to have this clarified. What I’m reading from this is that this method is overall not sustainable. The tree is being prevented from making it’s fruit. The sap will eventually run out after 20 years, and we will have one “hectare”, or 2.47105 of dead trees that can’t even produce fruit. What they would have only made are 1320.86 us liquid gallons. If this product is THE PRODUCT, and everyone will eventually start purchasing it, there will be alot of land that will have to be destroyed in order to plant these trees and make this. I honestly do not feel that this would be worth it.
According to the best selling “Medical Medium” MSG literally eats your brain…killing millions of brain cells. I think I will stay away from all of these. I will not be a guinea pig. I know for a fact that amino acids of any kind generate a lot of phlegm in some people and I personally feel drained the next morning. I always question what I ate since I eat clean and will eliminate anything new I had tried. Not a fan of nutritional yeast or amino acids…my feelings tell me more than a doctor can.
is this Ojio brand ok?
Not familiar with this brand. I haven’t seen it in my area.
is this brand ok?
I’m not familiar with this brand. I have not seen it in my area.
You recommended a a Soyu sauce under “(this is the brand I’ve used for years), “, and it takes you to an Amazon link. It is $90.00 for a small 10oz. bottle! Isn’t that a bit over the top?
It’s $15/bottle at my healthfood store. I send you to Amazon so you can see what the bottle looks like. Buy it wherever you can find it most affordably!
Well if it’s fermented with a bacteria or yeast then it will contain MSG.
I was agreeing with everything up until the MSG bit… There is no danger in aspartic acid by itself, the body makes aspartic acid.. Fermented coconut aminos/soy sauce is the opposite of Bragg’s liquid aminos, which is much worse for you. Most foods contain aspartic acid, glutamic acid, naturally occurring MSG (tomatoes). The problems comes down to the “pre” digested aminos, eg hydrolyzed, fermented.
Bragg’s Liquid Aminos is made by treating soybeans with hydrochloric acid to create free amino acids. Keywords here are free amino acids running around.
Just felt this should be said.
Thanks for this article; it’s news to me, and It made me curious.
I use San-J Organic Tamari; I compared Tamari and Coconut Aminos from their company websites as follows:
Organic Tamari: no wheat, non- GMO. gluten, free. 940mg sodium/T, 2g protein, 0 sugar, Iron 4%, Organic Alcohol as preservative, and great flavor.
Coconut Aminos: no wheat, non- GMO. gluten, free. 270mg sodium/T or 90mg/T sodium(depending where on website one reads), zero phytoestrogens, 0g protein, 1g sugar, C.Secrets website claims Aminos have a wide range of minerals & vitamins but such is NOT included on the bottle nutrition label — What is one to believe?
Tamari compares fairly favorably depending on one’s needs or restrictions, agreed?
Plus, Tamari actually has some amino acids (protein)!