Those in the know about the astounding health benefits of coconut oil are usually well aware of the major antimicrobial effects this traditional fat has on the skin and also in the gut.Â
It is no wonder that coconut oil is so great to rub into a dandruff plagued scalp as it helps bring the fungus causing this scaly problem under control with no chemical laden shampoos needed.
Coconut oil is also helpful for those with candida overgrowth problems in the gut as it suppresses all manner of gut pathogens.  It is the highly beneficial medium chain saturated fat lauric acid found in coconut oil that is responsible for protection from microbial infections of all kinds when coconut oil is consumed in the diet. Lauric acid is also produced by the human mammary gland and what is credited with protecting breastfed infants from viral, bacterial, or protozoal infections.
Warning: MCT oil has little to none of this most beneficial fat!
It is only recently, however, that the conventional medical community has finally begun to appreciate the powerful antimicrobial effect of coconut oil.
Irish researchers have reported from the Athlone Institute of Technology that coconut oil was the only oil of 3 tested (olive oil and vegetable oil being the other two) that was able to prevent Streptococcus mutans, an acid-producing bacterium that is a common inhabitant of the mouth and a major cause of tooth decay, from binding to and damaging tooth enamel.
This finding lends serious credence to the ancient Ayurvedic practice of oil pulling. It involves swishing the mouth with a tablespoon of oil first thing in the morning. Some people report that they achieve the best results using coconut oil.
The coconut oil used in the study was first treated with enzymes simulating the human digestive process in order to more realistically gauge its impact in the body.
The scientists also reported the coconut oil extremely effective at attacking thrush, a yeast (fungal) infection of the mouth which is not surprising given coconut oil’s helpfulness with other skin issues like dandruff.
Lead researcher Dr. Damien Brady stated that coconut oil could prove to be an attractive alternative to chemicals and meds in maintaining oral health. Â Mouthwashes, toothpastes, and other oral products are loaded with chemical additives that can frequently irritate the sensitive tissues of the mouth.
Dr. Brady noted that not only does coconut oil work at relatively low concentrations, but with the worrisome problem of increasing antibiotic resistance, it is important to consider coconut oil a potentially novel new way to control microbial infections. For example, people often wonder how to get rid of strep throat without the obligatory trip to the doctor’s office. Could coconut oil play a role in resolving this common illness? Can strep go away on its own or with a simple boost from anti-microbial foods like coconut oil?
Dr. Brady and his team now plan to examine how coconut oil and strep bacteria interface at the molecular level to determine if there are any other strains of bacteria that are inhibited in a similar fashion.  They also plan to study antibacterial activity in the gut  presumably using coconut oil and how cells lining the digestive tract can become colonized by pathogens.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
Coconut Oil Could Combat Tooth Decay, BBC Health News
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For as long as I’ve been a health advocate, I can’t believe I never tried “coconut oil” sooner! It is absolutely an awesome alternative — tastes incredibly delicious — and I can feel the difference when I’ve eaten something cooked w/ coconut oil! I love your blog and really appreciate all the resources in your library site! Thank you & God bless!
Anyone experience any loose stool from taking coco oil?
Sure, you can get loose stool from it in the beginning, especially if you have an unhealthy gut or if you use too much as a beginner. If your body is used to coconut oil, however, this would be an unusual reaction unless maybe you’ve been on a medication for an illness or something out of the ordinary for YOU.
A friend and I were just discussing this topic this evening – if you’re used to a certain type of diet (like paleo) and that’s what you’ve been practicing (strictly) for several months, even a small amount of “regular” food will likely cause some sort of untoward reaction. This is why we feel it’s not the best idea to be so strict about following ANY particular diet, do or die, ya know? For instance, my DH and I follow WAPF about 80 to 85% of the time, but we are not so strict that we can’t enjoy a cupcake at a birthday party or an Indian Taco at a wrestling match at the local high school (as their fundraisers). We try to be good with our eating habits, but never try to be perfect. Perfection sometimes has a way of backfiring. We see it often in friends who are newbies and think they need to be super strict and end up paying a price. I would say use moderation, but everyone defines moderation in a different way, it seems.
Anyone have a recipe to use for dandruff? Or do you just slab oil on scalp? If so, how to you relieve the oily goopy hair-do after? Thanks
I use co for scalp psorisis and it helps alot but you have to use it at least twicw a day to get good results. At night before bed it is not a problem because my hair is thick. In the morn after washing i put a small amount and rub into scalp before drying hair. Its not too bad for oiliness. Rub directly into scalp.. It is better than the flaking i get from not using it.
And does anybody use OraWellness who is part of the upcoming Summit? It’s essential oils, but no coconut.
Does anybody take coconut butter instead of coconut oil? I love the taste of the coconut butter and was wondering if it gives one the same benefits.
Sarah, can you answer this? Thanks.
Yes! Love my coconut oil also. I keep several jars around mixed with Redmond Clay and frankincense …love it for my face and hands and feet! I take coconut oil about twice a day by spoonful…..Just can’t do without my oil! I just use baking soda on my toothbrush for brushing….but one day might add something more. My mouthwash is water with a drop of alcohol and one drop of peppermint doTerra essential oil. I saw a ready say they also added lemon so going to give that a try too! Love my oils…..all of them…from bacon to eo’s
LOVE THIS! I am trying to help someone who has an abscessed tooth. He doesn’t have Fermented Cod Liver Oil nor butter oil / ghee, but is getting it today. I told him to use some coconut oil on it and he was already using some Oil of Oregano (well, even stronger than that – like the derivative of it). He is in no pain and I think the abscess is gone.
Going to have him add the FCLO and ghee twice a day also and see what happens. He always has tooth problems and ear infections. I think if I can get him to consistently use the Coconut oil, FCLO, and butter oil or ghee, it would be super helpful.
Does anyone know how to get the ear infections to go away? He is on antibiotics quite often because of them. I say “clean up the gut” and use these oils, but any other pieces of advice is welcome.
Tamara Slack
I’ve been able to treat all of my children’s ear infections with garlic ear oil, and Silver Shield by Nature’s Sunshine (it’s kind of like colloidal silver, but it won’t build up in your body, so it’s much safer to take). I would treat the ear infection by putting a couple of drops of either of them into the ear and letting it sit in the ear as long as they would let me – suppose to keep head tilted for 10 min, but young kids don’t usually let you hold them down for long 🙂 – three to five times a day.
I usually get the best results alternating between the two remedies throughout the day. I stop using them when the symptoms are gone. If the ear infection is particularly bad I give the Silver Shield to the “patient” orally as well.
Another thing that can really help with chronic ear infections – besides healing the gut – is to get adjusted with a good chiropractor. One of my girls kept getting ear infections until we had her adjusted a couple of times.
We use CO for brushing our teeth – the whole family, and it works really well. On occasion I will add some essential oil, and when I was first getting my kids use to it I add a little bit of stevia.
@ Tamara: Have your friend go to a massage therapist for a lymphatic massage to help with those ear problems, and then head to a chiropractor for an adjustment – or vice versa.
Antibiotics won’t generally help an “ear infection”, it only serves to compromise the gut which isn’t a good thing. The above treatments I mentioned should eliminate the need for those nasty antibiotics, plus drop some warmed olive oil or garlic oil into the ear canal a couple of times daily.
Sarah had a post a while ago about emptying a capsule of Biokult (probiotic) into the back of your mouth, and swishing it around before going to bed. I believe her post was to help treat sinus issues, but I had an ear infection at the time, and decided to try it for that issue. I figured since the ear canal is connected to the back of the throat, it couldn’t hurt, and may overtake any bad bacteria causing my infection. After about 3 days of doing this, the ear infection was gone.
I’m re-reading GAPS now, and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride recommends the same thing for ear infections. People can also get a bad flora going in the sinuses and eustasian tubes, and probiotics can help repopulate with beneficial bacteria.
Shane Kriete we have some in the fridge
I’ve been using coconut oil in place of tooth paste. Hopping for good results at my next dentist visit.
I was tested for H-phylori bacteria, which came out positive. This was a couple years ago. I had alot of issues with stomach pains and some acid reflux. Anyway, I read that 3 table spoons of coconut oil a day, taken for a month, should get rid of the bacteria. But upon taking the oil, I get very sick and nauseous. Has anybody had this reaction?
Also, if coconut oil treats thrush, can I use it with my infant? She is 2.5 months and the medication I got from the pharmacy is not getting rid of it. Is it too much for an infant if I gently rub her mouth with the oil?
Actually lots of people get nauseous when starting to take coconut oil, including myself. It helps to start slowly with a small amount and add a little more every day, maybe mix it into something like peanut butter or coffee or tea at first. It took me about a month to get to where I could eat all I wanted with no problem.
Could you smear a tiny bit on your breasts before she nurses? Just wonderin’.
I used coconut oil about every day (a few tablespoons) for almost two years, when I increased the amount I started to get really sick and nauseous. But my immune system was also extremely compromised at the time (I was in end stage renal disease). Its still hard for me now to take coconut oil because I’m afraid it will make me sick when in reality a smaller amount would probably be ok to start.
Have you tried taking a small amount, lets say a teaspoon and then adding to that over time?