By Guest Blogger Paula Jager CSCS

The workouts, for the most part are short in duration–but very effective. They change people and bring forth amazing transformations. Athletes are a breed that will usually do whatever it takes. CrossFit brings forth this mentality within the average individual. Many of them come in deconditioned, overweight, with little self esteem and can barely walk 400 M let alone sprint it. The intensity often needs to be scaled appropriately and introduced in small amounts gradually. Improvements are usually seen within the first 2 weeks of training. First, their form improves, they get comfortable with the movements, and they are able to do more reps and then more weight. A distance they could barely walk, they can now jog, run or sprint in much less time. Their body composition begins to change. They are more aware of what they are putting into their bodies as fuel. They start liking themselves better, they become more confident, it begins to affect their relationships, their careers and families. CF creates an environment conducive to empowering you to choose the life you want to lead. It is not a place where machines are used – it is a place where you turn your body and mind into a highly functional and efficient machine. While this enlightenment is not new to the fitness arena the enormity of it in this type of training is. This is CrossFit–and what it can do for your life. What are you waiting for–unleash your inner beast.
I have started to most of my workouts Crossfit and WOW! In the first month, I have had a HUGE improvement in strength all over my body, and let me tell you, I was no weakling to start with (I could still easily do 150 sit ups before starting Crossfit). I am now up to 65 push ups at a time, and Paula, you are the one who inspired me to start, so thank you!
Hi Joy,
Sorry for the delayed response; I've been a little out of commission–my husband is successfully recovering from heart surgery. No, not CAD–a genetic valve defect. I do have an online program available where I do phone or email coaching. Contact me if you are interested in more information at [email protected] I would love to speak with you.
Joy, check out her website at and email her. Perhaps she has someone in your area she could recommend or does some phone based coaching.
Yes, I am still picking my jaw up off the ground… I saw on her website that she is 50. Incredible!
Would still like to know how she reaches people outside of Florida. Anything web-based available?
Yes, Paula looks fantastic. The combination of eating traditionally and moving traditionally makes her look so incredibly fit and youthful. Your jaw would be on the ground if you knew her actual age.
This sounds like a great program and appreciate the information. It makes a lot of sense. Man, would LOVE to look like her – I know it takes a lot of work. I would sign up, but the commute is a bit long! Will she provide something for those of us who cannot get to her facility?