The fourth video in the Beginner Series that I am in the process of filming for the Weston A. Price Foundation involves going through the pantry of my friend Alma, to help her clear out any unhealthy foods and replace them with more nutrient dense, traditional choices.
A healthy pantry equals a health family! I so wish someone had done this for me when I was first starting out changing my family’s diet to Traditional Eating!
Alma and I had a great fun filming this video. I hope you have fun watching it and learn a few things about how to improve your own pantry in the process!
For a full transcript of this video in any language, please click here.
Sarah, TheHealthyHomeEconomist.com
Hi Sarah,
Would home made sprouted wheat pasta be bad also?
I probably need to go through my pantry again! I’ve been cooking real foods for 8 months now, but I know there are some “leftover” foods that are that old in there! Yikes! The funny thing is even before real food, I thought I was eating “homemade” but I used to use veg oil. I know there are some store bought raisins that have oils, sugars and chemicals added. All that needs to get out of my pantry!
I’m convinced it one of the better choices if you cannot find raw grass fed butter. I contacted John Wood from US Wellness Beef who has it for sale and grilled him about it. He said he’s convinced it is grass fed after two weeks of grilling the Kerrygold people. Go to Kerrygold’s website and read about Irish butter and dairy. Maybe they will tell us how it’s processed. I trust that John really did his homework here if he’s selling it on US Wellness Beef. Sarah, in your opinion is raw grass fed better than grass fed made from pasteurized cream which of course is better than from non grass fed cows that are organic, and of course any butter is better than margarine if you happen to live in an area that has no grass fed options at all?
Yes, raw grassfed butter is better than pasteurized grassfed butter.
Yup, I figured so, but is then pasteurized grass fed butter a much better choice than organic butter that is not totally grass fed, or commercial butter? I would think so. Do you lose the benefits of the nutrients in the grass fed if it’s pasteurized (not ultra pasteurized)? I know raw is superior but sometimes it’s hard to find.
Yes, pasteurized grassfed even if not organic is a better choice than plain organic and not grassfed. I would choose Kerry Gold over Organic Valley butter for this reason any day of the week.
Me too! Straus’ is also a very good choice if you cannot find raw; closed herd, grass fed, non homogenized and not ultra pasteurized, just pasteurized.
Hi Sarah,
Is the Kerrygold butter heated slowly, and at what temperature is it heated to? Also, is it as potent as raw, grassfed butter?
Hi Erica, no – Kerrygold is not nearly as potent as raw grassfed butter. I don’t know how Kerrygold is processed.
Love all your videos – the weekly blog ones and these for WAPF. All contain so much great info for both newbies and not-so-newbies. These WAPF ones are well written (do you do the writing?) and the production value is good. Yes, a bit more B-roll and graphics would enhance them, but that adds to the production cost too. The bottom line is that they contain great info and will help many folks to learn about healthy eating choices. WAPF was super smart to choose you to do these videos as you do an awesome job!
Thanks for all you do!
I love your videos. They’ve helped me learn a lot. And I do need a pantry intervention. Or maybe I just need to clean out my pantry. I have a lot of the type of foods I used to buy, but no longer use. And they’re taking up space in my pantry and are an occasional temptation.
Hi JMR, I am a sucker for junk in my pantry, so my advice would be to throw those items of temptations out. You’ll have a lot more room and more peace of mind! 🙂
Another great video Sarah! I also loved your post on cereals and will be making up a batch of the peanut butter one for my son. He likes his cereal and I would really love to get rid of the boxes!! Since he’s on summer vacation with his grandma, I can do it while he’s gone. Hope he likes it!
At least you all can see the video. I can’t open any of them up!