7 effective protocols for eczema treatment as recommended by a medical doctor to avoid the use of steroids and other medications.
Eczema is one of the most common skin conditions in the world with at least 31.6 million sufferers in the United States alone. Ironically, despite the high prevalence of this disease, there is a persistent lack of effective eczema treatment for moderate to severe cases.
Among children, the prevalence of eczema is roughly 11% and as high as 18.1% in individual states. Approximately one out of every three children with eczema suffers from moderate to severe disease.
What’s more, these children do not tend to outgrow the condition. Research suggests that the prevalence of eczema in adults is only slightly lower than cases of childhood eczema.
The standard conventional treatment for eczema is topical steroids such as hydrocortisone. While this eczema treatment magically clears up the skin within a matter of days, it can drive the disease deeper into the body with more serious negative health repercussions over the long term. In addition, steroid creams have serious side effects such as blurred vision, seeing halos around lights, uneven heartbeat, sleep problems, and weight gain or puffiness.
As a result, resolution of eczema via holistic, nontoxic therapies is of paramount importance so as not to cause additional health woes through a drug-based approach to illness. With this in mind, here are 7 nontoxic suggestions for eczema treatment that have worked effectively in my practice over the years.
In addition to the therapies below, Sally Fallon Morell, co-author of The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care, suggests the application of organic raw apple cider vinegar to help dry up and heal eczema lesions by restoring proper pH balance to the skin.
She also suggests the elimination of pasteurized dairy even if organic and switching to whole, unpasteurized grass-fed milk which oftentimes produces miraculous results as a food-based eczema treatment!
Healthy Fat and Probiotic Supplementation
For eczema and atopic dermatitis, the GAPS Diet along with a cod liver oil and probiotic supplement can prove extremely helpful.
In addition, an oil mixture containing multiple seed oils such as evening primrose oil (for gamma-linolenic acid), coconut oil and flaxseed oil can prove effective for eczema treatment. The brand I recommend is YES Essential Fatty Acid Blend. The dosage is 2 capsules, 2 times per day.
Dermrash Cream
An effective, holistic alternative to drug-based steroid cream like hydrocortisone is Dermrash by Dr. Kang. The primary ingredient of Dermrash is Sophora, an herb commonly used in Chinese medicine to counteract allergies. This is accomplished by stabilizing the mast cells, which produce histamine in the body. I have seen severe cases of eczema clear up with this sole remedy when this cream is applied to affected skin.
Consumption of Sea Vegetables
Detoxification is important for the resolution of eczema problems. Sea vegetables are helpful to this end. They easily bind with heavy metals and other toxins metabolically. This facilitates more rapid excretion through bowel movements.
A good strategy is to use a quality brand, tested for purity that is available in capsule form. A safe and effective dosage for treatment of eczema from mild to severe is 1-2 capsules, 2 times per day.
Seaweed Baths
Seaweed baths soothe and nourish the skin and provide another avenue for detoxification via the body’s largest organ.
They are particularly helpful for treating eczema by gently exfoliating the skin. This allows it to breathe and regenerate healthy skin tissue more quickly.
Thymus Extract
If the eczema flare-up seems to be related to shots, Thuja Thymus Complex from Uriel pharmacy can be used. The dosage is 3 pellets under the tongue first thing in the morning for treatment of eczema and atopic dermatitis. Thuja is the homeopathic remedy for reactions.
The thymus extract helps to stimulate the thymus gland to normalize the immune response to the shots. The thymus gland makes T cells, which are an important player in the immune system.
Note that research suggests that the use of sucralose or “Splenda” in the diet can shrink the thymus gland. So be sure to avoid this alternative sweetener.
Protomorphogen of the Skin
A protomorphogen is an extract from the same tissue type as that involved in the underlying illness. For issues with atopic dermatitis, the eczema treatment suggested is Dermatrophin from Standard Process which is a protomorphogen of the skin.
This remedy binds the antibodies produced and facilitates excretion through the bowels instead of eruptions and inflammation of the skin. The dosage for eczema treatment is 1 tablet, 3 times per day, ideally between meals.
Eczema Treatment for Skin Infections
Sometimes eczema lesions can result in infections. This is something to watch out for and be very careful to discourage. If, despite your best efforts, skin infections are a problem, I recommend Andographis Complex to help them clear and heal quickly. The dosage for eczema treatment is 1-2 tablets per day. Continue until the infection is resolved.
Learn More About Holistic Baby and Child Care
If you found this information on holistic eczema treatment encouraging and would like to learn more about how to care for your child in a non-toxic manner, my 300+ page book The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care could be a helpful resource for you! It provides suggestions and alternatives to conventional medical advice from pre-pregnancy right through to the adolescent years.
The National Eczema Association, Eczema Prevalence
More Information
The Top 8 Eczema Food Triggers
Eczema Treatment: Avoiding the Drug Based Domino Effect
Tips for Eczema Relief NOW While You are Healing from Within
What is the GAPS Diet?
Speed Gut Healing and Shorten Time on the GAPS Diet
Seaweed Wrap: Nourishes and Detoxifies
The Five Most Common GAPS Diet Mistakes
Hi Sarah, my 10 months old started with tiny pimples in the face and arms about 2 months ago. The doctor told me to use vaseline for the face and a cetaphil lotion for the rest of the body to keep it moist. I am reading a lot about atopic dermatitis but I am not even sure where to start. The vaseline and the body lotion are not clearing the skin, it seems that is controlling it but nothing else. I have read about organ meets before, but you also suggest so many other things I am not sure which path to take. Could you tell suggest something? (knowing that is not a severe case of dermatitis). Thank you!!! <3
Hey wanted to share my experience with curing my son’s eczema. He had pretty major eczema from about age 3 or so to about age 6. I tried many things, inlcluding many holistic type treaments and including an elimination diet, but the thing that finally worked was the probiotic Biocult. I do NOT sell this or am associated with it in any way, I just happened to read an article (might have been off Weston Price website?) that said which specific probiotics help certain ailments. It said Biocult for Eczema and it worked!! He hasn’t had any problems for about two years since doing the Biocult.
Hi Sarah, my 19 month old has had this since about two months. He was naturally born no interventions, no shots ever and no drugs ever or any kind. Breast fed till 9 months then raw milk and Wapf. My holistic doc said possible dairy so I took him off and it got better then came back with avengence once I gave him raw milk again. Doc said it’s because of the crappy air and environment we live near Chicago. Just wanted to know your thoughts on this I never thought I would have to worry since I started his life off right. He never even had a sweet treat till 14 months. He’s also very healthy otherwise fevers always low and go away within 24 hours I don’t give him drugs. Thanks for your help and time I appreciate any throughts on this.
Please try a GLA supplement (black currant oil is the best followed by borage oil .. please do not use evening primrose oil as it is most estrogenic). This clears up eczema in soooo many children. Most are GLA deficient because no one eats organ meats anymore especially children. Unless he is eating liver regularly already, he is probably GLA deficient. Cod liver oil does not contain any GLA … you need to eat actual liver.
Yes, athlete’s foot. My son would also get cracks like that and I thought it was dry feet. As he got older, he had more of a typical presentation of athlete’s foot, which made me realize that the cracks really were.
Sarah, I’m trying to find the best way to add the GLA in the form of borage oil to my 5 month old’s diet. Should it just be through nursing or is there a safe amount I could give her by mouth?
Making sure you are getting enough should be sufficient until the baby is weaned and on solid foods.
Thank you so much Sarah. I just want to be sure you are saying give this to her directly (I read your dosage for yours when they were toddlers but I assume I would even give her less at this age). I have the small bumps sometimes on my arms and legs so I bet this is contributing. I will also supplement myself. As I start giving the 5 mo old the biokult, would you recommend a certain amount of that as well?
Sarah, I have generally followed WAPF principles for a couple of years with very few cheats, and use few to no known toxins in our home for cleaning, etc. However, my 5 mo old has what appears to be a little eczema. I have stopped drinking raw milk and cream for fear of dairy sensitivity. However, I would love to be convinced that this is not the cause. I have eaten regular sour cream on the odd occasion and we do eat grass fed Kerry gold butter. Could it be dairy sensitivity under these conditions? I would love to be convinced to continue to drink my raw milk and cream and Kerry gold butter! I would love your thoughts on this! I’ve also just introduced greeen pastures cod liver oil to her and am about to start her on biokult probiotics.
Adding cod liver oil is a good idea. Not sure if you’re eating organ meats, but if not, may I suggest adding a GLA supplement to his diet either in the form of borage oil or black currant (NOT evening primrose oil). Here’s more on this fat that so many people today seem to be deficient in and which contributes to eczema in some cases. https://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/gamma-linolenic-acid-weight-loss-fat-with-anti-inflammatory-benefits/
As a tiny baby only a few week old my daughter has dreadful eczema with wet skin.
1). A local pharmacy suggested using an emery board on her tiny nails so they were smooth, and she was able to get the little cotton mits off.
2). Using non-biological washing power also made a huge difference.
3). And we were told “don’t wash the baby”; bath once a week with natural oils in the water.
I can’t overstate what a difference these 3 things made.
Today my daughter is 10, has small patches on her inner elbow but has to be super careful. She uses oil in the bath and loves seaweed baths which we get from Cara Mara seaweed (only available in Ireland, and for whom I also do some work).
This article was helpful and I hope those 3 tips helps others also.
Chickweed tea
I just came across this post and thought I would share my experience. My son is 10 yrs old. He has had eczema on his knees and ankles since he was 2 yrs old. I think I have done most everything on this list at some point over the years, with no lasting relief since he was 2. My chiropractor (whom I have been going to for 16 yrs) recommended a product called Orenda Immune. It’s a supplement that comes in capsule form, so I am not sure how you would give it to an infant. I gave my son 2 capsules a day for 30 days and he went from having deep cracks (that were bleeding) on his knees and ankles to being completely eczema free in one month. That was almost 2 yrs ago. It hasn’t returned since. The Orenda Immune supplement is a bit pricey. I balked at first because it’s about $70 per month, but given that I had spent 6 yrs, several doctors visits, a homeopath visit, and seemd to try every concoction known to man; I decided to give it a try. It was the best $70 I have ever spent. Just my experience.