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Why a slim, gorgeous supermodel and mother of three admits to a coconut oil habit of 4 tablespoons per day since she was 14 bucking conventional doctors’ advice.
Want to look like supermodel Miranda Kerr – shiny hair, trim figure, clear skin? Eat lots of coconut oil to stay thin says the beautiful Australian and mother of three who says that she has been consuming it since she was 14. She says,
I will not go a day without coconut oil. I personally take four tablespoons per day, either on my salads, in my cooking or in my cups of green tea.
Her love of coconut oil is similar to Sports Illustrated cover model Carolyn Murphy who told fans to eat butter on her Instagram page!
The World Health Organization warns that such behavior is risky, however, and that coconut oil (or butter) consumed in such amounts leads to an increase in coronary artery risk. But, this foolish advice is based on outdated science.
Keith Ayoob, director of the nutrition clinic at the Children’s Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center at Albert Einstein College of Medicine said that people should not consume that much coconut oil and that is should be used sparingly.
He also added:
You want to cut back on saturated fats in your diet. I don’t know what benefit it would have for weight management because it has just as many calories as any other fat. (1)
Dr. Robert Eckel, director of the General Clinical Research Center at Colorado Health Science University in Denver commented that:
Saturated fat intake does contribute to LDL [low-density lipoprotein] cholesterol, and that has been pretty well documented by research,” Eckel said referring to “bad” cholesterol. (2)
What’s The Truth About Coconut Oil?
All this doctor-speak just goes to show that many physicians, even those with impressive titles from well-respected centers of learning, have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to nutrition!
In fact, they embarrass themselves with their elementary school understanding of the subject of healthy fats.
Coconut oil is one of the most healthy oils to consume especially for weight loss! The primary fat in coconut is lauric acid, that wondrous fatty acid that is anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal. The human mammary gland produces lauric acid so that human infants get plenty of this magical fat to protect them from pathogens in their environment.
The saturated fats in coconut oil are medium-chain triglycerides which means they are converted by the body into immediate energy, not as added weight. Cows fed coconut oil to fatten them up actually get lean, active, and more energetic instead!
Traditional societies studied by Dr. Weston A. Price that consumed large amounts of coconut oil had virtually no coronary artery disease and did not experience problems maintaining normal weight.
Thus, strong anthropological evidence of coconut oil consumption by healthy ancestral cultures flies in the face of the politically correct dietary advice to avoid it.
In addition, the phantom link of saturated fat causing coronary artery disease has clearly been disproven by at least two major studies, yet the doctors spouting this misinformation are still heralded as “experts” in newspaper articles. (3)
But watch out. Not all forms of coconut oil are ideal. For example, do not substitute inferior MCT oil for coconut oil. MCT oil is a factory produced fat that has little to no lauric acid in it. In no way does it compare to pure, virgin coconut oil in health benefits.
Does your doctor buy into this backward notion that coconut oil is bad for you or that it will somehow risk a heart attack? If so, it is clearly time to get a new doctor who understands that a daily coconut oil habit is, in fact, a healthy habit.
(1, 2) Miranda Kerr’s Coconut Oil Habit Risky Warn “Experts”
(3) Two Major Studies Conclude that Saturated Fat Does Cause Heart Disease
(4) Miranda Kerr Bio
Actually saturated fat intake is healthy but it depends on the source of fat. If you get your saturated fat from deep fried cheese with fries on the side, yes you are destroying your health.
High glycemic carbs and sugars will wreak havoc in your body and is the more likely cause of the inflammation leading to heart disease, the whole medical establishment is lagging behind 10 years on this with current research.
The doctor you are talking to now is telling you what he learned in medical school 15 years ago, don’t trust your health on a flawed system, make your own research!
If fat was that bad for you, why do you think the body stores excess calories in fat and not in carbs? Your body is optimised for burning fat as long as you stay away from the sugars.
Thank you for such informative blog.
Not every healthy stuffs will agree with your body. Try it and if it bother you then stop. Very simple
@ A – posted July 2015
That’s a very dangerous statement. If it “doesn’t agree with you” you might be experiencing symptoms of die-off….
I remember travelling in South India years ago, (15 years?) somebody said that the leading cause of death was coronary due to the ingestion of coconuts and raising of cholesterol! This was in an area where cocounts hung in abundance.
Indian cooking can be very high in carbohydrates, especially the vegetarian dishes. Carbs are more likely to lead to high cholesterol than a high fat diet. It’s easy to blame the coconut oil as we’ve all been educated that fat is bad for us.
If you want to find out for yourself how butter and other saturated fats lower cholesterol have the courage to try upping fats in your diet and at the same time halving carbohydrates. Have your blood tested before this diet change and a few weeks afterwards. You’ll be very surprised. If you still want to believe everything the so called experts say that’s up to you. Remember they still have a lot to learn and egos are very hard to swallow.
I know this is old.
Yep, that’s right. And the Alzheimer’s scourge especially in the U.S. just may a result of bad mouthing coconut oil. There seems to be favorable anecdotal evidence for the use of coconut oil to treat or prevent AD. Dr. Mary Newport’s husband’s response to coconut oil for his AD is an excellent example. When the coconut oil is ingested, it goes to the liver where ketones are produced and sent to the brain………ketones are food for the brain and seem to address the AD issue. That indicates that glucose receptors in the brain may be compromised Ketones help to remedy this situation. Also….saturated fats do not oxidize; i.e., will not clog arteries, despite what they say But polyunsaturated fats do……which is what scientists try to get folks to eat. No thanks!
In the 22 countries from which Ancel Keys selected the Seven Countries study the two lowest rates of heart disease were (about equal) in japan and Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Japan had a low saturated fat intake (4%) but Ceylon had about 15% saturated fat from coconut oil, well above supposed healthy intakes.
Conclusion – there’s no reason it would make any difference.
In the recent Malmo study of diabetes and dairy fat consumption, a higher intake of myristic acid and lauric acid, saturated fats also found in coconut, was associated with a significantly lower risk of diabetes.
The only thing wrong with coconut oil is that it doesn’t supply the vitamins that butter and ghee do.
Saturated fat that works like an enema? Sure cleaned my system up quick! But, I must admit it made me nauseous, tired, weak and just overall yucky for several hours. I’m going to try taking half a teaspoon daily, then 1 teaspoon, and move up to a tablespoon daily IF I FEEL BETTER!!!
I just had a T. of coconut oil over my hot oatmeal and got all the same nauseous symptoms and feeling very tired. This is the 2nd time this has happened to me. Pretty severe nausea too. Just wondering why it causes stomach upset and fatigue?
Hi: Just thought I’d respond to inquiry about the nausea. Coconut is a major cleansing tool, so when you eat it just like that, your body will go into immediate withdraw. Instead of eating it, familiarize yourself with oil pulling (1tsp. for 10 minutes to start) and you’ll get some great energy and good detox as well as super clean teeth. Eventually work your way up to 1 tbspn at 20 minutes, and you’ll get all the benefits of eating it without the withdrawl. Good luck 🙂
I eat coconut oil and eggs like some people eat candy and have been since I was 15 and am now 50 and feel great with no health problems whatsoever! If you must know, about 1/2 cup coconut oil daily and 12 eggs daily. I also use and take DMSO.
Miranda was misquoted. She actually eats three teaspoons of Coconut Oil a day
awesome Healthy Homemakers
For the UK people you can get a very large jar for just over £12 in Costco. Organic and unrefined and tastes lovely ;0)
ANYTHING taken excessively is not good for your health. Please understand that in the “Coconut Culture World”, meaning where coconuts are abundant, ingesting coconut oil is unheard of. They use coconut milk a lot in their cooking. Coconut oil is usually slathered on the body as body lotion and used on hair instead of shampoo or conditioner. The hundreds of millions in those countries do not go to Medical Doctors, therefore, undiagnosed cause of death is common or even the majority.