Wow. Yet another study has come out that links lowfat eating before or during pregnancy to a poor health outcome.
A previous study has linked lowfat dairy consumption in women to infertility.
Now, defenseless little babies are the ones who reap negative health consequences when their Mothers unknowingly swallow the lowfat propaganda.
The study was presented in September 2011 at the European Respiratory Society’s Annual Congress in Amsterdam.
Study results showed that women who ate lowfat yogurt with fruit once a day were 1.6 times more likely to have children who developed asthma by age 7. Â These children were also more likely to have allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and to display current asthma symptoms.
Let’s chalk up this study as reason #1001 to lose the lowfat bandwagon – flawed thinking and logic that has long ago crashed and burned at the bottom of a cliff.
Are you still eating lowfat thinking this is healthy for you?
What are you waiting for? Â For lowfat to be denounced on the evening news or your conventional doctor to hang his head and tell you that there has been a terrible mistake – that saturated fat is actually good for you and isn’t responsible for clogging up everyone’s arteries after all?
Fat chance (pun most definitely intended).
Take your health in your own hands and read the writing on the wall with the lowfat propaganda that allows Big Dairy to sell you inferior (lowfat) products and then sell the cream to ice cream manufacturers for a handsome profit.
It’s all about splitting up whole milk into as many component products as possible to improve corporate revenue.
It’s the American Corporate Way.
Now you know why you can’t resist that enormous bowl of ice cream (or two) you eat every single night. The fat in your ice cream SHOULD have been in your full fat yogurt smoothie at breakfast and on your salad in the form of full fat cheese at lunch and in your full fat cream sauce over your chicken for dinner.
Because you avoided saturated fat all day long like a dutiful little lemming, you now have to deal with ice cream and other snackie cravings every single evening in front of the TV!
You must switch to full fat dairy TODAY which healthy ancestral cultures consumed for thousands of years!
Here’s the bottom line. Â For most people, eating lowfat will more than likely make you fat. Â And if it doesn’t make you fat, you will likely be skinny and hypoglycemic.
I realize that the concept of eating lowfat actually making you fat is a bit of an intellectual paradox, but you have the mental gunpowder to wrap your brain around it, don’t you?
Resolve to break out of the box today and start eating full fat with abandon. Â You will be shocked, amazed, and most importantly DELIGHTED at how better you feel, how much more energy you have, how much your ice cream and sugar cravings diminish, and how much easier it is to maintain your weight.
And, if you are planning on becoming pregnant, learn how full fats can help you not only become pregnant but bear a very healthy, smart, happy child! Â Â The Beautiful Babies E-Class is accepting enrollments through November 15, 2011, so check it out right away before it fills up! Â Click here to learn more.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
Sources and More Information
Science Daily, Lowfat Yogurt Intake When Pregnant Linked to Increased Risk of Child Asthma and Hay Fever
Medical News Today, Lowfat Dairy Linked to Infertility in Women
I ran into a post on FB with a vegan telling a mother asking about introducing milk to her 1 year old that milk was bad, lowfat milk isn’t an appropriate compromise, and that she needed to give her child soy milk or breastmilk, no dairy products at all, because milk leaches calcium out of bones too. Of course she wouldn’t give me one single reference to verify that. And no matter how many references I threw at her about raw milk fixing the problems that soy milk causes, she refused to let go and started listing off her “qualifications” as a nutritionist. It gets me riled something fierce when people trash talk milk and saturated fat.
Very interesting ~ I never thought about low fat harming a growing baby. My last preganancy was hard because I stay nauseous throughout my entire pregnancy. (The plus side to this is overindulging is pure misery). I was accused of dieting on more than one trip to the doctor because I would lose a little weight on some of my visits. I only ended up gaining 4 lbs and gave birth naturally to a 9lb 13oz girl. My doctor told me that loves to see big healthy babies and couldn’t believe how big she was since I didn’t measure big at all. My daughter soon became long and lean naturally and continues to be that way 3 years later. We are a proud fat eating family and people are always a little freaked when they see us eat whole dairy ~ I wish they would embrace the truth.
Oh, and if you plan on child led weaning (2-4 years) should more time be taken between children? I’m aware of Sally’s stance on tandem nursing and I agree with it, but should a year be taken after weaning or 3-4 years still enough despite longer term nursing?
I parent led weaned my first 2 children at 2 years old. I got pregnant 10 months after that for one and immediately after the other both are healthy and fine with no allergies or other health issues. I really wanted to wait at least 6 months but it didn’t happen for one of them but he still turned out fine.
This isn’t WAP-advised, but I got pregnant when my first was 9 months old, and discovered traditional eating in my third trimester of that pregnancy (I was still nursing). That baby is healthier than my first. I got pregnant again (still nursing) when my second was 15 months, and was eating traditionally and low-grain 9 months prior to conception, through pregnancy, and still am now. My third is the only baby who does not have any allergies, I believe because of switching to traditional eating. I am tandem nursing all three kids now. It depends on how strong your individual body is, whether or not this would be okay for you. But it is certainly possible to have healthy babies if you are nursing during pregnancy.
Slightly unrelated, but I’ve heard references to taking a “cleansing fast” after the 3 years between babies and before the 6 month conception diet. Does the WAPF endorse any particular cleansing diet in particular? Would a raw milk fast or gaps introduction work or does it need to be one of those veggie juice fasts?
Also, when they say 3 years between babies do they mean 3 years from
Birth day of first child to birthday of next child or is it 3 years from birthday of first child to Conception of second child?
The WAPF does not endorse cleansing diets to my knowledge. It is my understanding that a minimum of three years between children means birthday to birthday.
This is when the obesity epedimic all started….when all this non-fat, low-fat crud started. It has just made us more and more fat. It isnt good for us. The more junk we add to our foods (chemicals, etc.) the worse it is and we do need to stop think we need to eat this way. If your on WIC they say that you cant get organic anymore and not to feed your child the whole milk. WHAT? But they will give 20 gallons of sugar filled juice that is not even close to being real. This article makes me said that we are so dumb and cannot see what is happening to us. Great article and love the straightforwardness.
Sorry…there are a few misspellings.
give me full fat!!!
Low fat anything is bad for everyone including a developing fetus.
Speaking of…it wasn’t until recently I noticed nearly all store-bought yoghurt contains aspertame. Which generally means that not only the “low-fat” of the yoghurt could potentially harm the developing fetus, but the chemical sugar alternative can cause even more damage.
Something else to consider is evaluating the amount of meat and dairy products you consume. Eating too much meat, dairy, chicken and eggs can lead to low energy. So can eating too little.
Bravo! You could not be more right. This may be the only time in history where any culture demonized the natural fat in foods, and tampered with it. And this is all done for profit, because low fat means big profits to industrial agriculture. And low fat means even bigger profits to the medical industry and the drug industry, which thrive off illness, misery and suffering, all of which are caused by low fat diets of dead factory foods. And low fat means huge profits for the diet industry, because low fat makes people fat, as you said.
Pregnant women need large amounts of good fat when pregnant, and babies desperately need real fat to develop properly, especially their brains..
People in the wealthiest nation in history are starving, and do not even know it.
Eating Lowfat Yogurt While Pregnant a Danger to Baby – The Healthy Home Economist
It seems that many people who have been eating low fat for awhile, now think that they just can’t tolerate fat. Because when they consume healthy portions of fat, they feel sick. Could you address this reaction and the way to increase fat intake?
Yes, that’s because the gall bladder is not getting used enough. Gradually increase the fat and the gall bladder should be able to adjust over a period of a few weeks. You can also use Swedish Bitters with meals that include healthy amounts of fat to encourage bile production.
Are Swedish Bitters safe during pregnancy then? Or is your comment a general suggestion? Other people have posted comments on the Bitters blog pages about it not being safe during pregnancy, but I can’t find a clean and clear answer. Thank you so much!