I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. I was a chubby little girl only to have lost weight in my teen years from becoming a competitive runner and on the verge of being diagnosed with anorexia. I then went on to college to battle with the freshman fifteen, only to find myself binging and purging as well as developing exercise bulimia as a desperate measure to control my weight.
Little did I know going through this, there was more going on inside me than just extra calories. Being a nutrition major at the time was another problem, as I saw my weight issue as me not being disciplined enough or working out hard enough (even though I lived in the gym 6 days a week from 1-2 hours a day). So why am I telling you this? To illustrate the prevalence of the huge misconception that weight loss is only influenced by what we eat.
Like many, I was taught weight loss was a matter of a simple equation of calories in, calories out, never questioning it. This mindset is why the low fat, low-calorie mentality exists.
This same mindset is to blame for the constant increase in not just weight, but obesity which is a large risk factor for Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Stroke, Cancer, Metabolic Syndrome, Sleep Apnea, Osteoarthritis, Reproductive Problems, Gallstones and much more. This paradigm is also creating a generation of malnourished unhealthy young adults who are harming themselves in an effort to keep thin.
I think everyone can agree that diet plays a significant part in the weight loss equation with real food quality of particular importance too. Most of you reading this have probably already adapted a healthy, real food diet. For some people, this is really all they need for the weight to come off, but for many, it doesn’t budge, or it’s just not enough.
As a Nutritional Therapist, my take on weight loss is looking at more than just the diet someone is consuming, especially if they have been eating a lot of real food .. either a WAPF or Paleo-style diet for a significant amount of time. At that point, weight loss is a symptom of something greater happening in the body rather than the main focus.
If you are struggling with weight loss, these are some of the underlying causes that are worth looking into if eating real food alone isn’t helping you with your goal:
Reasons Why Real Food Might Not Equal Weight Loss
- Digestion– This is huge, and most of the time extremely overlooked as a means to address weight loss. Think about it, if you have any kind of digestive symptoms, be it bloating, gas, constipation, heartburn, and/ or indigestion, you are not breaking down or absorbing your food properly. Weight loss will not happen if the body is malnourished and unhealthy. That’s the least concern of the body, therefore it will focus on repairing and bringing down the inflammation before it even thinks of shrinking fat cells, especially if it doesn’t have the proper energy to do so. Even then, that could be just the tip of the iceberg. Looking into bacterial overgrowth and even parasites can do a number on one’s digestive system.
- Food Sensitivities– Even certain healthy whole foods can still be an irritant at times. The good news is food sensitivities are not allergies and can be reversed, but this requires eliminating certain foods that an individual may be reacting to for a period of time while their body heals. Symptoms of sensitivities can include headaches, fatigue, joint pain, anxiety, mood changes/ disorders, skin conditions, inflammation and more.
- Yeast (Candida) Overgrowth– Having the proper ratio of healthy intestinal bacteria is vital to your overall health and your success in losing weight. Correcting imbalances can diminish cravings for sugar and sweets, improves digestion and absorption of nutrients, and reduces the number of toxins the body is exposed to.
- Stress! This is another biggie that is not typically discussed in terms of weight loss, but is crucial! This is directly linked to maintaining healthy adrenal function which regulates cortisol levels, sex hormones (which is another underlying cause of weight gain), and of course adrenaline and epinephrine- which put you in a state of fight or flight. Stress eats up B vitamins, magnesium, hinders digestion, and causes imbalances in blood sugar that cause the adrenals to work overtime.
- Toxin Overload– Today we are more toxic than ever before in history. Our bodies are made to only process a certain amount of toxins at one time. We are now getting overloaded from environmental toxins from the air and our surroundings, the water we drink/ bathe in, the foods we eat, cleaning products, beauty products, clothes, furniture, you name it, it’s toxic! Bottom line, we must limit our exposure as much as possible, and more importantly, take a proactive approach to support our body’s ability to decongest and rid these toxins properly to get the stress off our detoxification organs (i.e. LIVER!). The body can then focus on ridding toxins from fat cells which is where they accumulate!
- Dysfunction in the Master Glands– In your brain, you have 2 main glands that control everything else your body does to communicate and function, the Hypothalamus, and the Pituitary gland. If the master gland signal becomes weak or impaired, the rest of the body begins to malfunction. Making sure adequate amounts of amino acids are being utilized and getting enough essential fatty acids, along with a diet rich in vitamins and minerals is crucial for support. Possible causes of the weakening of these master glands can include a diet high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, digestive problems, stress, and even heavy metal toxicity.
As you can see there is far more to consider than just real food quality, calories, and exercise for addressing weight loss. These issues are just some of the multiple imbalances that could be present. The good news is that most of these concerns overlap.
I was finally able to stabilize my weight without obsessing about what I ate, and killing myself at the gym after I understood the imbalance and deficiencies that were present. Addressing the bigger picture by focusing on getting your body healthy and developing a supportive lifestyle is the most successful route for long term weight maintenance.
Jen Morse, I have candida overgrowth confirmed by a CDSA. I’m taking herbal drops, very potent probiotics, and doing the GAPS intro diet. I believe there is a lot of validity to gut health and weight- whether it be gain or loss or maintenance.
Oh, my apologies…read too quickly as I was sitting down for dinner, coupled by fatigue and lack of attention to detail. And chronic pain…
Maria Phillips This is not my personal story. It is a guest article by Carla Hernandez Wise Roots Nutrition
Sarah, I am sure you are going to help a lot of poeple out there by sharing your personal story. 🙂
This is me! I cannot and have not dropped below 170 (and I’m 5’4″, 35 yo.). If/when I gain any weight, I lose it quickly; but it always stops at the 170 mark. I can work my butt off (if only!!), but it won’t change a thing. I eat a very clean diet; I know my stuff. But, after reading your article, I’m thinking, because of my Candida issues, that that might be the beginning of losing. Once I get the good/bad bacteria balanced, maybe, just maybe it might be the beginning of something. See, I’ve been off sugar for about a year now. And I’m still getting flare-ups with Candida. I can’t seem to get it to back off, to be at a healthy level (I was on a ton of AB’s as a child – I blame that for my Candida imbalance!). So, I’ve begun consuming more probiotics (Kombucha, Kvass). I’ve started on bone broth, and have a green smoothie every day (usually for breakfast, and if I have a second, then it’s for supper. I try to keep my supper meal very light!! And not late.). Right now, I’m focusing on healing the gut. But I am SOO very tired of carrying this extra weight. I’m tired of it being a struggle! I’m tired of it being all that I think about. I’m tired of this being a daily part of my thinking. I want to take a break of always second guessing what I’m about to put into my mouth. I want to be able to slip into something beautiful without trying to hide the fat; to be able to buy something gorgeous without first having to think if it will fit my fat arms/butt. I want to be able to work out and see the benefits. Hopefully, there is a light at the end of this tunnel of struggling!!
Jen – your story is pretty much my story! I feel the exact same way.
I was totally where you are.. (I think 30yo, stuck at 180lbs…5’4″ right after having a 2nd baby) have candida issues. I tried Bee’s diet for 4 months. and quickly lost 30lbs. It was pretty amazing. My gut healed quite a bit. but not completely. Now I’m on my 3rd pregnancy since and I need to start working on my gut again. Her foundation is Weston Price. But she is a little extreme. I wish I was brave enough to go on her diet again. She is low carb and super high fat. I was healthier in that 4 months than I ever have been in my life.
Jen I believe we have spoken on Facebook. I’m excited to continue this conversation over email.
Don’t give up hope there is always something that can be done 🙂
This is why I’m an advocate of GAPS! Can’t wait to start Monday after I stockpile beef and chicken stock in the freezer! Just got the last toxic chemicals out as soap nuts are in the mail! It’s such a great feeling to be proactive in caring for yourself and family!
I agree Sarah James, thank God for GAPs. Hubby lost a lot of weight when we went WAPF diet but then hit a plateau. We just started GAPS last month, so we’ll see what happens with him after his gut heals.
Thanks so much! This makes a lot of sense!
Great article!
Thank you Kristen!
This is great. I love how level headed, reasonable, and correct this post is. There is so much more than calories in and calories out approach. I wish everyone would read this!
Thank you for the feedback Noel!
well said. Many people put too much emphasis on the fat lose verse getting healthy. We believe that people that are fit are automatically healthy and that it is impossible to be healthy if you have fat on your body.
Like Sean Croxton said, you don’t lose weight to get healthy, you get healthy to lose weight.
Thank you Baris! I love that quote from Sean, going to use that 😉