I was contacted out of the blue a few weeks ago by a lady who is working with a group of students at our local University to produce a PBS documentary on healthy eating.  She became aware of my blog through another video project I am currently working on and was wondering if I would participate in the production of their documentary.
I was a bit overwhelmed at first wondering if I had the chops for such a project. After all, my only credentials include a series of cooking classes I’ve taught in my home and in healthfood stores as well as the Real Food videos produced for my blog.
Rachel Ray I am most definitely not!
A documentary for television was way out of my comfort zone, no doubt about it.
But, the chance to reach Mothers about how to cook healthy meals for their families and raise healthy children was too much to resist. I said yes with much trepidation and started thinking about what meal I could prepare that would teach the most lessons about Real Food in the very short amount of time I would have on screen given that the documentary covers healthy eating at other stages of life including the diet of single adults and retirees.
For the past 2 weeks, I’ve been back and forth by email and phone with the film crew to nail down what information I would cover and how the shoot was planned to unfold.
The time for shooting my segment finally arrived and this past Thursday, the crew filmed me shopping for the food to prepare the healthy meal for my family at a local healthfood store. Then, on Friday, the crew came to my home and filmed me preparing the meal for my family start to finish. I was also interviewed about why I bother to take the time to prepare nutritious meals for my family.
The documentary will be edited over the next few weeks and is scheduled to air on our local PBS station (WUSF, channel 16) sometime the end of April or early May.
The film crew will be providing me with a DVD of the documentary and I have their permission to feature pieces of it on my blog, so as soon as I am able, I will post my shopping, cooking, and interview segments.
Let’s hope my time was well spent in striking a positive blow for Real Food in my local community!
Sarah, TheHealthyHomeEconomist.com
That’s encouraging to hear Sarah. Makes me wanna fight too, to help people here in Germany.
That’s cool… and you’ll do fine! I’m sure we’re going to see a lot of other documentary style productions, mainstream interviews etc. as more and more people transition back to an old school lifestyle. I’m looking forward to it all!
Since I’ve gone back and switched more to a primal diet and even a primal lifestyle I haven’t felt this good since I was a kid.
Think about writing up (or hire someone to do it) a press release about your interview and upload it to prweb.com, prnewswire.com or a similar service. You have an opportunity to grab a bunch more traffic and subscribers now. The more eyes that see it the more potential for a distributor to pick up on it. That’s a good thing for everyone.
– Dave
That’s a great idea, Dave. Thanks for sharing. I know the perfect person to ask to write up the press release too! 😉
Thank God you’re NOT Rachel Ray!! We like you just the way you are!
I agree. I can’t stand Rachel Ray. I also can’t stand Paula Deen. Just my opinions, of course, but what they “cook on TV” isn’t even food — it’s junk prepared in front of an audience. Period.
Also, I am not a real big fan of PBS anymore, since they absolutely butchered the show a couple of years ago about vaccinations. They eliminated EVERYTHING that was said about being cautious or even totally eliminating vaccines from children’s lives. There was one doctor who wrote about his experiences and how he spent literally hours and hours interviewing with PBS for the documentary — and they cut every single word of his coverage out of the show and highlighted the other doctors who were in favor of vaccines. For that reason I no longer send support $$ to PBS and never will. If they can’t honestly look at both sides of every situation and let the people decide for themselves, then they can get their money somewhere else. To my way of thinking, it’s not public TV if it’s only the opinions of those with money and power. I thought public TV was was ALL opinions. I feel the same, recently, about NPR. That organization is just as bad as PBS.
Nevertheless, if you can reach a few families with some good food ideas, so be it and good luck with the project. Proud of you for taking it on!
As far as I know, it will only be shown on our local PBS channel. Maybe if it proves popular, other local PBS affiliates will pick it up. We can only hope!
I can’t wait to see it! That’s great!!!!
This is great news! I’m so glad that this type of nutrient dense food and cooking will be featured.
Best wishes!
Wow! That’s awesome! I’m glad they asked you! I look forward to seeing it…Do you know if they will show it on other PBS stations in the future? I’d love to refer my friends/family to it. 🙂
WOW! That’s so exciting. Thanks for being brave and getting the word out there 🙂 Can’t wait to see it (on your site- we won’t get it locally). I know you did a great job!
That is fabulous! This is really important soI am glad you decided to do it. I wish I could see it, but I don’t live in Florida.
Hi Linda, I’m planning to post clips of my shopping, cooking, and interview here on the blog for readers who don’t live in Central FL. I am hoping these will be posted sometime in May.
Wow! How very exciting! Can’t wait to see the clips! Congratulations!