Did you know that October is National Eczema Awareness Month? To celebrate, The Eczema Company has collaborated with Kyle Dine to create The Eczema Song in support of all the amazing, strong children who don’t let eczema define them.
Watch, smile, and be inspired! Then continue reading to learn about the eczema and diet connection, including the top 8 foods that trigger an itchy outbreak. Avoidance of these foods has a very good chance of greatly improving eczema and diet-related problems in your home.
This strategy provides relief while you work long-term to improve the overall gut environment and immunity. Hopefully, you will be able to successfully reintroduce these foods at a later time.
The Eczema and Diet Connection
While there are many different triggers for eczema, food is a big one. Sadly, the eczema and diet connection is often overlooked for two reasons:
- Many people and most dermatologists simply don’t believe food has anything to do with eczema and diet changes are unnecessary.
- If food allergy tests come back negative, most people assume food isn’t connected to their itchy, dry skin.
The reality is that you or your child may not be allergic to any specific food, but can still be sensitive to certain foods and I know from firsthand experience how some food choices can really wreak havoc on the body and trigger very severe eczema flare ups. As a personal example, my son initially tested negative for most food allergies, yet when we eliminated certain key foods from his diet – many from the list below – his skin improved by 95%!
Now, keep in mind that with eczema, nothing is ever easy, so if you determine certain foods do trigger your eczema but your skin is still inflamed, it’s likely food isn’t the only trigger. But, identifying and eliminating the foods from your diet that cause your skin to flare will certainly provide you with welcome relief.
The best way to determine if foods are triggering your eczema is by eliminating each of the most common eczema food triggers for one month to see how your skin reacts. Then add each food back into your diet one at a time. Keep a diary and watch for reactions, knowing they can occur up to four days later!
Top 8 Eczema Food Triggers
Keep in mind an elimination diet is always best to do while under a health practitioner’s supervision. This is especially important when small children are involved.
While many of these foods are also common food allergens, please remember that we are only discussing possible eczema triggers. They are not to be confused with actual allergies, which can be life-threatening.
If you have ever experienced any instant reactions (within 20 minutes) after eating one of these foods, it’s best to speak with a doctor to rule out potentially dangerous food allergies. This list of foods to avoid with eczema applies for everyone and for some, may include foods well beyond this short list.
#1 Dairy
Dairy includes milk, cheese, yogurt, and whey from all grazing animals, although you may find you can tolerate goat or sheep’s milk products better than cow’s milk-derived products. And, while raw milk is easier to digest and therefore healthier than pasteurized milk on many levels (and raw milk even clears up eczema in some people due to the beneficial probiotics and enzymes), unpasteurized, raw milk may still trigger eczema for some individuals if it’s actually the casein protein you’re sensitive to.
So, it’s best to avoid commercial dairy altogether and use raw dairy only if you know from experience that it is not an eczema trigger for you. Otherwise, stick with nutritious milk alternatives.
#2 Gluten
Wheat, barley, rye, einkorn, farro, Kamut, and spelt are gluten based grains. Three common places where hidden gluten can be found are in spices, oats, and lentils, so make sure to buy only certified gluten-free products in these cases.
Some gluten-free whole grain substitutes you should try are quinoa, millet, amaranth, teff, buckwheat, and sorghum. These make excellent gluten-free flours as well. Our favorite pancakes are made of teff and they are delicious! This recipe details how to make gluten-free flour yourself for use at home.
Watch out also for products containing seitan. This is a hip-sounding word for vital wheat gluten. Stay away!
#3 Eggs
Chicken eggs are a big eczema trigger for many people. In some cases quail, goose, and/or duck eggs can be tolerated, but it’s best to avoid all eggs at first.
Although eggs seem like a staple for baking, thankfully products like chia and flaxseed make wonderful whole food based substitutes. This video shows you how to make egg substitutes very easily using flax seeds.
#4 Soy
Tofu, soy milk, miso, tempeh, natto, and edamame beans are some examples of products containing soy. But beware, hidden soy can be found in so many processed foods on the shelf.
Watch out for ingredients like vegetable oil, vegetable protein, vitamin E and so much more. Hidden soy is another reason to stick to a simple, whole foods based diet and to limit your processed foods as much as possible.
Also note that while eggs from soy-fed chickens can be a problem, many can tolerate eggs from pastured chickens on a soy free diet.
#5 Peanuts
Peanut oil and peanuts are usually pretty easy to spot these days. Many manufacturers are now proudly and clearly labeling when their food is peanut free.
Many Asian foods contain peanuts, so be extra cautious when dining out.
#6 Tree Nuts
Tree nuts include almonds, walnuts, pecans, cashews, pine nuts, pistachios, and brazil nuts. Although some people tolerate nuts well, others do not. So, it’s best to avoid all tree nuts at first and reintroduce one at a time carefully noting reactions.
When you do begin to reintroduce, be sure to always soak raw nuts first! This frequently overlooked step can surprisingly make a huge difference!
#7 Nightshade Vegetables
The nightshades family of vegetables includes all varieties of peppers and their spices (like paprika, chili), eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco, and even super-food goji berries. Don’t forget that ketchup and pasta sauce, favorite foods for many children, can definitely trigger eczema!
This is a surprising list of foods for many people. This is particularly true since it contains healthful vegetables. However, nightshades contain low-level toxins that are known to cause inflammation for some people. Those with auto-immune disorders are especially at risk.
#8 Acidic Foods
Foods like citrus, pineapple, and tomatoes are highly acidic and commonly cause eczema to flare.
While you may not be sensitive to them, if you are already experiencing a flare-up, these foods can make things much worse very quickly.
Eczema is Complex!
Keep in mind that eczema can be complex. While you may see results in your eczema with diet changes alone, sometimes it’s not enough.
You may need to repair your gut through gut healing protocols like the GAPS Diet or Autoimmune Paleo and you should certainly look for environmental, seasonal and other potential allergens that could be triggering you or your child’s eczema.
This article may be helpful for additional information: Tips for Eczema Relief NOW.
Eczema FAQ
Eczema Homeopathic Treatment: Avoiding the Drug Based Domino Effect
MD Approved Natural Eczema Remedies
I was having a major flair up of my eczema & my regular lotion wasn’t touching it. I used foderma serum once & all the itching, redness & irritation were gone within 30 minutes. I use now at least twice a day to keep symptoms at bay & haven’t had any more flair ups. I highly recommend foderma serum.
I have definitely noticed that citrus fruits and tomato based products (pasta sauce) make my eczema flare up really badly. Especially on my lips.
Orange juice and lemonade are easy to avoid. But so many products have citric acid as an added ingredient.
It sucks because I love to use a lot of sauce when I make spaghetti 🙁
I wonder if homemade sauce would be different?
There’s so much contradictory information out there by “experts.” Some experts say organic plain yogurt with no additives is very good for eczema, and others. like this author say it’s bad. The list of contradicitons could go on and on.
I used the following with great success. It’s controversial but has been used throughout history. Try in small spot to test efficacy. Hemp oil and coconut oil. Ingested and applied topically. Also hemp milk to substitute dairy milk. Hemp milk has naturally occurring omega 3,6,9 at the ratios made for our body. It also has the essential amino acids if combined with hemp powder. The health food stores carry all of the above and they are thc free so do not worry about the political side of this. I typically can get good refined coconut oil from regular grocery stores. The hemp oil is hit and miss on availability. I use this same thing on athletes feet and immediately see difference next day.
HELP HELP HELP!! Our 10month old suffers eczema and digestive upset. We would like to try GAPS but he is Ige dairy allegic. Same with egg. GAPS relies on fermented dairy. Do we need to look for a different diet for him? Raw milk products and organic pastured eggs cause digestive upset, vomiting and eczema flairs.
Thank for this great article Sarah. We had a similar experience with skin testing. My 1yr old daughter had an anaphylactic reaction to nuts one day and, the very next day, tested OK for nuts. Skin testing is terribly flawed. The most successful conventional testing is at Jewish Center For Health in colorado where they do, you guessed it, rotation/elimination testing. Cheaper – Easier : follow the advice here and eliminate the worst offenders and follow basic WAP principals. My one change: eggs are great IF the hens are organic fed, free ranging (not “cage-free”) and not eating soy. Just wait a few weeks or months after being on the elimination diet mentioned before adding them back in. God Bless !
Healing from any inflammatory disease is a long slog with lots of ups and downs (i.e. herxheimer reactions). In our case, we found it best to continue to challenge the body with a wide range of non-processed foods – even if they contained components that would trigger inflammation. In other words, we never eliminated gluten or raw milk or nightshades. We just made sure to keep taking cod liver oil and omega-3 rich foods like raw shellfish, and raw liver (b12) to help minimize the flare. That way we could feed the microbes in the gut that would eventually colonize our system so that eating the problematic foods would no longer trigger inflammation.
In our case, it took 2-1/2 years of putting up with flares – which thankfully we could see became less and less severe over time – before we recognized that the worst of the inflammation was over.
During that healing period, we made sure to get lots of rest and to minimize stress so that the body could focus its resources on getting better.
I have been eating a clean diet for years. No grains, grass fed meats, pastured poultry and eggs, limited raw dairy, lots and lots of veggies and some fruits. Over the past three years, I have been experiencing pain in my joints, knees, hips, elbows, shoulders. At one point I obtained a separated AC simply from pushing things in my closet. The pain gets worse has time goes by and I am only 62. I wondered if you might have any thoughts?? I do not have any inflammation, fever or any other obvious symptoms.
Thanks in advance
Have you tried tart cherry? I’ve found that is excellent for reducing joint pain. You might need to start with larger doses.. I took two capsules three times a day. Also, be sure to get a good brand. Was it a high sensitivity CRP test that showed you had no inflammation? Usually, the inflammation is related to the joint pain.
My son had eczema on his arm for several months last year. I read in Sally Fallon’s children’s health book that readjusting the skin’s pH by applying apple cider vinegar will sometimes do the truck. And in my son’s case it did. Went away soon after and didn’t come back.
Hi Kate….plz help me out….m facing the same problem with my 1 year old.she has eczema at her chest and back and its very itchy..how did u apply and what is the proportion and at what time did u applied and for how long did u left.
for those of you who can’t seem to get control of your eczema no matter what you try, check out itsan.org Topical Steroids are addictive and this could be an issue for you. There are support groups on itsan and facebook as well. After 45 years of struggling to figure out what my triggers were, and not being able to get off TS without being in a major flare, I found itsan.org.