While many of us know eczema to be a condition of inflamed and irritated skin, if you or your child actually suffers from eczema, you know how burdensome and afflictive this pathology can be.
I understand. As a child, I was burdened with this “hell on earth”—as I was covered with it from head to toe.
But oh! How I wished I had left it alone.
What? Leave this distressing condition alone with no eczema treatment whatsoever?
Let me explain.
In its very first paragraph explaining eczema, WebMD describes that people with eczema have “inherited [a] tendency to develop other allergic conditions, such as asthma and hay fever” later on in life. They are absolutely right.
But what conventional dermatology protocols for eczema treatment don’t plan for is the domino effect that takes place when eczema is suppressed through the various pharmaceutical drugs that are employed to “treat the condition.”
Cortisone Cream: Eczema Treatment with Sobering Consequences
The most common drug used for eczema treatment today is cortisone cream. In a matter of days, this drug will reduce eczema to a mild level and often it will get it to disappear altogether. The relief it brings is tempting and seductive at best — but I know how beguiling it actually is — so let me stay your hand for a moment to explain the consequences.
We think that the consequences are all listed on the “side effects” label of the drug. For cortisone cream, this includes an increased risk of getting infections and possible birth defects for pregnant women who use this steroid. Not good. But it gets worse!
Pharmaceutical Dominoes from Conventional Eczema Treatment
Homeopathy understands that when you suppress pathology and symptoms, you drive the illness deeper into more vital organs in the body.
So while your skin may be afflicted today, if you don’t allow your body to work it out by itself or cure properly, you effectively suppress the disease deeper into the body and find yourself with exactly what Web MD says you can get: asthma, hay fever, and other allergic conditions, for life.
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the Father of Homeopathy, wrote, “Removal of local (skin) symptoms results in a heightening of the whole disease.”
Indeed, after my eczema was suppressed as a child, I found myself developing even more symptoms later on: a severe sensitivity to chemicals, an ever-growing list of food allergies, chronic fatigue, headaches, anxiety and more!
Oh, how I would have traded all of those troubles for topical eczema!
But — I dare say — that neither the more serious conditions nor the eczema is desirable. “Leaving it alone” just wouldn’t cut it for me.
Natural Eczema Treatment Alternatives
Today, with my 28 years of study in the field of homeopathy, I know that when the correct remedy is selected, homeopathy becomes the ultimate tutor for your body. It teaches your body to resolve the issue. It complements your body’s symptoms. Homeopathy is curative, not suppressive.
Why that’s the exact opposite of conventional medicine!
Sadly, however, to treat a chronic condition like eczema via classical homeopathy, you often need to work with a seasoned homeopath and it can take years. You cannot do it yourself…
Enter the Banerji Protocols. These simple homeopathic protocols were developed by Drs. Prasanta and Pratip Banerji.
It is from them that I learned what I’ve always known but needed to be shown the shortcuts…that the complexity of classical homeopathy had been turned usable by means of straightforward and inspired procedures that anyone can learn.
So I committed to an intense 13-week fellowship with these world-renowned doctors where I observed and recorded 5,528 live cases. (I’ve never written so much in my life!) When I returned home to Western New York, I painstakingly organized, collated and categorized each case so I could use these protocols in my daily practice, but more importantly, to teach families back home.
What I learned not only via my fellowship in Calcutta but cumulatively as a homeopathic practitioner regarding eczema are the following:
1) In the end, topical cream usage is a huge intensifier of long-term suffering. Avoid it at all costs.
2) Other than allergen abstinence (not a good solution in the real world), homeopathy is the only medial method known to mankind to root out not only newly presenting eczema but old suppressed forms.
So what is the upshot of what I have learned? That the homeopathic remedy that tens of thousands in India and around the world have profited from for effective treatment of eczema is Arsenicum album.
Often, this medicine alone will make such a dramatic difference that no more will be needed!
If, however, this gets things moving in the right direction but doesn’t take healing to completion, we know that there are other homeopathic remedies that will conclude the work. Sometimes the problem is related to food intolerances, and that has its own protocols depending on the type of intolerance.
It may require 6-12 months but is worth every effort. So, for example, if the food allergy that causes eczema (or other skin conditions) is gluten intolerance, the remedy is often Bovista. While, if the intolerance is from milk (raw or otherwise) the remedy choice is likely to be Aethusa.
Bottom Line
Since learning how to treat my family with complete medical autonomy, saving thousands of dollars because of this knowledge for the last 28 years, it is my passion to inspire you to take control of your life yourself and uproot your gut and skin issues. I want all moms to become healers. I want them to be known as a healer of their home and community.
When you know something important, it is your duty to share it.
Learn More! Video + Free Educational Graphic on Homeopathy for Skin
Should the prospect of eliminating eczema or any skin condition from your or your child’s life excite you as much as it does me, click here to take a peek at this video to learn more and also get your free educational graphic with 15 skin conditions and their specific homeopathic protocols to teach you how to cure your family yourself.
More Information
Doctor Approved Remedies for Eczema Treatment
The Top 8 Eczema Food Triggers
Tips for Relieving Eczema NOW While You are Healing from Within
no matter what the problem/symptoms, one will always have to treat the cause. whilst i have had amazing results with homeo with animals (and a little myself which i haven’t practised on much as yet) the homeo sapien will eventually have to learn that DIET is the all important issue/solution. like renee loux underkoffler states in her raw food cookbook: it’s as important what one doesn’t eat as what one does eat! to work out what one should be eating to treat the cause (as well as the symptoms) one has to do a hair tissue mineral analysis and, if you haven’t studied diagnostic orthomolecular medicine (which is, actually, not difficult as i found out) then see someone who has. he/she will interpret the results and advise what you have to eat and what you should not be eating. this is a hard task as most people have copper overload in the western world and that is what causes fungal infections, eczema, cancer, ADD, CFS etc etc….. i’ve been doing this now, seriously, for 4 years and i’m still struggling. but, at least i know i’m on the right road. by the way i’m pretty old so my efforts are going to be long given that i ate mr kiplings cakes by the dozen in a day and didn’t eat until 4pm every afternoon when i was younger, and no one told me that i could eat sugar for breakfast, lunch and dinner. however, the old GPs were keen on handing out the drugs and chems which only make matters worse for their patients! i am in a much better place now and no longer snap the head off my workers and people i love! working on the fungal infection which just got appallingly worse by trying Cuprum 6C on two occasions. big mistake. but like i say. i’m no homeo… but learning like everything else in life!
May I suggest this combination of ingredients that worked well on my father’s life-long psoriasis and eczema? I have made my own cream with these ingredients and others who have tried it report good results. One guy who tried the cream was nearly 80% covered in eczema but now he is down to 2% and dropping.
I called the cream Zematon (from ecZema)
Essential oils of frankincense, lavender, chamomile, carrot seed,sandalwood, neroli and geranium diluted in a mixture of coconut oil, rosehip seed oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, aloe vera and black seed oil.
I never knew that having eczema means you are more prone to allergies later in life! This can be really difficult. At least if your child has eczema, you can be more aware of how they may develop in the future. If your child happens to get it, I would recommend going to the doctor to treat it and to talk about the future allergies.
I have been suffering from eczema since i served my militaryt duties. Eczema actually had afflicted me for long times but i managed to get it over. But as i joined army around which the environment is awful and not careful, my skin became severe. It gets messy-looking due to flaking and red patches. Doctors at army told me to use steroid cream. But i feared its side effects so i didn’t apply it anyway. I have tempted to use it because it’s very painful however reading your article, i become assured that i should not use it. i think i should watch its progress more. The problem is that in the army, i am so restricted to treat myself through the therapy you suggested. I can endure it if it eventually alleviated, but does the otinment bring bad results always? Using it lightly about twice a week would also cause a terrible consequence?
I just want to say thank you very much for sharing this wonderful information, I have been searching for a cure for my dermatitis eczema for a while but everything I found did not work.
eczema is really serious disease i know very well one of my cousin also face this problem these tips are really helpful to recover it
I inadvertently discovered something so simple to take away the itch from eczema. I made some flax seed gel for my hair and after applying it I had extra on my hands. It felt really good so I started to apply it to my face and then the rest of the my body. A while later I had a patch of eczema flair up and applied it to the area. It took away the itch immediately. I applied it every time it itched for a couple of weeks until I realized I wasn’t applying any more because the itch was gone. I’ve also used it on a dry spot on my scalp and it has helped as well. BTW, when making the gel I add a few drops of lavender essential oil once the gel has cooled down.
JOETTE, I’ve been diagnosed with eczema on my shins. I don’t know for sure what the catalyst is. It could be years of being on birth control pills or a booster I received from a vaccination. One thing that has shown to be repeated over and over is that it goes away during the Summer. I’ve had it for around 7 years and each Summer it goes away. I do not wear sunscreen (only on my face) and do that with the hope of getting as much VD3 to last me through the Winter. I live in MN, so I try to get what I can, when I can.. I’m wondering if you ever encountered this with your studies, etc… with exposure to the sun healing rashes.
Just about all sickness is caused by a fungus. From a cold, to a skin rash, to cancer. Apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons with a glass of water and lemon juice three times a day sipped throughout the day will keep it at bay. Coconut oil, black walnut hull powder, turmeric, all good too.
Coconut oil topically, the others I mention are an internal dosage as prescribed on the label. Good luck and may God be with you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!