While many of us know eczema to be a condition of inflamed and irritated skin, if you or your child actually suffers from eczema, you know how burdensome and afflictive this pathology can be.
I understand. As a child, I was burdened with this “hell on earth”—as I was covered with it from head to toe.
But oh! How I wished I had left it alone.
What? Leave this distressing condition alone with no eczema treatment whatsoever?
Let me explain.
In its very first paragraph explaining eczema, WebMD describes that people with eczema have “inherited [a] tendency to develop other allergic conditions, such as asthma and hay fever” later on in life. They are absolutely right.
But what conventional dermatology protocols for eczema treatment don’t plan for is the domino effect that takes place when eczema is suppressed through the various pharmaceutical drugs that are employed to “treat the condition.”
Cortisone Cream: Eczema Treatment with Sobering Consequences
The most common drug used for eczema treatment today is cortisone cream. In a matter of days, this drug will reduce eczema to a mild level and often it will get it to disappear altogether. The relief it brings is tempting and seductive at best — but I know how beguiling it actually is — so let me stay your hand for a moment to explain the consequences.
We think that the consequences are all listed on the “side effects” label of the drug. For cortisone cream, this includes an increased risk of getting infections and possible birth defects for pregnant women who use this steroid. Not good. But it gets worse!
Pharmaceutical Dominoes from Conventional Eczema Treatment
Homeopathy understands that when you suppress pathology and symptoms, you drive the illness deeper into more vital organs in the body.
So while your skin may be afflicted today, if you don’t allow your body to work it out by itself or cure properly, you effectively suppress the disease deeper into the body and find yourself with exactly what Web MD says you can get: asthma, hay fever, and other allergic conditions, for life.
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the Father of Homeopathy, wrote, “Removal of local (skin) symptoms results in a heightening of the whole disease.”
Indeed, after my eczema was suppressed as a child, I found myself developing even more symptoms later on: a severe sensitivity to chemicals, an ever-growing list of food allergies, chronic fatigue, headaches, anxiety and more!
Oh, how I would have traded all of those troubles for topical eczema!
But — I dare say — that neither the more serious conditions nor the eczema is desirable. “Leaving it alone” just wouldn’t cut it for me.
Natural Eczema Treatment Alternatives
Today, with my 28 years of study in the field of homeopathy, I know that when the correct remedy is selected, homeopathy becomes the ultimate tutor for your body. It teaches your body to resolve the issue. It complements your body’s symptoms. Homeopathy is curative, not suppressive.
Why that’s the exact opposite of conventional medicine!
Sadly, however, to treat a chronic condition like eczema via classical homeopathy, you often need to work with a seasoned homeopath and it can take years. You cannot do it yourself…
Enter the Banerji Protocols. These simple homeopathic protocols were developed by Drs. Prasanta and Pratip Banerji.
It is from them that I learned what I’ve always known but needed to be shown the shortcuts…that the complexity of classical homeopathy had been turned usable by means of straightforward and inspired procedures that anyone can learn.
So I committed to an intense 13-week fellowship with these world-renowned doctors where I observed and recorded 5,528 live cases. (I’ve never written so much in my life!) When I returned home to Western New York, I painstakingly organized, collated and categorized each case so I could use these protocols in my daily practice, but more importantly, to teach families back home.
What I learned not only via my fellowship in Calcutta but cumulatively as a homeopathic practitioner regarding eczema are the following:
1) In the end, topical cream usage is a huge intensifier of long-term suffering. Avoid it at all costs.
2) Other than allergen abstinence (not a good solution in the real world), homeopathy is the only medial method known to mankind to root out not only newly presenting eczema but old suppressed forms.
So what is the upshot of what I have learned? That the homeopathic remedy that tens of thousands in India and around the world have profited from for effective treatment of eczema is Arsenicum album.
Often, this medicine alone will make such a dramatic difference that no more will be needed!
If, however, this gets things moving in the right direction but doesn’t take healing to completion, we know that there are other homeopathic remedies that will conclude the work. Sometimes the problem is related to food intolerances, and that has its own protocols depending on the type of intolerance.
It may require 6-12 months but is worth every effort. So, for example, if the food allergy that causes eczema (or other skin conditions) is gluten intolerance, the remedy is often Bovista. While, if the intolerance is from milk (raw or otherwise) the remedy choice is likely to be Aethusa.
Bottom Line
Since learning how to treat my family with complete medical autonomy, saving thousands of dollars because of this knowledge for the last 28 years, it is my passion to inspire you to take control of your life yourself and uproot your gut and skin issues. I want all moms to become healers. I want them to be known as a healer of their home and community.
When you know something important, it is your duty to share it.
Learn More! Video + Free Educational Graphic on Homeopathy for Skin
Should the prospect of eliminating eczema or any skin condition from your or your child’s life excite you as much as it does me, click here to take a peek at this video to learn more and also get your free educational graphic with 15 skin conditions and their specific homeopathic protocols to teach you how to cure your family yourself.
More Information
Doctor Approved Remedies for Eczema Treatment
The Top 8 Eczema Food Triggers
Tips for Relieving Eczema NOW While You are Healing from Within
How interesting that several people have mentioned getting excellent results by slathering their babies/toddlers with Vaseline! Just out of curiosity, why would this work? Could their eczema perhaps be caused by some sort of mite? It’s almost as if the microscopic invaders are being suffocated by the application of a smothering substance. When chickens have leg mites, they’re routinely slathered in Vaseline and the mites are gone within a day or two. Perhaps this is something similar?
I suffered with eczema for about 38 years. The answer for me was to avoid gluten and nuts. Eating anti-inflammatory foods like greens, curcumin, bromelain, quercetin, tart cherries, fish oils, and probiotics helps.
I have good news! And a question!
I have been suffering from eczema my whole life and recently it has been exacerbated by a whole host of food sensitivities which validates the premise of this article succinctly.
However, I have experienced great relief, to the point of no symptoms, with the use of activated charcoal – almost immediate effect. Try this if you are suffering from this affliction!!!!
The question, though, is this: some people have expressed concern at long term usage as prolonged use of AC might lead to malnourishment and electrolyte imbalance…. Is this true? Or is their a therapeutic margin to be aware of? 1 tsp twice a day, 2 hours away from mealtimes works SO well for me.
Would this not allow my skin and gut to heal sufficiently over time?
I try to avoid all the foods I have sensitivities too, but they seem so nebulous and prone to shifting. I am definitely going to give homeopathy another try too. Can anyone recommend anyone in the Los Angeles area?
Thank you Sarah, I love your blog!
Very interesting; I will file this to read again when I have time over the weekend. When we lived in New Jersey, my daughter (1.5 years old or so) developed eczema pretty much all over her entire body and would scream whenever I tried to give her a bath–it was horrible. The pediatrician we saw said that ALMOST ALL CHILDREN IN NEW JERSEY HAVE ECZEMA!!! I also developed chronic bronchitis there–I came to believe that NJ is one big toxic dump site!
As Brandy mentioned we also covered my daughter’s entire body in Vaseline and about a week later, her eczema was gone and never really came back expect for a patch she gets behind her left ear in the late summer–which I also experienced as a child, due, I believe to seasonal allergies. I would not be surprised, however, if she also has food allergies.
AIP diet works wonders
Can you please instruct how to try all 3 remedies? I just finished GAPS and am experiencing STILL some small patches of excema however my digestion seems much stronger than before. I assume it could be from food intolerance but am not for sure. Is it safe to try all remedies at the same time and at what dose?
i started suffering from eczema and was classified as Atopic. My eyes would look like i had two black eyes. skin was dry and cracking, i was mortified to go in public. Was given TWO topical steroids for treatment (which did help) but the thought of steroids around my eye EVER and long-term no less Gave me to heeby geebies and i raced to find a different solution. Thats when i really learned about the dangers in our food. About a year ago i slowly switched my entire house to organic food only and viola! No more eczema! and my allergies are almost (not quite fully) gone 🙂 And ps, i never use lotion…Coconut Oil ONLY 😉
My son:
NAET is the only thing that worked for us!
Ditch all gluten.