Eden Foods bills itself as the “oldest natural and organic food company in America” and is best known for its EdenSoy line of organic soy milk.
Most of Eden’s products are organic and nearly all are vegan.
It’s a very familiar brand in health food stores and marketing studies have shown it to be a favorite of female and liberal customers.
These customers, to put it mildly, are not pleased with the news that Eden hired the Thomas More Law Center to file a lawsuit against Kathleen Sibelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, and other government parties, associated with the Obama administration’s rule on contraception.
The lawsuit claims the contraception rule violates Eden Foods owner Michael Potter’s religious freedom under the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act by requiring him to provide his employees with medical coverage for contraception.
Potter believes contraception “almost always involves immoral and unnatural practices.”
Irin Carmon at Salon.com launched the story yesterday (April 11, 2013). Predictably enough, it has gone viral, with a massive outcry on Facebook and other social media.
In brief, protesters are not pleased by Eden’s pursuit of a right-wing ideological agenda and its espousal of Catholic church teachings on the evils of contraception. Thousands of people have already voiced their intent to stop buying Eden products, including Facebook commenter Cheryl DeMarco who summed up the issues particularly well. “Now that you’ve sued to avoid providing birth control coverage to your employees based on bogus science, I don’t trust you to provide me with clean food based on good science. I won’t be buying your products.”
As yet, the debaters have not pointed out the supreme irony of Eden Foods — one of the top manufacturers of soy milk — coming out against birth control. All soy milks — including organic soy milks — include high levels of the plant estrogens known as isoflavones. Over the past seven decades, scientists have linked isoflavones to reproductive problems in all animal tested, including the human animal. For women, soy contributes to anovulatory cycles and other symptoms indicative of infertility; for men, it causes adverse effects on the quality and quantity of sperm.
The illustration posted by Salon.com — and posted here — was surely not intended to be literal. But yes, this product can make birth control unnecessary!
Indeed, in the 1970s the World Health Organization funded a $5 million study through the University of Chicago and sent researchers out in the field in search of all-natural contraceptives. The idea was to find a safe and effective alternative to the high-dose birth control pills of that era. Researchers visited dozens of native cultures to discover which herbs and plants were being used to prevent pregnancy, examined hundreds of plants and analyzed their phytochemicals. Although they found many contraceptive plants — soy, prominently among them — they ultimately abandoned the project. Not because “natural” methods didn’t work, but because the side effects were similar to — and just as serious — as those of the birth control pill.
The obvious conclusion here is that customers who consume EdenSoy “soy milks” are unwittingly —and almost certainly unwillingly — swallowing liquid birth control. Lest any readers at this point think soy milk might a good “all natural” form of contraception, however, my advice is don’t count on it! Soy isoflavone content varies from carton to carton, and any contraceptive effects would depend as well on the amount and duration of consumption.
Eden Foods furthermore has a shabby track record in terms of supporting the health of babies. In 1990 the FDA investigated after a two-month old girl in California was hospitalized with severe malnutrition. Her parents had fed her EdenSoy brand soy milk instead of infant formula. Because of this and a similar incident in Arkansas involving the SoyMoo brand of soy milk, the FDA issued a warning on June 13, 1990, stating soy milk was “grossly lacking in the nutrients needed for infants.” The FDA asked — but unfortunately has never required — all manufacturers to put warning labels on soy milk so that they would not be used as formula substitutes.
Since these tragic incidents, most brands of soy milk — but not EdenSoy — include warning labels in tiny print on their packaging.
Sadly, babies continue to be hospitalized and die because of EdenSoy and other brands of soy milk. At least four couples have been found guilty of the deaths of their babies fed soy milk in lieu of soy infant formula. Many of these parents were health conscious, well-meaning vegans who truly thought they were doing a good thing for their babies by choosing organic soy milk instead of commercial soy formula. The myth that soy is a health food and Eden’s irresponsibility led to these tragic deaths.
How many more unnecessary and tragic cases of malnutrition and deaths will occur before Eden takes the right action? For me, the “right action” is clear: Boycott Eden Foods.
For more information about Eden’s lawsuit:
For more information about soy formula and the effect soy milk and other products containing soy vegetable protein on reproduction, The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health Food.
Dee, the Church does leave vaccines upto our conscience- we are not “required” to vaccinate, or unvaccinate. There is no official teaching with regards to vaccines. Some leaders of the Church have spoken out against those which have been developed from aborted babies. There are, however, official laws in our Church against birth control, sterilization, and abortifacients. These are considered grave offenses, and therefore violate a Catholic’s conscience to contribute towards their uses. They shouldn’t be required by the almighty government to provide these services. A Jehovas Witness as well should not be required to provide goods that violate their conscience. The reason for seperation of Church and State really is to protect the freedom of Religion. When we have a government infringing on religious rights, the problem isn’t the companies- it’s the government overstepping their boundaries.
Since when is the Catholic Church against sterilization, when from 1930-the mid 1970s it was common practice of Catholic orders to perform forced sterilizations (and even abortions!) on Native American women?
It’s easy to say make up anything you want but harder to cite . . .
From Amnesty International:
“A 2001 report by the Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada documents the responsibility of the Roman Catholic Church, the United Church of Canada, the Anglican Church of Canada, and the federal government in the deaths of more than 50,000 Native children in the Canadian residential school system.
The report says church officials killed children by beating, poisoning, electric shock, starvation, prolonged exposure to sub-zero cold while naked, and medical experimentation, including the removal of organs and radiation exposure. In 1928 Alberta passed legislation allowing school officials to forcibly sterilize Native girls; British Columbia followed suit in 1933. There is no accurate toll of forced sterilizations because hospital staff destroyed records in 1995 after police launched an investigation. But according to the testimony of a nurse in Alberta, doctors sterilized entire groups of Native children when they reached puberty. The report also says that Canadian clergy, police, and business and government officials “rented out” children from residential schools to pedophile rings.”
So much for Christian value of The Sanctity of Life. You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t hold the Christian Church, especially the Catholic Church, in high esteem.
The allegations are terrible and should definately be documented and investigated as the report recommends.
However, the report also concludes:
“Members of the Boarding School Healing Project say that current levels of violence and dysfunction in Native communities result from human rights abuses perpetrated by state policy.”
These were government funded schools with some priests as employees, so extend your lack of esteem to public schools if you wish to be consistent.
Thank you Roxanne, I’m with you 100%.
Well, I tried to copy and paste a direct reference, but the moderator booted it. So here is the link instead, from Amnesty International…third section down, from a 2001 Canadian Report.
Even if there are Catholic officials who are at fault for this, it in no way means that the Catholic Church supported it. It just means that these people were actin against the teachings of the Church. The Catholic Church is against direct sterilization. It is considered as an offense against the dignity of marriage. CCC #2399
I may not agree with catholic policies regarding women’s health but, what happened to the right of people towards religious freedom? Eden Soy has a right to their own consciousness and I feel that others need to respect their constitutional rights. In a world of cultural diversity, we are not going to always agree on issues! Let’s show a little acceptance where we would also hope to have for our beliefs!
A really, really high percentage of Americans, men and women, use contraception on a regular basis. Most Catholics use birth control, otherwise there would be a lot more large families in this country. If employers don’t offer contraception in their health plans, then there will be a lot more abortions. If life begins at conception, and birth control makes sure that conception never happens, then birth control is not “killing” anyone. Just my 2 cents.
I used to not know this, but the birth control pill is also an abortifacient. I’m sure a lot of Catholics do use birth control, but that doesn’t make it right and it is still against Catholic teaching. Natural Family Planning is a perfect way to avoid pregnancies that not only supported by the Catholic church but is completely natural so their is no harm done to our bodies or our environment.
A really, really high percentage of Americans also eat a SAD diet.
Should we all just go along and follow the majority?
Equating selling soy milk with the right to not have to violate ones moral beliefs is ridiculous. We will support Eden. Thank you for the heads up.
“Sadly, babies continue to be hospitalized and die because of EdenSoy and other brands of soy milk.”
Er, no. They continue to be hospitalized and die because of the incredible ignorance of their parents. How could anyone possibly blame Eden Foods for that?
In addition, just because “you didn’t write the article” doesn’t mean that you are exempt from the responsibility of spreading such an incoherent, illogical hypothesis.
Didn’t you just a few articles ago tout Eden Foods as a good company to buy from because they support GMO labeling (a MUCH more telling action of their concern for health than the soy milk production)???
Furthermore, as a devout Catholic (who doesn’t “get offended all the time”- just when confronted with insufferably arrogant fallen away Catholics who try to speak for all Catholics), I ask that you please refrain from claiming Catholic cred when posting offensive anti-Catholic rhetoric. Being “raised Catholic” doesn’t mean squat if you are not a practicing Catholic in Communion with Rome. Ask Nancy Pelosi and Andrew Cuomo.
I think you are missing the point of why Eden foods is wanting to opt out of the health care. Birth control operates on several levels to prevent pregnancy. Not only does it prevent the ovulation but it also prevents implantation of an already fertilized egg. This is called abortion and is murder.
The thing which I find so offensive is that the birth control producers are allowed to minimize how their product actually works. Therefore, millions of babies are murdered every year in the name of inconvenience.
I don’t doubt that Eden foods could probably have better labeling practices but they are not doing anything illegal or immoral. There is a huge difference in not labeling that their product is not to be used instead of infant formula and being against being forced to support a product that directly murders babies.
After reading this, I will actually take the opposite stance and support Eden foods in whatever way I can. Obama care is evil and should be stopped if possible!
By the way, I am not a Catholic. This is just what science says… birth control is abortive in the way it works.
I am very encouraged by the other posts!
Sarah, I have loved everything I have seen on your site prior to this. This is very offensive, illogical and just plain irritating. Totally makes me want to stop referring people to your site.
This is typical of society today. Everything is someone else’s responsibilty. It’s Eden’s fault that those babies died because THEIR PARENTS gave them soy milk as formula. And it’s the employers responsibility to buy the birth control. What?!
I’m really disappointed. In the past, I have loved and learned a lot from The Healthy Home economist, but this article has turned me off. I agree that soy is bad. I also think McDonald’s is bad. And drinking soda. The list is endless, but to see the tiresome subject of Women’s Reproductive Rights being pushed on us, even here, is disturbing. Are you planning on posting something in defense of all the lives that are ended by these so called rights? That’s okay, there are plenty of other traditional food blogs out there. I am pretty sure that all my Catholic friends will be equally as disgusted.
Wow. Very disappointing that you opened your blog to this type of nonsensical ranting. I used to refer many people to your blog. I won’t from now on – as it seems, due to the many “guests” you have promoted lately , it really isn’t yours anymore.
Also you cannot keep saying you were “raised Catholic” so this speech shouldn’t offend Catholics. I am a PRACTICING Catholic and I am offended.
This rant simply falls into the category of hypocrisy on its own. We want the freedom to buy and consume whatever we want as long as it falls into OUR ideology as opposed to someone else’s. Either we are FREE or we are not, and this article promotes tyranny.
So what if Eden is suing Sebelius, why should the government force people and businesses to pay for another person’s things? No one is denying anyone anything or preventing access to anything. Women wanting to use contraceptives are not being prevented from doing so. Your article eludes to the fact that Eden does not want women getting any contraceptives period! This is not the case! Ever since the pill and other contraceptives appeared on the market, women and teen girls have always had access. Clinics get tax money allotted and in turn provide these and other abortifacients. Leave them alone! They should have the right to decline. The pills and other paraphernalia will be there it isn’t going anywhere. No government or entity should make such imposing demands and regulations upon people who for whatever reasons object. If the insurance is there all women can get their monthly BC drugs and devices though their insurance. Or for those not employed there are local county and state clinics. Nothing is ever, ever free! Somebody somewhere is paying for it. Americans who have their reasons to objecting to this forced government mandates imposing this or that law and or regulation, have a right to do so too. What is wrong is being forced. Get a job and buy your required healthcare plan then go get all the contraceptives you want. But of course with millions loosing their jobs and companies having to close, good luck with that. This whole idea of socialism is proving to be devisive and destructive. The current administration is sending the U.S. into a massive and out of control downward spiral which we may never recover from. When a company selling soy based products comes under fire, you know enough is enough.
Great points!