If you were a rat, what would you want to look like – Rat Brad Pitt on the left or Rat Charlie Sheen on the right?
It seems pretty obvious that Brad Pitt Rat on the left is frisky, happy, and healthy in a normal, rat sort of way while Charlie Sheen Rat on the right looks rather worse for the wear and does not in any way possess “tiger blood” or “Adonis DNA”.
Hold on a minute. Â Charlie Sheen didn’t really say that, did he??
Oops, sorry. Back to the rats.
Guess what these little guys are eating?
Egg Beaters Better Than Real Eggs? Â Who Are They Kidding?
Brad Pitt Rat is eating eggs.
Charlie Sheen Rat is eating Egg Beaters.
How can this be?  Why, Egg Beaters is a masterpiece of food chemistry, after all!
Developed in the 1970s, Egg Beaters has the same protein, fat, calories, macrominerals, and vitamins as Real Eggs!
Marketed as a “healthy” substitute for eggs, Egg Beaters is routinely served to nursing home residents and is a typical breakfast choice of older Americans seeking to limit cholesterol and saturated fat.
What Happens to Rats Eating Egg Beaters
The problem is when you take out the saturated fat and cholesterol from eggs and substitute vegetable oil, dried nonfat milk, additives, chemicals, and synthetic vitamins and feed it to adolescent rats what do you get?
You get little Charlie Sheen rats that look like the pathetic creature in the picture above. Â These Egg Beater rats do not develop properly and have mangy looking fur. They also develop diarrhea within one week of eating Egg Beaters and die within 3-4 weeks.
What Happens to Rats Eating Real Eggs
The Brad Pitt Rats eating eggs? Â They go on to develop properly and live out normal little rat lives.
Are you or a relative eating Egg Beaters thinking it is a better choice for your health?  Set the marketing mumbo jumbo and misleading doctor-speak about saturated fat and cholesterol aside for a minute and just look at the picture!  Make the call with simple common sense.
Doesn’t it seem downright foolish to eat Egg Beaters if that stuff can make a young rat look like that within one week?
Perhaps it might help you to know that a thorough review of the world’s scientific literature published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine in 2009 concluded that eggs do not in any way, shape or form contribute to heart attacks!
You don’t have to tell that to Charlie Sheen rat. From the looks of him, he would much rather be eating eggs instead of Egg Beaters so that he can get his Brad Pitt on.
Eggs Do Not Cause Heart Attacks
Morning Nourishment: Bountiful Benefits and Creative Ideas
More InformationÂ
Five Fats You Must Have in Your Kitchen
Why Organic Store Eggs are a Scam
What Oxidizes the Cholesterol in Eggs
Are Raw Egg Whites Healthy?
Duck Eggs: More Nutritious and Less Allergenic
Awesome article. We had a free coupon for egg beaters once, so I bought them and made them. My family was so disgusted and refused to eat them. Thank goodness!
I agree completely that whole food is the only “real” food. Thanks for sharing all your great insight.
Do you have any opinions on protein powders or shakes for workout recovery? I’d love to get your thoughts.
Protein powders/shakes and the like is not real food. I have a post on why these foods are dangerous as well if you do a search using the words protein powder in the search box at the top of the blog.
Egg Beaters: Food for Fools – The Healthy Home Economist http://t.co/w9Qvt0NE
Never thought of buying or consuming this junk. Yuck!
Reminds me of the lab experiment where one group of rats was fed corn flakes and the other group was fed the corn flakes box. By the time box group was starting to die, the corn flakes group was already completely dead after having become insane.
Wow. I didn’t know that, but it certainly makes me glad that I’ve NEVER eaten cornflakes, I never will!
<3 this.
Egg Beaters: Food for Fools – The Healthy Home Economist http://t.co/oXH0IkYf
I maybe bought one carton of Egg Beaters during my family’s lowfat low cholesterol craze.. then we went on to do 1 egg/1 egg white instead in our scrambled eggs. Then we scrapped this, too, and just ate real eggs!!! Now I’m happy to buy local pastured eggs and have 2-3 every day!!
Just make sure if you are eating eggs every day that you are not always cooking them. Eggs every day is good, but some days out of the week they should be raw. Throw them in a smoothie, that’s the easiest way. If you can handle frying them in coconut oil but only just barely, then you may be okay.
Great way of getting sick eating raw eggs. And please don’t give me the ole “organic” BS, Just because they are organic, you can still get sick.
you Are suppose to wash the eggs before you crack them open to remove any potential contaminates you know. and never eat an egg, cooked or not, that has a crack of any size…. whether or not you keep them in the fridge…
i make my own mayo and ceasar dressing with raw, gasp, eggs straight from the dirty chicken’s um…. and it keeps in the fridge for a week. maybe i should lie down and be sick?
It really is sad that people still buy into this. I have one family member in particular who’s health continues to decline, and she continues to do even MORE to make it worse. But she’s doing it at the direction of her doctor. She’s always so proud of herself when she adds another fake food to her diet. Egg Beaters, I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter, Canola Oil….Aaaack!
She thinks I’ve gone off the deep end because I drink raw milk. LOL!
Reminds me of my dad who suffers from diabietes, (don’t think I spelled that right) and he continues to think his doctor has his best interest at heart. His fat intake is restricted and he has to take meds daily. My mom and I have tried to tell him some of the things we know about real food, but he’s too set in his ways to listen. I won’t keep telling a person who chooses not to listen.
Umm….Canola Oil is not fake food…
canola is highly processed and certainly far from healthy.
canola oil is made from a multy step chemical process from ‘rapeseed’…. i mean would you buy into Rape Oil?… so change the name to make it sound better… it is fake. if you can’t cold press it to get oil, it is fake.
This stuff just kills me – so many people don’t *get it* and continue to buy into the marketing ploys.
This picture is downright hilarious. I tried Egg Beaters many years ago when I didn’t know any better, but was very unimpressed with them. My family and I are big egg eaters and there’s no way that I would feed them this fake stuff. Funny how people still think low-fat and low-cholesterol foods are healthy, yet people are more unhealthy now then they ever were. I’ll pass on the fake foods.