Did Elvis really die of cardiac arrhythmia as claimed? His personal physician of 12 years says this is not true at all and Elvis actually passed from a severe and ongoing case of constipation.

The doctor who was with Elvis for the last 12 years of his life and tried to revive him the day he died claims in his book, The King and Dr. Nick, that Elvis died from severe constipation, not cardiac arrhythmia as popularly believed.
Thus, the pathetic attempts by the media to gaslight the public by linking his daughter Lisa Marie’s sudden and unexpected death from a heart attack…also at a young age…as somehow genetic, are flatly incorrect. (1)
An autopsy after Elvis’ death revealed the truth of the singer’s tragic passing.
His colon was 5-6 inches in diameter and 8-9 feet long. A normal colon is only 2-3 inches in diameter and 4-5 feet long. (2)
The autopsy also revealed stool that had been in the colon for 4-5 months and would have certainly presented a tremendous toxic load on the singer’s physiology.
Dr. Nick claims that The King’s bloated appearance and obesity were due to constipation and not from overeating the wrong foods. (3)
In addition, the doctor asserts that he was in talks with a surgeon to have part of Elvis’ colon removed to relieve the blockage which was causing embarrassing accidents on stage.
Elvis, however, would have none of it. Perhaps all those hip-swinging motions he was famous for performing onstage had a practical aspect as well!
The story reminds me of the rumored autopsy performed after John Wayne’s death that purportedly revealed that the actor’s colon weighed 82 pounds at the time of his death from colon cancer.
While this report has, by and large, been discredited, it does seem plausible that if someone in otherwise ill-health suffered from severe constipation for many years and yet continued to eat regular meals…day in and day out…that the colon would elongate, stretch, and become much larger and many times heavier than a normal, healthy colon.
Severe constipation is known to be a major contributor to the development of colon cancer as well.
While we will never know for certain the exact cause of Elvis’ passing let alone John Wayne whose personal physician doesn’t seem to ever have spoken about the matter, there is little doubt that severe bathroom issues would have hastened their demise especially as they got older.
Constipation is not an issue that should be ignored as an inconvenience and dismissively treated with a morning bowl of All-Bran.
It should be addressed as a warning sign from the body that gut imbalances exist and that an overhaul of the diet needs to be considered.
There are numerous ways to help resolve constipation naturally that should be considered with prompt action taken to avoid further issues from toxicity.
An important step along these lines is the use of a vetted therapeutic strength probiotic (such as this brand) to re-establish dominance with those beneficial organisms that are the ultimate gatekeepers of gut health and immunity.
(1) Lisa Marie Presley Had a Family History of Heart Disease
(2) The King and Dr. Nick
(3) Elvis died of constipation reveals his Doctor
More Information
Can Squatty Potty Fix America’s Toilet Issues?
Chiropractic for Constipation
Relieving Baby Constipation Naturally
According to someone currently in touch with Elvis, he did not die of constipation. lindahoodsigmontruthcontd.com/
My intent is not to turn Sarah’s bog about gut health into a conspiracy debate, so please don’t comment. I am just offering a resource to any Elvis fans seeking the truth.
I do not believe this 70+ year old woman has, for two decades+, diligently maintained this detailed website and record of her continual communication with Elvis as a charade. She either has a serious delusional disorder, or she is devoted to protecting Elvis’ imagine and the truth without asking for a dime and despite all the character attacks.
Just wondering how this woman would have more information about it than Elvis’ personal physician of 12 years?
I don’t know if this thread is dead or what, but I’ve got another perspective on elvis’ digestive disaster.i would be willing to bet a large amount of money that Elvis had ehlers danlos syndrome. (Probably type3).
I have type 2/3 phenotype and I am only too familiar with the severe dysfunction it can cause across many systems. No one really understands the mechanism because this eds is underresearched and underrecognized.
Dysautonomia and immune dysfunction cause hypomotility, gastroparesis, ileus, megacolon, sibo, etc depending on the patient. dysautonomia/pots blowing up bp, whatever genetic legacy arrhythmias eds bestowed-mines long qt and svts from pressure on the blood vessels could kill. Or there could be a cva or mi. I’ve had 3 bowel obstructions and many impactions including one 3 months ago that has caused hypokalemia and arrhythmias ever since.
I really really believe that Elvis had a serious disease. It’s hard enough for me to try to beat the constipation now with the new meds (trulance, amitiza) and physical therapy and hydration. I have gastroparesis as well and I cannot eat solid food any more. My diet is horrible and bizarre, but it’s all I can keep down. At least it’s not a tpn tube!
If people have constipation problems, I strongly recommend that they try dietary changes, and check for sibo.
Sometimes, though, it’s just out of your hands… Elvis had the deck stacked against him. I have been stuck in the same position on the John as he. We EDS ppl have to get better support. No one should suffer that way. BTW, I’m incontinent now as well. Either I’m impacted again or it’s nerve damage in my lower spine from instability and cysts. I’ve spent Christmas Eve in diapers and abdominal pain.
I just want to live the best way I can.
Thanks for spreading the word!
I am not really anonymous, I just didn't know which to choose to post. My name is judy. Anyone who takes pain killers will, in my opinion, have constipation problems. Pain killers slow all your body systems down. Therefore, your ability to digest your food is hindered. I have found the best medicine for pain is prayer. It works every time because we serve a wonderful and mighty God. He hears our cries and attends to our prayers. Yes, there is a time and place for doctors and medicines, but our first defense should always be prayer. Thank You Father that Your mercies are new every morning. Thank You for the salvation we have through Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Recent shoulder surgery has me on pain meds BUT, also still softeners – hate pain meds but pt is painful, worse than the replacement shoulder (lol) never had stool issues (knock on wood) fortunate healthy @ 71 – no old guy health issues – angel perched upon my shoulder!
Great idea for a blog, Joy. I will try to fit it in this coming week. If not this week, then the next.
Sorry about that last link. The Wiki article has changed since I read it last. However Snopes currently says (with sources): “No autopsy was performed on John Wayne when he succumbed to cancer in 1979. The medical examiner's office had no reason to hold an autopsy since Wayne had obviously died from natural causes, and the hospital pathologists had little to learn by requesting an autopsy of a cancer patient who had already undergone several major surgeries . . ."
The only reason that I mention it is that I believe there is MUCH VALUE in having a clean and healthy colon. I really appreciate your hard work and wanted to share my research. Keep up the good work.
Sarah, I'm a big fan, but the John Wayne info is an old myth. I believe there is a place for colon cleanses and consume fermented foods as a part of my daily life. I took the time to research the JW story myself to further support the value of colon health. Here's what I found:
According to the book JOHN WAYNE, AMERICAN (by Roberts & Olson, 1995), he had his stomach surgically removed, followed by a medically directed diet which had to be discontinued because his esophagus became blocked by the cancer. He died a very painful death. While he was hospitalized during his last days, he was not physically able to take solid foods.
IMO, if there WAS anything left in the colon to be observed, it would be cancerous tumors with a combination of liquids that hadn't yet been eliminated. His days of solid foods were long gone by the time he died.
The wayne family in fact stated. That John wayne DID NOT have his stomach removed. He did NOT have umpteen lbs of fecal mater in his colon! AND there was no autopsy! The bad point is that his body had to be exhumed and hidden, because left wing a holes kept desecrating his grave site because he had conservative veiws!
Yes, the point is to keep a healthy gut. Would you post information on vitamins and minerals in the diet? I have read NT, but would like additional information. Do you think we should use vitamin/mineral supplements? If not, what should we be taking to make sure we get all the essentials our body needs to stay healthy and energized?
Yes, I totally agree. The information about Elvis was more of a segue into the topic of the value of a healthy colon and just added a different twist.
Yes, there is a lot of info out there discrediting the story. My point was not that the John Wayne story is true, but that the claims of Elvis' personal physician seemed to add credence to the rumors.