A swimmers ear home remedy to resolve this painful situation usually overnight without a trip to the doctor or the pharmacy. A must-have while on vacation if you plan to do any recreating in lakes, the ocean, or swimming pools.

Swimmers ear, or otitis externa, is an infection in the canal between the outer ear and the eardrum. It is very painful and is usually triggered by water that enters the ear canal during bathing or swimming.
It can also be caused by cleaning the ear too vigorously or by an infected hair follicle.
Some people seem to be more prone to swimmers ear than others. In my own family, one of my children seems to be particularly susceptible to this type of infection after swimming. The others experience no problems at all even if swimming for the same length of time in the exact same place.
As a result, genetics seems to play a role in the predisposition to this type of infection. The size of the ear canal is possibly a contributing factor as well.
The conventional approach for resolving swimmers ear involves a trip to the pharmacy to obtain over the counter ear drops. While these products help to free trapped water in the ear, they do not always resolve the infection. The drops definitely don’t help the pain accompanying the condition either.
If the infection does not resolve with over the counter medication, a trip to the doctor would be necessary to obtain antibiotic ear drops that can also help numb the pain.
Fortunately, it is easy to use a swimmers ear home remedy to resolve the situation. No trip to the doctor or to the pharmacy is necessary for those who choose to resolve the situation holistically.
Here is the swimmer’s ear home remedy that you need to have in your home medicine cabinet at all times.
Colloidal Silver: The Safe, Nontoxic Alternative to Antibiotics
Colloidal silver is a product that is easily and cheaply obtained at many health food stores. It consists of tiny silver particles suspended in a liquid.
If the budget is tight, an alternative is homemade garlic ear drops that costs literally pennies to make.
The remarkable antibiotic nature of silver has been known for centuries. In the early 1900s, the founder of Searle Pharmaceuticals, Alfred Searle, wrote in his book The Use of Colloids in Health and Disease:
Applying colloidal silver to human subjects has been done in a large number of cases with astonishingly successful results…it has the advantage of being rapidly fatal to microbes without toxic action on its host. It is quite stable. It protects rabbits from ten times the lethal dose of tetanus or diphtheria toxin.
In the 1970s, Dr. Robert O. Becker at Syracuse Medical University began to intensively research colloidal silver. He discovered that silver not only kills bacteria, but it actually killed bacteria that were resistant to all known antibiotics with no undesirable side effects!
Moreover, unlike prescription antibiotics, pathogens do not become resistant or immune to silver over time. It even has the ability to eradicate antibiotic-resistant microbes like MRSA. This is because colloidal silver doesn’t poison the microbes like antibiotics do, but rather smothers them by adhering to their cell walls and inhibiting their enzyme production.
Using Colloidal Silver as a Swimmers Ear Home Remedy
Using colloidal silver for a swimmers ear home remedy is so ridiculously easy, you will be relieved.
All that is required is a few colloidal silver drops dripped into the affected ear using a standard eyedropper. Within a few minutes, the pain usually begins to subside, and within a few hours the infection as well.
Having the child lay on her side for about five minutes after the colloidal silver enters the ear canal works well to allow the solution to begin its work killing the pathogens that are causing the infection.
After a few minutes, the ear can be drained by simply turning the head in the opposite direction. A towel gently pressed against the ear to catch the liquid is a good idea. Do not use this treatment in conjunction with an ear wax removal candle.
My youngest child recently suffered from swimmers ear to the point where the infection even caused her to spike a fever. Just a few drops of colloidal silver in her ear almost completely resolved the infection overnight. I used a second dose the following morning to ensure complete recovery by the end of the following day.
Make sure to use no more than 3 drops of colloidal silver in the ear canal when using as a swimmers ear home remedy no more than once or twice a day.
The reason for caution is that using too much can actually negatively affect the beneficial bacteria in the ear canal as well and might even trigger a sensation of vertigo temporarily.
If you find yourself using colloidal silver more than occasionally inside the ear, try using allicin infused garlic oil instead. This will provide similar anti-microbial benefits without any damage to the tissue flora.

Colloidal Silver Works for Other Types of Ear Infections as Well
Colloidal silver also works incredibly well for other types of ear infections too.
Unlike antibiotics which only work on bacterial infections, colloidal silver is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial. This means that it works against viruses and fungus too, not just bacteria.
Regardless of what is causing the problem, colloidal silver as a swimmers ear home remedy or for other types of ear infections almost always will resolve the situation quickly and safely without any drugs or antibiotics.
In the rare case where an ear infection or swimmers ear does not respond to colloidal silver within a day or two, be sure to seek the professional advice of a trusted healthcare provider as soon as possible.
Colloidal Silver: Healing Ear Infections the Safe, Easy Way
New Guidelines for Safe Usage of Colloidal Silver
More Information
4 Ear Infection Natural Remedies
Why I Never Swallow Colloidal Silver
The 11 Best Natural Antibiotics
I did see that the candle had “wax” without my ears! I know I have too much wax, how should I remove it? Does it just come from infections? Or is it diet? I only eat raw dairy. Except for butter. Do I need to cut out butter? Thank you ❤️
There are likely a number of things that can contribute to excessive ear wax … genetics is certainly one of them.
An imbalance of dietary fatty acids is another one that comes to mind from the readings over the years. Too many polyunsaturates specifically. What types of cooking oil do you use or fats do you eat in general? Butter wouldn’t likely be the problem.
The best thing for removal it is one of those ear wax removal kits you can get at the pharmacy over the counter. If the wax is quite hard and has been in there for awhile, it will take several tries to dislodge and remove it.
How you can you treat with colloidal silver?
I have a 19 month old grandchild and need advice.
Another great article Sarah, thank you. We have used Argentyn-23 silver for years. It works INSTANTLY every time! Just remember not to flood the ear. 1 or 2 drops is enough. Ear up to the sky for 5 minutes and then down towards the ground for another 5 minutes.
Good tip! Yes, more is not necessarily better. Colloidal silver is miraculous for ear infections for sure.
Are there any concerns about using this AFTER the eardrum has ruptured?
Also there are a few comments here suggesting the use of essential oils in the ears. Essential oils should never be put directly into the ear canal. Put the oils onto a cotton ball and lay it against the ear canal to allow the oils to soak into the tissue.
Thanks! My 8 year old had the worst ear pain ever…I tried all our normal remedies and while they helped she still had some pain and pressure and ear drainage. When her hearing was affected I finally broke down and bought Source Natural 30 ppm Colloidal Silver. 3 drops in the bad ear…3 hours later she is 85% better. Ear is still draining but the pain and pressure have been relieved and her hearing is back to normal.
I use preventive measures since I have a tendency to get ear aches.
I use a Q-tip of alcohol after every shower and also a swim.
It works. I no longer have ear problems unless it’s sinus and I use Elderberry syrup for that and instant relief.
When my kids get an ear infection, I always use lavender, tea tree, and oregano diluted in a carrier oil and dripped into their ears. It has always worked- usually overnight. (Kids commonly get inner ear infections, but this is something different, who knew?). my usual essential oil arsenal did not help me, I have been suffering from “swimmers ear” for 6 days and it’s terrible. my ear canal is swollen shut, I can’t chew due to swelling, and i’ve been in tears from the pain. urgi-care gave me antibiotics and steroid drops which aren’t helping much. An ENT can’t see me for 2 days, so I’ll try the colloidal silver. wish I had known this earlier.
Trisha, I’m in the same boat. I first got swimmer’s ear 4 yrs ago and have struggled with it since. I’m trying to work on my gut health and keep hoping I can avoid prescription drops. Silver had crossed my mind, but I haven’t done it yet. My infection has gone on quite a while also, so I was wondering if after a week of having it if the CS worked for you?