I recently did a radio interview with Linda Bamber, host of the show Think Beyond Pink.
We had a delightful chat about fermented foods and drinks – what they are and why to consume them.
We specifically talked about how helpful fermented foods are with regard to breast health and the prevention and resolution of both occasional or recurrent mastitis.
I also shared a few of my recipes for fermented foods and my family’s favorite fermented drink (orangina) when the organic citrus trees in my yard are in season from November to March each year.
You can listen to the podcast by clicking here. Â You can also download the interview to your mp3 player or iPod.
Thanks Linda for the wonderful opportunity to spread the word about the connection between fermented foods and breast health!
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
Cranberry can be used to treat E coli – induced mastitis, bladder infections, and food poisoning. Cranberry breaks the attachment of E coli to the membrane inside the breast, bladder, and stomach.
My friend’s little boy had a severe case of E coli poisoning from a hamburger and was warned not to drink any juice, but she gave him cranberry juice and he started feeling better in an hour or two.
Another friend was taking cranberry for a bladder infection and noticed her mastitis cleared up, too.
There are cranberry tablets available that are healthier than traditional cranberry juice.
I hear lots vit c I clogged when I gorged at about 5 days old. don’t know if that was it or not but they hurt bad. I took herbs that I got from birthing site and vit c which I have not stopped the vit c 2000 mg. she is 3 months next week and been good ever sense day 6. proboitics are always good tho.
How timely! We just welcomed baby #5 on Aug. 11. 🙂
my daughter is 3 months and i have already had 2 bouts of mastitis. i had to break down and take antibiotics due to a fever. i am giving my daughter probiotics now. any suggestions other than fermented foods for me…
I read this too quickly and thought it said, “Fermented foods help prevent MASTIFFS.” I love mastiffs!
Interesting, since I’ve struggled a LOT with mastitis while nursing my three kids over the last 7 years while also eating lots of fermented foods. For me, at least, it all boils down to stress. It doesn’t matter what I eat nearly as much as how much stress I am under or put myself under. That’s the most important thing.
I had mastitis all the time with my first .. NEVER had it again not even once after I introduced fermented foods into my diet …
This is GREAT Sarah Couture Pope You rock!!!
wish I had this info during my breastfeeding years. i had bouts of Mastitis back then as i was feeding my 2nd and youngest at the same time. I don’t know how I survived.