Natural techniques for resolving constipation without added fiber that can damage the colon and contribute to inflammatory conditions.

Constipation is a dangerous condition that slowly poisons and ages the body with toxin overload. It is especially dangerous for babies and children.
The diet of most Americans is composed primarily of processed junk and loads of sugar. Eating these types of foods regularly contributes greatly to the problem by unbalancing the gut environment.
It is no wonder that over-the-counter constipation remedies are some of the best-selling at pharmacies and grocery stores.
As many as 15-20% of Americans suffer from chronic constipation. Millions more have intermittent issues.
Some folks have little hope of going to the bathroom on any given day without their morning dose of Metamucil or a bowl of high-fiber bran cereals. This is a very unhealthy situation indeed!
Why Fiber is NOT the Best Constipation Remedy
Eating more fiber as suggested in conventional circles as a remedy for constipation is not a wise move. Fiber eaten in the quantities recommended can seriously damage the colon over the long term.
Think of using fiber to resolve constipation as the “roto-rooter” approach to solving the problem.
The book Fiber Menace warns that high-fiber diets produce large stools that stretch and damage the intestinal tract. In addition, too much fiber upsets the natural balance of beneficial bacteria.
The end result of years of eating a high-fiber diet as a band-aid approach to constipation is more severe constipation. This can contribute to the development of Crohn’s disease, IBS, hernias, colitis, and ironically, even hemorrhoids.
Incidentally, getting a colonoscopy has a similar effect doing more harm than good!
It is simply unnecessary to consume fiber such as psyllium seed husks (the main ingredient in Metamucil) in order to have normal stools.
In fact, many healthy traditional cultures ate diets that included little fiber.
Fiber from grains is the most difficult to digest of all. Consider yourself warned.
The result of the USDA-endorsed high fiber, grain-heavy diet is long-term digestive distress far and beyond the annoyance of constipation!
Natural Remedies for Regular Bowel Movements
As one gradually transitions from high fiber to a low-fiber traditional diet, care must be taken to eat plenty of whole animal fats and bone broths that strengthen the intestinal environment.
In addition, any temporary issues with constipation can easily be handled with the no fiber strategies outlined below.
Tip: As you are working to resolve slow-moving bowels, witch hazel on a cotton pad will soothe and shrink the tissues to help heal rectal irritation, swelling, or hemorrhoids.
Chiropractic Adjustments
Many people do not realize that spinal subluxations can cause infrequent bowel movements which are a form of energy blockage.
Hence, a simple chiropractic adjustment can resolve constipation issues very quickly!
This method is particularly helpful as a baby constipation remedy, where the trauma of the birth process can sometimes result in an imbalanced skeletal system.
On a related note, an inexpensive stool called a squatty potty (I recommend this one) can help align the spine and hips properly while going to the bathroom so that elimination is much easier and more complete.
Exercise (rebounding)
Exercise has long been known to relieve constipation and promote regular bathroom habits. If jogging or being a gym rat is not your thing, however, it is easy to exercise in the comfort of your own living room with a simple rebounder or exercise ball.
Rebounding stimulates lymphatic activity extremely well and gets things moving very quickly.
Even better, if your kids have a trampoline in the backyard, spend some quality family time with them and tone up your colon at the same time by spending a few minutes bouncing with them each day!
Cleansing Herbs
There are many herbs that assist with elimination problems. Triphala and Slippery Elm are probably my two personal favorites. In lieu of becoming an herbal expert, it is easier to use blended detox tea from the healthfood store.
If you don’t enjoy tea or need more convenience, these herbal constipation capsules that include stool softening magnesium are very effective, convenient, safe, and inexpensive.
Taking a non-fiber constipation supplement or a few nontoxic detox teabags when you travel is a good idea.
It helps keep things moving when the stress of travel, changing time zones, and sitting for long periods on airplanes or in cars can throw bathroom habits off schedule.
A good balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut is essential to a healthy colon. A sign that things are in good shape is regular elimination, well-formed stools, and no straining.
Probiotics are best consumed on a daily basis in frequent, small doses in the form of lacto-fermented foods and raw, grassfed dairy. When this is not possible, a probiotic supplement can be used instead.
Not all probiotics are created equal, however, so be sure to always go for quality.
Check out my Resources page for an up-to-date list of the best probiotic brands I have personally vetted.
Note that besides probiotic supplements, homemade 24-hour kefir cultured with live grains is the most potent fermented food for rebalancing the gut.
Vegetable Juicing
A glass or two of fresh pressed veggie juice can work wonders with softening up the stools and making elimination a breeze. Be aware that V-8 juice or any other type of vegetable juice in bottles is not helpful at all.
The juice must be fresh, ideally made no more than 20 minutes before consumption. As a result, vegetable juicing and refrigerating to drink later (a la the “cold pressed juice trend“) is not a good idea either.
Also use caution when drinking plain veggie juice on an empty stomach particularly if it is heavy on carrot juice which is high in sugars.
Adding a bit of cream as traditionally done in France will significantly reduce the blood sugar effects of drinking fresh juice. It also assists with the absorption of the bioactive colloidal minerals from the vegetables.
Enemas (NOT Colon Hydrotherapy)
When all else fails to relieve constipation, the tried and true enema works fantastically well.
I don’t recommend colon hydrotherapy because it is expensive and people can become dependent on them. They also potentially wash out beneficial probiotics from deep within the large intestine, something an enema does not do.
The enema has been used since Biblical times. The Essene Gospel of Peace (from the Vatican library) mentions it specifically.
Used to flush the colon of impurities and assist with regularity, this safe home remedy has been all but abandoned in recent decades in favor of over-the-counter drugs.
Many alternative cancer treatments make liberal use of the coffee enema to detoxify and cleanse the colon. However, a plain water enema is simple, fast, and highly effective at treating an occasional bout with constipation.
Enema bags can be purchased at the drug store for about $10.
Even easier, ready-to-use, saline enemas are available for about the same price. Be sure to get one without chemical additives, however!
Nothing literally illustrates the old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” better than the old-fashioned enema!

Coffee has some really powerful qualities to it. For those with sensitive stomachs, you can try decaf and/or dark roasts. Tend to be easier on stomachs than light and medium roasts which are very active. Know your body and stay healthy!
Occasionally, I also had the same thing specially on heavy days where I tend to forget drink a lot of fluids. It’s even the cause of my hemorrhoids, suffering from this is hardly a baring role and not an easy one. But let me just share to you that finding a solution to it is a lot easy rather than eating up a cracker. It’s true and it’s in fact considered as the essential deeds that we people must do, it’s all about increasing your oral fluid intake and eating up fruits that is rich in fiber.
Could one juice home-made sauerkraut rather than eating it whole for a lower fibre probiotic boost?
My gastroenterology dr. told me I was insane for performing “home surgery” that could lead to infection and a punctured colon wall when I told him I was doing home retention enemas. (Funny, I saw a dermatologist who called emptying black-heads a risky home surgery and informed me that rather I needed 3 prescription drugs.) Further, the gastro said coffee enemas were the stupidest thing he’d ever heard of – foods should not go up that end. What could have moved me to such an unnatural inclination, he wanted to know. As I reflected on the strange, costly, and uncomfortable home remedies I’ve self-inflicted, I stopped doing them and handed myself over to the American Medical System. But after 3 exploratory surgeries, a diet consisting mostly of fiber, fiber, fiber and 13 medications later (at 25 years old) I too. My stools can be so violent, and even tore a hole in my colon. How is the medical community so impotent to help? My OB told me taking BC pills would change everything for me, but I refused. My urologist blames the use of contraceptives – “it’s unnatural to use them and god doesn’t like it” – and he prescribed me 3 MEDICATIONS. I’ve rejected all these meds except for my hypothyroidism, which I’m told can have no improvement except by medication. I’m at my wits end with the medical community AND home remedies. :/
My gastroenterology dr. told me I was insane for performing “home surgery” that could lead to infection and a punctured colon wall when I told him I was doing home retention enemas. (Funny, I saw a dermatologist who called emptying black-heads a risky home surgery and informed me that rather I needed 3 prescription drugs.) Further, the gastro said coffee enemas were the stupidest thing he’d ever heard of – foods should not go up that end, and did I know I was staining my colon and shooting caffeine through my system? What could have moved me to such an unnatural inclination, he wanted to know. As I reflected on the strange, costly, and uncomfortable home remedies I’ve self-inflicted, I stopped my desperate search for homeopathic answers and handed myself over to the American Medical System. But after 3 exploratory surgeries, a diet consisting mostly of fiber, fiber, fiber and 13 medications later (at 25 years old) I quit that sphere too. My stools can be so violent and painful, and even tore a hole in my colon that has bleed for 3 years. How is the medical community so impotent to help? My OB told me taking BC pills would change everything for me, but I refused. My urologist blames the use of contraceptives – “it’s unnatural to use them and god doesn’t like it” – and he prescribed me 3 MEDICATIONS. I’ve rejected all these meds except for my hypothyroidism, which I’m told can have no improvement except by medication, and anxiety. I’m at my wits end with the medical community AND home remedies. :/ But recently, I’ve started again looking for hope. I know not everyone gets to be healthy, but I’m going to try.
Please ignore the first post. It posted before I was finished. Apologies. Thanks.
Hi, is anyone having problems with constipation when they add Vit. D supplements? I try to take 5,000 IU/day and it seems to make me constipated.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
What do you know about taking Diatomaceous Earth daily? I got some from our local farmer, who also provides our milk and eggs, a couple of months ago and I have been taking about a TBLS each morning with raw milk. It makes everything work well in my system throughout the day. Is this safe?
Stephanie, I’m one of those ‘dumb’ parents that used to have to give my son laxatives and I can assure you we have always been very healthy eaters. Luke had severe reflux for years (I breastfed exclusively for 6 months and ate healthy too–go figure). It’s a long story– but calling misinformed parents following dietician, GI, and doctors’ orders aren’t dumb. They arre trying to help their children and don’t know about gut flora because no one in the medical field tells us. I’m glad your children have never suffered from constipation. It is heartbreaking.
Hi Sarah,
I have a quick question. My husband and I have been wanting to do a cleanse for several months now. There are so many boxed cleanses at the health food store that we just don’t know which one to choose. Plus, they can be expensive and require all kinds of special dietary changes. We have just started diving into the world of traditional cooking, so we’re very open to anything that will naturally and traditionally cleanse our guts. What would you recommend?
Thanks so much for your time!
Oh man, I’ve been using the Food For Life 4:9 for such a long time and avoiding soy of course. I can’t believe I failed to read the label more carefully! I just stocked up my freezer with a dozen bags of tortillas, eng. Muffins, and loaves of sesame bread. Agh! I just checked and they ALL DO INDEED have sprouted soy. From now on I’m certainly only going to be buying the 7 grain. THANK YOU SO MUCH for pointing this out!!! Now what to do with all that soy laced investment? Donate it perhaps!
Also what do you think about chia seeds and flax seeds? Are they good for you?