How to stop food poisoning with its violent vomiting and diarrhea using natural remedies that can prevent a trip to the ER for dehydration.

You’ve felt it before. That strange little twinge in your stomach that means an attack of food poisoning is about to strike.
Oh, how I dread that feeling that is so very distinct and ominous! The worst part is that once you feel that twinge, it may be an hour or more before you actually get sick.
This requires you to sit on pins and needles, waiting to see how bad it’s really going to get!
My worst attack of food poisoning occurred from eating a very delicious mushroom omelet at a fancy hotel in Queenscliff, Australia. I was sick for three days!
I had another serious gastrointestinal experience while traveling in Asia after finishing college.
Just a theory, but I think that drastic timezone changes can temporarily and significantly reduce stomach acid production in some people.
This can cause a person to be more prone to food poisoning than under normal circumstances.
Can You Stop Food Poisoning?
Fortunately, since those two miserable experiences, I have learned how to stop food poisoning in its tracks and wouldn’t think of traveling anywhere without remedies that can help resolve the situation, ideally as soon as you feel that “twinge” and long before the bathroom runs even begin!
If you are like me and seem prone to food poisoning when you travel overseas or just want to protect yourself from that occasional bad restaurant meal or tummy bug going around town, take note of these food poisoning support tips recommended by my friend Kim Schuette, the late founder of Biodynamic Wellness.
While you can’t always predict when food poisoning will strike, there is most definitely something you can do about it to greatly minimize or even prevent most of the suffering!
Why Food Poisoning Occurs
Food poisoning can result from consuming spoiled or contaminated foods. Diarrhea accompanied by extreme abdominal pain and vomiting are the most common symptoms of food poisoning.
It is extremely important to guard against dehydration during this time.
Commercial sports drinks and Pedialyte are NOT a good option.
This is due to the chemicals, additives, sugar, artificial flavors/colors, and GMO ingredients.
How to Quickly Rehydrate
When food poisoning or any sort of gastrointestinal illness strikes, unrefined sea salt or a clean electrolyte solution should be added to purified water and consumed throughout the day.
½ teaspoon of unrefined sea salt in 8 ounces of filtered water three to four times daily for adults. Children take ¼ teaspoon of unrefined sea salt in 6 ounces of filtered water.
1/2 teaspoon electrolytes solution in 8 ounces of filtered water 2-4 times daily for adults. Children take 1 drop of electrolytes solution for every 5 pounds of body weight in 6 ounces of filtered water.
The water from cooked white rice is also helpful for resolving dehydration.
Stop Vomiting and Diarrhea Fast
Adsorbing the offending toxin(s) is key to quickly resolving food poisoning.
Absorption is the process by which substances are sucked up into the internal structure of other substances, such as cells. Adsorption, on the other hand, requires only that substances be able to stick to the outside of the adsorbent medium.
Adsorption is a very fast process, which neutralizes foreign invaders, keeping them from attaching to blood cells. This hastens the end of what can often be a lengthy and highly uncomfortable process.
Types of Adsorption Agents
Food-grade montmorillonite clay (bentonite) and activated charcoal (my go-to) are very effective adsorbents for such challenges as diarrhea resulting from food poisoning, a bacterial infection, or a virus.
Activated charcoal is also helpful when gluten is accidentally eaten by those who are intolerant or Celiac.
Both bentonite clay and activated charcoal prevent toxins from being absorbed from the stomach into the body which is why they work so well as food poisoning remedies.
I personally prefer activated charcoal to bentonite clay due to the potential contamination issues of some bentonite clay sources.
According to Dr. Kaayla Daniel in her article Mad as a Hatter,
There are more than 200 types of bentonite clay, most of which have an aluminum content of anywhere from 15 to 75 percent, and some products in the marketplace have been manufactured with harmful, commercial emulsifiers.
If you choose to consume bentonite clay as your food poisoning remedy of choice, be very sure of your source and how it was manufactured.
In addition, be careful to avoid some activated charcoal brands that are combined with sorbitol.
Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol that can act as a laxative!
How to Use Clay or Activated Charcoal
Biodynamic Wellness suggests one of the following with regard to dosage for food poisoning or gastrointestinal illness:
- 3 tablets of Cholacol II from Standard Process three to four times daily at least 20 minutes before food.
- 2 capsules of Activated Charcoal by Integrative Therapeutics (560 mg) three to four times daily at least 20 minutes before food; 1 capsule three to four times daily for children.
Note that activated charcoal and Montmorillonite clay should not be used to treat poisoning from corrosive agents such as alkalis and strong acids, petroleum products, lithium, borax or boric acid, iron, or alcohol.
A medical doctor must treat poisoning from these types of substances. It is important when this occurs to go to your nearest emergency room immediately.
How I Use Activated Charcoal
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve used activated charcoal capsules (this brand) over the years to treat food poisoning in myself or a member of my family.
It usually strikes when traveling and/or eating out at a restaurant. Something we ate was improperly cooked or wasn’t what we thought it was. More likely, a time zone change disrupted stomach acid production predisposing a pathogen attack.
I always pack some AC in my travel bag and my children always have some on hand at college.
While daily use of activated charcoal is not wise, when you need it in an emergency, it is a life saver!
Two capsules and a glass of water. That’s it. Problem solved and no agonizing night spent on the bathroom floor!

More Information
Why Some People Get Stomach Bugs All the Time
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Arsenicum album works very fast for food poisoning. I had eaten at a Jason’s Deli and starting feeling really sick a short time afterwards. I called a homeopathic friend of mine and she said to get some arsenicum album. I wiped it out immediately.
The liquids off of fermented veg works wonders as well.
Would this also be a suitable remedy for e. coli? Even though I trust my raw milk farmer, sometimes I let the fear mongering get to me. If I knew that activated charcoal was the remedy, my fleeting fears would be gone forever.
Sarah, would DE work in this regard as well?
DE does not work because it does not absorb.
Is it safe for children ?
Coconut water is my electrolyte beverage of choice when anyone is sick and at risk of dehydration in my family. Works great!
I assume it works stomach bugs? My 5 year old is on the GAPS diet and he’s got a stomach bug. Any recommendations on AC Brands?
Recently I was in a drugstore and asked an employee if they carried activated charcoal. I was directed to the area where they sell charcoal and lighter fluid. It made me laugh.
This article was super useful, I had food poisoning recently and did the charcoal thing and it totally worked.