Put down that Tylenol. Did you know that using it only once a month raises your child’s risk of asthma astronomically?
Hang up the phone to the pediatrician’s office.
Don’t touch the analgesics.
You can do this on your own! Fever is not a bad word. It is your friend!
In fact, it’s the mechanism that the body has intuitively designed to cook off illnesses such as the flu, colds, ear infections and the like. And it serves an important purpose because it is the body’s way of curing the illness.
Did you hear me? Fever is the body’s way to rid us of illness.
Then why eradicate the cure by administering a synthetic drug, such as Tylenol, aspirin and the like?
Certainly, we don’t want our child to suffer needlessly, but by employing meds to suppress a fever, we’re chemically forcing the body to stop treating itself with its natural promise of resolution.
What Some (Good) Doctors Say about Fevers
In the words of my all-time favorite pediatric hero, Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, in his book, How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor,
There is a common misconception that the height of body temperature is an indication of the severity of illness. Research has shown that more than half of all parents consider a fever high at levels between 100-102 degrees F. And almost all believe it is high if it reaches 103 degrees.
These parents are also convinced that the height of fever indicates how sick their child is. This emphatically is not the case. Knowing the level of your child’s fever will tell you nothing of how sick he is or if the fever is produced by a viral or bacterial infection.
There’s nothing to be gained by measuring its climb and by doing so will only magnify your fears and upset the child. Even a temperate of 105 need not be a cause of concern.
Even Dr. Sears is quoted on his site regarding normal childhood illnesses as saying,
Fevers are not serious. Many parents have a misconception that fevers are a bad thing and a sign that there is some serious underlying illness. This simply is not true.
Fever is a normal and healthy response of the body to an illness. The body’s immune system releases chemicals that raise the body temperature. This is part of the normal infection-fighting process.
Dr. Thomas Cowan MD, presenter at the Weston A. Price conference two years ago, made it clear that fever may be instrumental in warding off the potential of cancer in the future.
He elaborated that every case in which the child is allowed to present a nice high fever, it potentially inadvertently protects from cancer later in life.
I know, I know. It can be difficult to resist the temptation to give children “a little something for that fever”.
After all, we certainly don’t want them to suffer the pain of an ear infection or a sore throat. But, if we understand that the medications of commerce will often cause further affliction in the future, the choice is easier.
How to Use Homeopathy for Fevers
When a fever appears to be debilitating, what’s a parent to do? I reach for one of my lovely homeopathic cell salts…Ferr phos 6x.
It’s the remedy that aids during any inflammation and may help the child get over the illness in a shorter time and step into full bloom again with fewer accompanying symptoms.
Four pills is a dose, regardless of the age of the child, and it can be offered directly into the mouth every 4 hours for as long as the little one is sick.
Once the worst is over, then Ferr phos 6x offered in combination with Calc phos 6x is a great way to ensure convalescence.
This combo is what I call the “finishing touch” to a good productive fever.
The way I have used it for my feverish children is as follows: 1 PM is time for Ferr phos, 3 PMÂ Calc phos, 5 PM back to Ferr phos, and so on.
When used correctly, homeopathic cell salts are not only inexpensive but nontoxic. That means no side effects.
Can you think of any conventional meds like this?
Yeah, me neither.
12 Homeopathic Cell Salts for Fevers
But these little cell salts don’t just stop at fevers.
Ferr phos 6x is also a premier remedy for anemia and frequent nose bleeds.
I’ve used Calc phos 6x for my children’s dental issues such as teeth that were growing in crooked and premature cavities, growing pains, nervousness, insomnia and even fusing of broken bones. (Actually, that was for my father.) My time-tested tips and tricks as a homeopath have allowed me complete freedom from conventional pediatric dependency.
Take Away
In a world that encourages moms to depend on big pharma and its advocates and to feed our families on the fly, homeopathy, instead, celebrate the home, the cuddle of children and just the right dose of information.
But don’t stop here. There are 12 Homeopathic Cell Salts that you can learn to employ to empower your healing ability — low potency, very easy to learn, inexpensive to own, efficacious and safe. Click here to find out more!
Ferr phos 6x and Calc phos 6x offer rational medicine that empowers mothers and has done so for more than 150 years.
Long-established traditions. Informed parenting. Two little homeopathic cell salts. How easy.
More Information
Click here to learn more about Cell Salts.
Fever Bath to Hasten Healing
I’m merely saying, it has never worked for us. Maybe we’re immune to it. I’m only asking for another suggestion, not trying to ruffle feathers or hurt anyone’s feelings or defy conventional wisdom.
I was right with you up to the homeopathy part. I’ve never had any discernible “luck” with homeopathic remedies. The more I try them, the more I want my money back for them. Any other suggestions besides homeopathy? Maybe, homeopathy is something placebo related and I’d have to believe in it more for it to work. LOL. Sorry to be a Debbie Downer. I just can’t waste any more of my family budget on something that has never helped us.
no feathers ruffled here! but i do want to set the record straight that homeopathy is a complex medical paradigm. In my books and CD’s, I try my best to distill the remedy choice process down to the simplest formulas for every day use, especially for moms. if you’ve not had good luck, its not that the remedy didn’t work. it was simply the wrong remedy. remedies always work, but only if they are well chosen. and this takes attention to details and a bit of understanding of homeopathic principles to make a good selection. also, i might add, that many people hope to be able to treat chronic illness themselves. this simply cannot be done without years of specific training . i do hope that you’ll not give up on exploring homeopathy. i urge you to own a few good books on the subject and keep trying. all you need is one good cure in your family and you’ll be a devotee for life. i promise!
i might also add that the comment below yours about quackery was in fact in response to another comment somewhere else on the blog and got out of sync.
I am totally new to cell salts and have fallen in love with the idea and use of them! I love that I am putting something natural into my body! Thank you for posting this. On the other hand… I am wanting to get pregnant. I am curious if I need to be taking anything outside of the 6 cells salts you tell us about for folic acid? It seems as if it is covered with in them, but I can’t quite figure out. Please help me out and direct me to what I should be taking to make sure I am getting what both the baby and I need.
What a timely article! Only a month ago, my 5-month-old was under the weather, and suddenly became extremely hot – 105 degrees! We reached for the Ferr. Phos 6x and within an hour his temperature had dropped to 103. For added encouragement, we re-read Sarah’s post about letting fevers work (I believe it was in an article where she referred to her dad’s treatment of Strep throat). We made it though and our son is healthier than ever now.
People who say homeopathy is only effective via “placebo effect” haven’t taken the time to observe it work on children. I have. We have all 12 salts in our house plus a “travel” bag with our most often used types. I also highly recommend Diarrex, by Hyland’s.
Don’t be frightened, Afton. I’m not selling anything! The information is free, should you be interested.
A few weeks ago, I began following Joette on her site. Thrilled to see her here as well and looking forward to the next two posts. Thank you for the download. I actually didn’t see the purple box as I read the post until I read the email from your site that mentioned a free download. I am eager to learn more about cell salts!
Thank you Ruth Morgan. I am 46 and grew up with homeopathy. I never had anything to drive down a fever and neither did any of my four children or my grandkids. We used homeopathy and if the fever was 105 for more than 1 hour I brought it down by putting the child in a warm bath and gradually cooling it until the fever came down a bit. Homeopathy does work but you have to have the correct remedy which can be tricky.
It’s sad how so many people don’t realize that God gave us fevers to fight the germs. I remember my mom saying that 104 was common in children & not to worry unless it spiked higher. I stressed this to my children so they wouldn’t bombard their children with drugs.
I was just caring for my 2 yo grandson recently for a weekend. He woke from his afternoon nap with a fever(99.6 – 100.6) about 3:30. I had to hold him. He would not be put down. We made a mug of Gypsy cold care tea. He drank 1/3 of it and then fell asleep again at 6:00 for one hour. Then he had the rest of his tea and a small bottle of goats milk and was back down by 9:00. I did not hear a peep out of him and he woke the next morning with no fever, back to his old self.
When I raised my own children, I only treated them at night with Tylenol if they were extremely fussy and irritable. But now I probably would not do even that.
So thankful for this place to share and learn.
Where can we learn more about the 12 cell salts? I would love to know more about how to use them for teeth coming in crooked. My 8 year old daughter talks in her sleep or gets up still asleep almost every night. I have had her on GAPS which has helped but not completely remedied it. I am wondering if there is a homeopathic remedy that would help her and if so how often would I use it?
i cover this subject in the free download in the purple box above. Its the transcript of an audio that I produced of the same name. enjoy!
I am not able to link to the download and would love to know more about the cell salts. Thank you for all the information you provide!
Try it again. It is working from my end.