The horrific effects of fracking continue to grow with doctors in Pennsylvania now caught up in the web of deceit.
Hydraulic fracturing technology, known as fracking, explodes millions of gallons of toxic chemical solutions deep into the ground in order to free natural gas deposits for drilling companies to exploit for massive profit.
Over 5,000 drilling wells have been blasted across the state of Pennsylvania alone, with more added each and every week.
These toxic chemicals being pumped into the ground are making people in relative proximity to the wells sick – very, very sick – even at low levels of exposure.  Over 85% of the 750 chemicals used in fracking are known carcinogens!
While Pennsylvania law requires drilling companies to inform local doctors what chemicals are being used so that they can properly treat the victims of exposure, it also now requires doctors who are briefed to sign a confidentiality agreement to keep them from telling anyone about what exactly is making these people sick.  This includes informing their own patients as well as other healthcare professionals!
Similar fracking laws are already on the books in Ohio, Texas, and Colorado.
Shockingly, it appears that State authorities have completely rolled over on this issue and have prioritized the “proprietary secrets” of the drilling companies ahead of the needs of public health.
Despite its so called dedication to green technologies and businesses, Federal authorities have also shown no desire to reign in this horrifically damaging technology which is akin to strip mining of decades past.
Why can’t the Obama administration simply require the disclosure of exactly what is being pumped into the ground to dislodge natural gas deposits? Â No doubt if such a move were made, the public outrage and outcry would result in the swift cessation of fracking across the nation.
And those hefty campaign contributions from fracking executives and their operatives would come to a screeching halt.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
Source: Â Pennyslvania Law Gags Doctors
Sarah, I know you are doing a good thing by writing on your blog, but do you actually do anything else about the issues that you are concerned about? And if so, what are they? It is easy to talk about these things here but we really need to know how to take more action. I don’t feel like writing my senators actually does much at all. And some friends haven’t even heard of Monsanto (and stare blankly when I describe GMO plants, etc.). Obviously fracking isn’t a natural occurance so of course there will be negative consequences– that can’t be disputed by anyone. What can we do about this that will actually make a difference?
Beth, please accept my apology for the comment I made in responding to Misty. I incorrectly attributed it to you, when it was Misty who dragged your name and comment into the “ad” fray. I am sorry that I did not pay more attention to who said what before I responded. 🙂
No problem! Thanks for expressing a sane response to an insane person!
I guess you don’t really know any more than I do at this point. I just hope all these brave people who live in these places can stand up to the people who are trying to frac on their land and say no. I suppose the more information that is out there, the more people will insist on the truth.
Thank you for posting this article. For those opposing it, I question your motives. I have seen the heartache fracking causes families. And for the lady ranting about ads, are you serious?
Yes, You should be very scared…They keep it very quiet to the regular public about the effects. There are fracking protest groups in every state they frack. Join up people, get educated as to what this is doing to our precious earth and water. People power… it changes policy…WAKE-UP it is just for profit. Monsanto is dangerous also…get involved before it is too late!! Our soil is getting seriously depleted and grossly geneticly modified. They keep us in the dark so it is up to us to research and learn the real truth as to whats going on. Thats the same with the Tar- Sands pipeline they want us to believe it will help the U.S get more oil…it won’t.
I have to agree with this one… please let’s get educated. There are plenty of reliable sources in the world that will describe both the pros and cons of fracking without needing anyone to resort to “the newspaper of the party of socialism and liberation”.
Source of article: Liberation: Newspaper for the party of Socialism and Liberation. That concerns me. I’ve seen “Gasland” and “Fracknation”, read things on both sides and am still uncertain as to the truth of the matter. I do know that potentially contaminating ground water is never a good idea and Fracking seems to be the “Global Warming” issue all over again; secrets, lies, politics and money… LOTS of money.
Nonsense, The fluids are placed under ground, with sand to fracture the oil or gas bearing formation. It is then released back into tanks or a pit on the surface in order to allow the gas and oil to flow back to be produced. Yes I am serious. I feel that what is of far greater concern is the current practice of placing all fluids, Frac, and production water (sometimes called salt water) in an injection well. This is fluid which being “disposed of” by pumping into either an abandoned, non producing well, or into a well which has been drilled into a soft formation, often much shallower under the surface, where it has a much better chance of entering the aquifer. Oil and Natural gas are both known carcinogens, and you are exposed every time you put gas in your car. I would suspect that those who are becoming ill are doing so from exposure to petro chemicals from the oil and gas. Not from any secret chemicals which are added to “millions of gallons” of water and thousands of pounds of sand in very small quantities. I have delivered truck loads of Chemicals to drill locations. The bags I saw the most were labeled things like “wood chips,” and “bicarbonate of soda.” The MSDS which I am required to carry in the truck for things like diesel, oil, or WD 40, are not required for any frac fluid ingredients I have ever hauled. If they were harmful I would have known.
I’ve never even heard of this. Now I’m scared and curious!
Fracking may have been around but never at the level as today. Besides the health issue, everywhere Fracking has increased earthquakes have increased tremendously. In Arkansas near New Madrid, Fukishima, even Pa., D.C’s recent ones. All around Fracking scares the hell out of me!
@Donald Fracking since the 1970’s? Oh that makes it fine then. Are you serious with this statement? Like that is actually a long time? Fracking is like strip mining just underneath the ground. There is no way shooting millions of gallons of chemicals deep into the earth is fine long term. Do you deny the folks that are seriously ill and in some cases incapacitated. Fracking is environmentally irresponsible and the effects of this upon the environment are only just beginning to be realized. It must be stopped.
Sarah, I respect you, and your blog and find you to be a very knowledgeable and entertaining person. However I am afraid you may be reading this one wrong. Sorry, but fracking has been used since at least the 70’s, that I personally know of. The possibility that any Fracing fluids would find their way into ground water. is limited not by what chemicals are being used but much more by how well, the well casing is cemented into place. The only (as far as I know) documented case of frac fluids entering the ground water was here in colorado. Even in that case is was only a very small amount of actual fracing fluids and more a case of natural gas, entering the aquifer. That is not unknown of in this area as I know of water wells that tap into surface gas. I have seen kitchen faucets with the ability to burn since I was a kid. I believe that the “stop fracking” band wagon is just that a cause without any proof. but only another case of someone seeking donations, by crying wolf.
We have a lot of well drilling going on in our state too (WV) I’ve not heard of these problems here (thank goodness!) and we’ve had multiple wells done on our property (not by choice as we don’t own our mineral rights). It wasn’t util after they were done that I learned of these issues. I wonder what the reason is for all the issues elsewhere and not here. The main problems we have are them tearing up roads and dangerous driving issues.