Examination of fulvic acid in the diet including shilajit supplementation and whether it is truly beneficial to health and what contraindications and concerns to seriously consider before taking it.

As a kid, I always thought this was an insult. But now, I realize that even if a kid meant it that way, it actually isn’t such bad advice. Touch dirt. Feel dirt. Spend time in and with good dirt.
But also, in a real sense, eat dirt. Or, at least, eat certain things that make up good dirt. Soil-based probiotics. Nutrients and minerals. How about its other organic components?
Enter fulvic acid.
Acids play a very important part in healthy soil. Most people are familiar with humus – it is a carbon-based set of compounds (organic in chemistry jargon) that give healthy soil its deep, rich color.
Humus forms as plants and other living materials break down. Compost, like humus, is made up of decomposed organic material.
Organic acids such as humic and fulvic acid are some of the components resulting from this natural process of decay of plant and animal matter.
Fulvic vs. Humic Acid
While both fulvic and humic acid form through similar biological processes, they have a few key differences. Fulvic acid as a supplement is preferred over humic because it is far more reactive. This has to do with the differences between the two acids.
Most notably, fulvic acid is smaller in molecular size. This characteristic allows it to penetrate the cell membrane and even the mitochondria (powerhouse) within the cell. Humic acid cannot do this.
The low molecular weight of fulvic acids has higher oxygen but lower carbon content than high molecular weight humic acids.
Perhaps most importantly, humic acid is only water-soluble at higher pH values. By comparison, fulvic acids are soluble in water under all pH conditions. (1)
In plants and soils, both are used as bio-stimulants. In other words, they encourage optimal soil biology and other processes, increasing nutrient exchange and uptake in plants. (2)
Benefits and Uses
There is a fair amount of research on fulvic acid, though much more is needed. For instance, one study found it is an effective topical treatment for eczema. (3)
Another study found it may be beneficial against the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Because of its highly reactive nature, it may help remove heavy metals and other toxins from the body. (4)
Some of the best food sources of fulvic acid are organic vegetables and blackstrap molasses. Obtaining this nutrient from food is the safest way to go! More on this below.
With regard to fulvic supplements, however, many benefits are claimed, but unproven. This is especially true with its supposed benefits for athletes, muscle recovery, and performance. Buyer beware!
Fulvic acid advocates state that it results in better mineral absorption. The existing research agrees but with some important caveats and warnings.
Let’s explore these dangers and cautions in more depth. Anyone considering taking fulvic acid supplements should consider each of these very carefully first!
Fulvic Acid Cautions
There are a few different concerns in the research about fulvic acid. First, it can interact in a negative way with medications such as prescription pharmaceuticals.
It can also interact with natural medicines (herbal and otherwise) and various supplements.
Drug Contraindications
Fulvic acid may increase the risk of hemorrhage when taken with drugs that increase the risk of bleeding.
Some examples include aspirin, anticoagulants (blood thinners) such as warfarin (Coumadin®) or heparin, antiplatelet drugs such as clopidogrel (Plavix®), and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen (Motrin®, Advil®) or naproxen (Naprosyn®, Aleve®). (5)
Fulvic acid may also interact with agents for cancer or dementia, agents that alter immune function, anti-histamines, anti-inflammatories, antimicrobials, antivirals, arsenic, beta-blockers, hormonal agents, musculoskeletal agents, and thyroid hormones. (6)
That’s a really long list of drug contraindications!
Suffice it to say that if you take any sort of prescription or even over-the-counter drugs regularly, it would be very wise to consult with your practitioner before commencing any fulvic acid supplementation regimen.
Interaction with Herbs and Supplements
Natural substances can also interact negatively with ingested fulvic acid supplements. This is particularly worrisome given the rapid growth of functional foods and beverages in recent years.
The widespread availability and clever marketing of herb-containing foods and drinks have the effect that many consumers regularly ingest nutraceuticals that they might not otherwise choose to eat.
For example, because fulvic acid may increase the risk of bleeding, supplements that thin the blood such as ginkgo biloba may contribute to the problem just like blood-thinning drugs.
An estimated 2% of people knowingly consume ginkgo biloba supplements, but many more consume it unknowingly. (7)
Estrogenic Properties
Another caution is fulvic acid’s thyroid-suppressing properties. (8)
Taking it with food or herbs that have estrogen-like properties as well may result in a compounded or altered effect.
Fulvic acid may also interact with natural anti-histamines, anti-inflammatories, antimicrobials, antioxidants, anti-prions, antivirals, herbal tinctures, herbs and supplements for dementia and cancer, herbs and supplements that alter immune function, hormonal agents, minerals, musculoskeletal herbs and supplements, thyroid hormones, and vitamins.
Since a large percentage of people now rely on herbs at least seasonally to assist with various health conditions, the addition of fulvic acid to the diet could be problematic. For example, stinging nettle is a very popular herb for fertility teas.
Many people use it for seasonal allergies as well due to its powerful anti-histamine effects.
Beware especially if you are already dealing with thyroid or other hormone disruption issues.
Other Concerns
Because fulvic acid is a highly reactive substance, some health practitioners are concerned about its impact on severe conditions such as cancer.
If someone takes it at high doses or for prolonged periods, this increases the concerns.
Also, this high reactivity is especially problematic if you combine fulvic acid supplements with the consumption of chlorinated tap water.
The reaction creates trihalomethanes (THMs) and MXs (Unknown Mutagens), a known cancer risk even at low levels of exposure. (9)
With all of the above concerns, it bears repeating to make sure you consult your health care professional if you decide to use fulvic acid.
Even if you get the green light to use fulvic acid therapeutically as part of your diet, there is still another issue to be aware of.
Product Purity
The final concern with fulvic acid and fulvic acid supplements is purity. Manufacturers obtain fulvic acid from concentrated deposits found in and under the earth. These deposits may occur in areas with high concentrations of heavy metals, radioactive ores, and other contaminants.
For instance, one fulvic acid supplement tested at a startlingly high amounts of lead and arsenic. (10)
Dr. Lawrence Wilson MD warns against taking fulvic acid due to toxic metals which will harm the liver. (11, 12)
The contamination problem prompted Canada to issue a warning to consumers over this and a number of other such supplements. (13)
Are there possibly super clean fulvic supplements? Perhaps. But is it worth the risk to try and find one and take it anyway?
Consider how many supplements and powders considered safe have tested positive for contamination over the past few years. Spirulina is a prime example.
Fulvic acid is very much a supplement where the cure is (potentially) worse than the disease!
Beware Himalayan Shilajit
Even if you are a savvy consumer and know to avoid fulvic acid supplements for the above reasons, be aware that some companies do not clearly label when their products contain it in significant amounts.
One example is whole shilajit powder, pills, and capsules. Mumijo paste is another commonly used name.
In its raw form, shilajit is a sticky, tar-like, mineral-rich substance pressed out from within layers of mountainous rock. Some manufacturers even market it as a superfood due to its use in Ayurvedic medicine. (14)
Modern shilajit products contain 2-6% fulvic acid. However, most consumers of this product do not know this!
The packaging usually just says “Shilajit”, “Himalayan Shilajit Powder”, or “Shilajit Extract”.
If you choose to use shilajit, be sure of their purity.
Do not accept the company’s word for it. Insist on lab tests that verify purity!
Also note that “Himalayan shilajit” likely comes from Pakistan, similar to the marketing ploy used for Himalayan sea salt. (15)
Also, it is best to consult with your practitioner for any contraindications for your particular condition.
Concluding Thoughts
So, where does all this leave us?
For a few conditions that have clear research supporting fulvic acid’s efficacy, it might be wise to consider trying it as another natural approach.
I would suggest only doing this IF I could find a brand that had tight testing protocols to ensure purity and other approaches were tried first but didn’t help.
Until more research is in, while I am all for eating dirt, I am a bit cautious about eating decomposing, highly reactive by-products of microbiological decay!
But under the right circumstances, I would possibly recommend someone use it on their plants and soil since that is where this stuff truly belongs!

(1, 2) Fulvic Acid FAQ
(3) Randomized, parallel-group, double-blind, controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of carbohydrate-derived fulvic acid in topical treatment of eczema
(4) Fulvic acid inhibits aggregation and promotes disassembly of tau fibrils associated with Alzheimer’s disease
(5, 6) Fulvic Acid Drug Interactions
(7) Blood Thinning Properties of Ginkgo
(8) How Do Adaptogenic Herbs Benefit Hashimoto’s?
(9) Drinking water contaminants
(10) FDA Advises Consumers Not to Use Fulvic Care Powder and Tablets from Black Oxygen Organics Due to Elevated Levels of Lead and Arsenic
(11) Chemical Toxicity and Its Correction
(12) Liver Detoxification
(13) Health Canada Warns Consumers Not to Use Certain Ayurvedic Medicinal Products
(14) Ayurvedic shilajit supplement found to contain alarmingly high levels of Lead, Arsenic, and Aluminum
(15) The Pakistani Mine Where Most of the World’s Pink Himalayan Sea Salt Comes From
Does fulvic acid in eye drops help with eye floaters?
Shilajit has been used for god knows how many years by many civilizations and is an ayervedic rasayana. The rishis knew way more back then than what little modern science can muster up right now with our ‘advancements’ and sophisticated ‘technology’.
All science gets debunked by science. In 50 years everything will be rewritten, but the rishis eternal wisdom will live on forever.
Stay healthy!
Thank you for the reviews!
I am sorry I did not read these before spending money on Restore supplement. I took it for a week and had to stop due to neck/back pain, feeling very anxious!
Thanks for this review. I hope I’m not too late to get involved in this discussion. I have recently become interested in fulvic acid (FA) and have come to a similar conclusion as you regarding the potential risk of heavy metal contamination as well as other environmental contaminants. I am also concerned about the lack of rigorous clinical trials to support the many positive, anecdotal, claims that are made.
As I continued digging through the data however, I have discovered a newer carbohydrate derived – fulvic acid (CHD-FA) that is processed in a lab. CHD-FA seems to pocess many of the positive attributes of naturally occurring FA without the contaminants. There also appear to be a handful of published clinical trials to help support its safety and efficacy. Many of these studies have been conducted at the University of South Africa in Pretoria and funding was originally supported by a grant from the South Africa government.
This looks interesting to me. Do you have any thoughts on CHD-FA?
Hi there, I have been using CHD FA for many years. There is many companies out there that have done none of their own research, and piggy back on others research and patents.
My health food store recommended fulvic acid as an electrolyte supplement. It stopped the uncomfortable sensations my legs would have after a day of hard uphill hiking. Later I discovered that taking ionic sea minerals after a hike did the same thing, so maybe I’ll just stick with that.
i had a bad feeling about using fulvic acid, gut feeling i shouldn’t buy this product i was considering because it had fulvic acid in it…
i get dr. axe’s emails and he as well as others talk about eating dirt and playing in dirt, and it amazes me! with all the chemtrails that get are sprayed all over this country and i should eat, or my family wanna eat dirt, or play in it with all the chemicals they spray on this earth?? i don’t think so and many of my family and friends feel the same way…doesn’t make sence to us..love your site,and info….thank you…
I just read an article on Mercola’s site regarding hydration articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/05/06/how-to-hydrate-at-the-cellular-level.aspx and in the article Dr. Bush recommends RESTORE which is a Terahydrite Humic substance plus amino acids. I am trying to determine if this falls into the category of possible side effects like you describe above. thank you for always gatherine such great information for your readers.
I take Organixx MultiVitaMaxx which has fulvic and humid acid added. However all the other supplements I take are not herbal (dessicated liver, cod liver oil, etc) would this still be a concern? I would assume this brand of high repute would not have the purity concerns but I’m at a loss as to what to use besides this as I really seem to notice a positive difference.
I would not assume anything just because a brand has a reputation for being good quality. Double and triple check the sources for what you are taking. Also, it’s not just herbals on that list but many OTC meds and prescription meds. Even ibuprofen and aleve. If it helps you, that is great! Just be sure to do your homework on where the fulvic acid is being sourced.
Thanks John for going into the potential downside of fulvic acid. All the alternative sites that promote it just have rosy things to say. Knowing both sides and the side effects is very helpful in making a decision whether to take it or not. For me, I’m going to pass!
Wow, thank you for this article! A while ago I got a bottle of “Raw Shilajit Capsules” by Sunfood Superfoods, after reading about the amazing health benefits of fulvic acid in Dr. Josh Axe’s book “Eat Dirt”. After starting to take one capsule a day I noticed they were making me anxious and feeling “speed up”. I tried taking them a few times but I kept getting the same reaction. Since it wasn’t a cheap supplement and I didn’t want to throw it away I gave it to my husband (we are both 35, healthy and don’t take any medications). He began to experience digestive complains but somehow we didn’t make the connection until I just read this article, for which I’m very grateful. I’ll stick to my soil-based probiotics, raw kefir/ yogurt and sauerkraut from now on.
Good call!