I’ve been receiving numerous emails and queries within my community recently about the GAPS Diet versus Autoimmune Paleo (AIP) for reversing autoimmune disease.
It is exciting that more and more people are choosing to take responsibility for their health by seeking a dietary approach to heal and seal the gut in order to put autoimmune issues of all kinds into remission!
It is also very encouraging to have multiple healing diets like GAPS and AIP available for people to choose from in order to architect an approach to wellness that best suits each person’s budget and lifestyle.
In order to clear up some of the confusion between these two healing diets for reversing autoimmune disease, GAPS and Autoimmune Paleo, I’ve asked Melanie Christner, NTP of Honest Body to outline the two diets at their most basic level and discuss the primary differences between the two.
It is important to remember that GAPS and AIP are both healing diets, meaning they are *temporary* and not designed as a lifelong endeavor. In other words, the ultimate goal of GAPS and AIP is to heal, put autoimmune disease in remission, and resume normal eating within the context of the Traditional Diet that makes the most sense for each individual.
With that, let’s launch into a more detailed discussion of the GAPS Protocol and Autoimmune Paleo. Take it away, Melanie!
What is the GAPS Diet?
GAPS stands for Gut And Psychology Syndrome. It makes a connection between the health of the digestive tract (permeability, balance of microbes, inflammation, etc.) and the health of the nervous system and the rest of the body. GAPS was developed by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, a medical doctor and neurologist, with a master’s in nutrition. She outlines the diet in detail in her book Gut and Psychology Syndrome.
GAPS is a three-part protocol which includes:
- Therapeutic diet (see GAPS protocol recipes at the provided link).
- Supplementation
- Detoxification therapies
The dietary component of GAPS is based on the 100-year-old Specific Carbohydrate Diet diet (SCD), a proven diet that was developed to help autistic children. The GAPS diet focuses on healing and sealing the gut lining by removing all food stressors for an extended time, and treating with foods like therapeutic bone broth, as well as helping the gut flora rebalance with fermented foods and probiotics.
Supplementation is not heavy, but important. Detoxification therapies include juicing, and detox baths. Practices like saunas and enemas are encouraged.
Typically one who is serious about the GAPS Protocol goes through the 6 stage Introduction Diet first (usually 3 – 4 weeks) and then moves on to the Full GAPS Diet for 18 months to 2 years. This allows the body to gradually and safely rebalance and replenish nutrient stores while at the same time detoxifying and repairing the damage.
Foods Excluded on GAPS
Processed Food (canned & packaged foods)
Emulsifiers and Thickeners (guar gum, carrageenan, etc.)
Refined Oils
Refined Sugars
Grains (soaked & fermented grains are allowed when transitioning OFF GAPS)
Some legumes (lentils & great northern beans are allowed after Intro)
What is the Autoimmune Paleo Diet (AIP)?
AIP stands for the Autoimmune Paleo Diet. In its basic form, it is an elimination diet that has a permanent component based on Paleo or Primal eating. The goal of the AIP is to eliminate foods that cause inflammation and dampen the autoimmune response of the body attacking its own tissues.
AIP was originally developed by Loren Cordain PhD. Sarah Ballantyne PhD was attracted to AIP through her research and has now become a leading expert in Paleo Autoimmune issues. The diet is discussed in her book, The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body.
Foods that are out permanently during and after Autoimmune Paleo include:
- Processed Food
- Emulsifiers and Thickeners (guar gum, carrageenan, etc.)
- Refined Oils
- Refined Sugars
- Grains (including corn)
- Dried Legumes (including soy and peanuts)
- Stevia (and other non-nutritive sweeteners)
There is a strict 30 Day elimination period on Autoimmune Paleo that eliminates and then reintroduces (as the body allows without symptoms returning) the following:
- Eggs
- Dairy
- Nuts (including nut-based fats like peanut oil)
- Seeds (including coffee and cocoa and seed-based fats like hemp seed oil)
- Nightshades (both vegetables and spices)
- Fresh Legumes (green beans and green peas)
- Alcohol
- Fruit-based and Seed-based Spices
How are GAPS and Autoimmune Paleo Similar?
Both diets start with an elimination component and require that you listen to your body for cues as you slowly reintroduce foods that are allowed on the “full” list.
Both can be mishandled, meaning it is possible to not eat enough of the healing foods (fermented foods, bone broth, organ meats, seafood and lots of vegetables) and focus too much on “approved” baked goods, fruit, etc.
Both eliminate processed foods permanently – processed foods have contributed to our current health crisis in the first place. They also both eliminate grains, most legumes, refined oils, & refined sweeteners.
Both place an emphasis on working with diet first, before looking deeper into issues that may need targeted supplementation.
Both eliminate nuts and seeds in the introductory stages, but GAPS introduces egg yolks early on (if tolerated) and nut/seed butter in later Intro stages
Both have practitioners who have trained to be specialized in their respective implementation. (And both have related blogs with great recipes & information!)
How are GAPS and Autoimmune Paleo Different?
GAPS has six stages to its Introductory diet. Stage 1 starts with a diet that is suitable for the most compromised digestive systems and those suffering from diarrhea.
AIP elimination portion of the diet is a group of the same foods that are eaten for 30 days.
GAPS was developed by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, a medical doctor and neurologist, with a master’s in nutrition.
AIP was originally developed by scientist, Loren Cordain PhD. Sarah Ballantyne PhD was attracted to AIP through her research and has now become a leading advocate of Autoimmune Paleo.
GAPS eliminates certain methods of food preparation on the Intro diet. In order for gut healing to take place, raw fibrous foods (which can exacerbate a compromised digestive tract) are out, but raw fermented vegetable juice is introduced in tiny amounts from the beginning.
AIP doesn’t make a distinction for cooking methods such as the GAPS recommendation to eliminate the use of a microwave oven.
GAPS allows ghee and then 24-hour fermented dairy fairly early in the Introduction diet (as long as it is tolerated).
AIP eliminates all dairy for 30 full days.
GAPS allows for nightshades in the later Introduction stages, as well as nut and seed butter.
AIP eliminates all nuts, seeds & nightshades for the duration of 30 Days.
GAPS is meant to be a protocol followed for 18 – 24 months, followed by a careful reintroduction of new potatoes, and then soaked rice and fermented grains (like sourdough) are slowly incorporated. This is of course bio-individual and best attempted under the care of a GAPS Certified Practitioner who can ensure steady progress with no backsliding into autoimmune symptoms.
AIP is a protocol meant for 1 – 12 (+/-) months, depending on how slowly reintroductions of regular Paleo foods are made. Grains are never reintroduced, which can prove both a budgetary and psychological hardship for many people. Reintroduction of eliminated foods is also very bio-individual.
Top 5 Distinctions of GAPS
- Emphasis on healing foods like bone broth & ferments
- Key supplements introduced after first 3 stages
- Introduction diet begins with foods suitable for chronic diarrhea
- Nutrient stores are allowed time to replenish over 18 – 24 months
- Emphasis on natural forms of detoxification, such as juicing, enemas (including coffee enema), infrared sauna, sweating, cleansing baths like epsom salt soaks
Top 5 Distinctions of Autoimmune Paleo (AIP)
- Eliminates problem foods, like nightshades & nuts, for 30 Days
- Emphasis on autoimmune remission
- Nightshade, seed-based & fruit-based spices are eliminated
- Eggs are eliminated for a full 30 Days…no baked goods
- All dried legumes are eliminated
So, Which is Better? GAPS or AIP?
The good news: Both AIP & GAPS are full of nourishing, real foods. This fact alone means that much improvement can be gained from either approach.
On the other hand, GAPS was developed by a medical doctor with a Master’s in Nutrition who has years of hands-on clinical experience dealing with autoimmune compromised patients which adds much credibility to this approach. I will admit to a personal and professional preference for the GAPS Diet as this is the protocol that brought a lot of healing to my own family.
Moreover, the GAPS Protocol offers additional aspects that I believe to be vitally important to recovery from autoimmune disease. GAPS also offers an effective process for reintroducing grains into the diet once the gut is healed, something many people feel is important not only to overall food enjoyment and satisfaction but also to the maintenance of a realistic and affordable food budget over the long term.
I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with either the AIP or the GAPS Protocol. Real, nourishing food, made with love, is always a good thing!
Have you ever undertaken either GAPS or Autoimmune Paleo? If so, what were your experiences and observations?
More Information
Overwhelmed by the GAPS Diet? Help Has Arrived
How to Speed Healing and Shorten Time on the GAPS Diet
Using Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Autoimmune Disease
The Five Most Common GAPS Diet Mistakes
GAPS Diet Heals Ulcerative Colitis
Hannah’s Story: 2 Years on GAPS Diet Heals Autism
Chronic Stomach Pain and Bloating Gone!
You say you have to make the decision to be off processed food for life. I just wondered if you are invited to family or friends homes can you eat their food if it is not organic grassfed or pastured?
If you are on GAPS, you will need to avoid that situation or eat before you go and then just have a few things that are allowed. Otherwise, you will bring back symptoms in a hurry.
I have a question regarding the detox baths. Is it wise to stick to the same kind all week or should you rotate which detox baths to do.?
I have candida overgrowth, histamine intolerance, high heavy metal count in my body especially in my kidneys. So I am having problems with basically everything u are supposed to consume to heal. So do you have any idea what I can do?
Hello! This article (and your whole website) has been quite helpful to me recently. I was just diagnosed with MS, and have been interested in the role of diet as a way of managing my disease progression. I still don’t quite get the difference between the two diets. They sound so similar but AIP has autoimmune right there in the title. Do you have any suggestions as to which would be a better approach for someone trying to manage MS?
I found this article very helpful! The past year I’ve been getting sicker and sicker. It started with an upset stomach everyday but now it’s not only that but my whole body has started to break out in itchy hives rashes and acne. At this point after all the research I’ve done all my symptoms point to a yeast overgrowth. I really would love to try the GAPS Diet since I love bread too much to give it up for good but the problem is I’m vegetarian and I refuse to ever eat a animal or animal products. Would I be able to do this diet as a vegetarian?
Unfortunately not. This diet has no effective modification for vegetarians. It is very difficult to heal the gut on a vegetarian diet, by the way, and I know of no protocol that is effective eating this way.
My question is probably on the gaps diet which I am starting the Candida diet which so far has made me very sick and I haven’t even completely started it yet. I will probably try to combine the two he’s all sound very similar to each other . My question is what do I do for protein on these diets? I also have kidney disease I have to have a low protein diet because of that and I have to have plant protein over animal protein because animal proteins very hard on the kidneys. In the past I’ve relied on nuts and legumes for my protein Source but if I can’t have those what do I do? Also starting on this diet is it supposed to make you sick? all I have done is cut back on the starch and pretty much cut out the sugar except for there’s still some of my condiments so I haven’t fully started this diet but I woke up one morning with absolute violent Tremors and shaking 102.3 fever missed work that day woke up the next morning felt great for 2 days and then on the fourth day I woke up same thing chills fever aching fever with 102.3 again only this time when I got up to go to the bathroom I almost passed out. Is any of this normal for detoxing?
I would like to see how you can do either protocol along with the homeopathic remedies which Joette Calabrese offers in Good Gut Bad Gut class.
For example when do you implement aethusa which is to help with dairy intolerance, or when do you implement bovista ?
Great, easy-to-understand comparison of the two diets. I have done the Whole 30 (a stricter version of traditional paleo but not as rigid as AIP), and I noticed dramatic improvement in some of my autoimmune symptoms. I don’t think grain will ever be something I can eat again, but when you finally discover what’s been causing you grief, you really don’t miss it that much once you get over the initial withdrawal. Thanks for posting!
Personally the auto immune diet is what has helped me heal so many health issues. I am not able to add back in many things as some can but actually by doing the diet was able to notice some choices that are healthy and many can do on the diet that i can not. I am ok with never eating the foods i have eliminated again if it means being well and feeling better. All of the people i know personally with all different health issues are unable to stay well if they do not follow a strict auto immune protocol. If they keep nightshades or legumes or certain things in for convenience or preference or cheat or add things back in they do not stay well.
Great article! Very helpful. I still have some confusion with legumes. Can legumes be reintroduced after healing has happened on the AIP diet? I have heard, very clearly, that gluten, grains and for some people nightshades should be eliminated permanently. It is unclear what the rule is for legumes. My alternative medicine doctor suggested that I add in legumes back into my diet -but, I have been hesitant to do this. I’d be interested on hearing thoughts about legumes.
In my view, yes … legumes can be reintroduced, but the Paleo diet frowns on legumes. Why, not sure as they’ve been consumed for thousands of years and it is speculative what exactly cavemen ate anyway but it is likely they ate legumes as they ate what they hunted and gathered. Grains, for example, have been found in paleolithic firepits so the claim that cavemen didn’t eat grains is patently false. I’m always extremely skeptical of diets that demonize whole foods that humans have consumed for millenia. Temporarily getting off them to heal for a time .. makes sense. But to stay off them forever with the claim that humans shouldn’t eat them is an eyebrow raiser IMO.